Monday, March 30, 2009


I am looooooving the weather.....!!!

5ayal I'll jaw mo 9ij mo 9ij ....7ada mal ag3ad ib cafe wala shay !

I'm not joking bs china jaw london oo elkil agrees with me....don't u 2 ?

Inshalla bs yibga chethe oo mayi3tifis lene 7adi mishta6a 3alai ;)))


  1. eljaw mo 6abeeeeeeee3y mal ga3da baraaaaa o 7ash o gargaaa :P bs dawam weeee3 :(
    bss enshalla belail ekon 7elo ba3aaad :**

  2. yeah we only need a post with 6alal singing in the rain and meeting his soulmate in london or kuwait ;)

    please i really miss him :(
    I hate Feras he is getting on my nerves with all the lovey dovey stuff be a man :)

  3. LOOOOOL i agree with anonymous i want talal to be singing in the rain hehe

    but please do ignore anonymous and leave feras and all the lovey dovey romantic parts eheh;)


  4. El jaaw elyum 3ajeeeeb! el 9ib7 kan hawa 7eelu ow shwaya bard bs ba3dain the rain gharagna in skol! seba7na men el mo6ar! el shewarii3 ghargaa! I was a mess;p I actually think chena jaw switzerland shwaya lama i9eer bard ow mu6ar ow hawa! aaah I love the weather enshallah yeg3ad the whole weeek!

  5. the weather here in dubai is FREAKY!! atrawaa3 ! alllah y3een ily they drive to Uni

  6. OMG!! thats exactly what i told my bratty little sister before i read this post ;p
    il mu6aaaaaaar ilyouum mu 6abee3y... mu bes tisaba7naa ;p
    - il Shei5a
    ps; I Adore your blog! keep it up ;*
    its the most addicting, the one that drives my tech. teacher crazy because i keep reading the blog instead of doing my work! ;p

  7. Luluty: ee 7ada dawam waaaaaaaaaai3...;)

    Anon: oo we got a 6alal lover....interesting ;p

    Hoya: hehe 3ad killish i cant imagine 6alal dancing in the rain..;))

    exquisite:loool ee ana b3d kint a mess elyoum... oo inshalla it stays chethe ...!!

    S.crime: loooooool y3ne 7attan dubai b3d...!!! bs wanasa the rain oo the breeze is refreshing

    ilshei5a: hehe shai6ana..tigrain blclass...;p

  8. you bet you have 6alal lovers if you would like me to open a fan club i would be very willing :)
    but you have to give more details and some pictures to start with ;p

  9. Haya: lat5afeen you'll know about 6alal aaaalooooooot bs you'll hv 2 wait shwaya..;*

  10. goolay mashalaa bacher yt7awal '3baar.
    3aadi il kuwait il f9ool il arba3 ib youm wa7d.
    ooo 2day il jaw 9ij london.
    alaah london.
    3ad ana g3adt ib caffe o drast 9ij il wa'63 7iloo.
    bas driving in the rain e5aar3 :S

  11. hehehe... eeeeh walaaa eyanneeen el jaaw oo el youm wanasaa hawaa m3aa mu6aar ma3a bredeiy !! 7adeey kent mestansaa ;) ;p

  12. seriously? there's more talal action!!? oh no, this is not good.. im gonna jump to conclusions and create my own version of this story;p

  13. Nada: MASHALLAH.....hehe ayshay walla el'3bar...;)oo ee ilnas miyaneen blswaga mn'3air shay oo ma3 mo6ar allah yistir

    Zainey: ee 3ajeeb oo sha5bari bredi mnziman manizal 3alaina...bilwinter makan chethe..hehe

    nora: hmmmm....patience ;*
