"y3ne ibnaya matabeek.....law kanat tabeek chan marif'6itik.....!!! 5ala9 hid lebnaya ib 7alha....elzawaj mo '3a9ib ya !!!!!"
I looked at him and saw him absorbing what i was saying. And something in his expression changed, there wasnt anger there was......hurt !! Hurt of being rejected , oo 9ij enna 3ady wayid et9eer bs enna ur friend yi56ib your x-5a6eeba .......thats humliating. I understood how he might be feeling right now....7adi fahim oo 3ashan chethe ana sakit. Ooo jad mo7aab elle ga3d e9eer baina y3ne ana oo 6alal 7abayib mnziman....oo ma knt abeeha to9al laihaldaraja. bs enna ya5ith 7abeebty miny..hatha 3mry maknt ra7 a5aleee e9eer 7atta law kan agrab ensan.....ana a7ib lulu oo lulu it7ibne oo together we belong.
6alal nodded his head slowly and took a deep breath,
"y3ne ehya ref'6atne 3ashanik....."
"oo sheno ehya et3arfik gabel ma at8adamlaha....."
"ee gabil...."
"3ayal laish wafi8at 3alai.....mane gader afham...."
"kan fe moshkila 7azat'ha bs 7alainaha....."
"y3ne wafi8at 3alai 3nad 3alaik enta....."
"emm..la2....y3ne 9ar fe 5ilaf baina oo ibwagt'ha ti8adamt enta fa wafi8at...."
"ahhh....." he said nodding his head slowly.
"6alal.....enta o5oy oo a3izik oo makint abe halshay e9eer bainatna...."
He stayed quiet for a moment, "ehya t7ibik......"
i smiled and recalled when she kissed my cheek and whispered "7ayate" to me oo 6alal smiled back at me. fihamne.....
"oo enta t7ibha......"
"akbar daleel enne batzawajha......a3ti8id hatha kafee...." i smiled back at him.
"ee wallah 9adma youm 3iraft ennik btitzawaj......wain feras elle m3ari'6 fikrat elzaawaj oo enna bi'6il 3zoobe....haa....."
I laughed and scratched my head, "b3d.....hehe"
"wa'6i7 ennha mo mn na9eebe ......oo allah ehaneekom .....bs ib shar6...."
I looked at him expectantly. "sheno...."
"enna lulu etdawirle marra 3ala eedha...." he smiled back.
I went over to him and wacked his shoulder, "walah ehimik....7a'6reen lil'3alyeen ....!!"
I felt relief wash over me, im so happy that i cleared things out with 6alal. oo wallah enna 5osh walad oo inshallah yitzawaj wa7da tistahla. We headed over to the duwaniya all jokes and laughs wala china tawa 6agne el2a5....
I reached out to touch my swollen jaw which was throbbing like hell, "wallah 6ila3t mo hayin enta oo boxatik....hehe"
"ee esh3abalik....a'6ab6ik..." he winked back at me.
Dashaina eldiwaniya oo solafna oo te'3ashmarna oo li3abna kot oo rab3a oo chfna embarat......wala chena 9ar shay barra. si2alny cham wa7id 3n wayhi oo gltlohom enna 6ayi7 mn elsreer......y3ne shagool. fi9law 3alai 6ab3an, oo elle egool lazim e7i6oonle sreer bl7awajiz, aw enne anam 3l ar'6 .....y3ne elzibda....mas5aroni....!! Ooo 6alalo fa9il weyahom m3 wayha...
kinna ga3deen sowalif walla etdig 3alai lulu.....
"yallah shabab ana mashe......themallah....." i said as i headed out to my car.
"Aloo.....9a7 elnom....."
"hehe.....allah e9a7eek...."
"hehe walashay......."
"emmm enzaaaain.....meta ga3adtai...."
"gabil shwy wallah....knt mitlaysha....."
"laish...lahaldaraja ta3abtich elyoum..." i joked.
"laaaaa msta7eel at3ab minnik....a9lan weyak ana ansa elta3ab....."
"offff offf offff .....laaaa feee 7ache yideed achoof....mn gadi....hehe.."
"feras....9ij ennik yahil....."
"adry....ilkil egoole...tawa elrabi3 bldiwaniya e8tar7aw enne anam 3la sreer bo7awajiz mal elyahal....t9adgeen..."
"hehe ambaaaii.....waaaaai cute.....!!!"
"sheno cute entay ilthanya....chayfatne yahil....."
"eee waaaai 3ashan adal3ik oo awaklik....wai wai cuuuuuteeee...!!!!"
"mmm dam enna chethe 3ayal yalla yahil wala ehimich.....agool lulu......"
"hmm gool....."
"abeech etdawreenle marra......"
"SHENO......?!? masema3t 3adil....3eed 3eed......"
"hahahhahahahaa....a39abich yabnaya....yuba mo 7agi sheno chayfatne maynoon wala maynoon....."
"mo 7agi.....shlon ahid gomar ana gooleele....."
"hehe....ya galbi.....enzain magitle 7ag meno...."
"ay 6alal...."
"b3d ay 6alal......6alal 5a6eebich ilawele..."
"awalan 3mra makan 5a6eebe...enta ilawal oo ila5eer....thanyan....6ALAL...!?!?"
"ee 6alal...shfeeha y3ne..."
"madry '3areeba y3ne....7asait enna byikrahne b3d elle sawaita fee...."
"laa yuba ....ana kalamta elyoum oo makan fee shay.....bl3ks yabeech etdawreenla marra......"
"ya7laila wallah......tara wallah enna 5osh walad oo kil bnaya titmanaa....."
"agool tara ana lail7een 3l 5a6 y3ne...."
"hehe....waaai a7ibik....!!!!! enzain adawerla 3ayal.....wanasa...!!!"
"7asha mo 9a7ya.....hehe.....agool lulu lazim asika lena badig 3al walda a7anich 3alaiha shwy....."
"haw laish......hehe...."
"bs chethe....abeeha tista3jile ib sha'3la......akalmich b3dain okay 3mry...."
"okay ya galbi.....bye.."
Sakart elphone mn feras oo ge3adt asawe my hw's oo thakart shwaya lene 7adi i'm behind. Kint mindamja wala ommi etdish 3alai.
Nigazt nagza......."Wai...bsmillah 5ara3teene...."
She came and sat on my bed laughing, "goolay sakart eltelephone mn mino tawa...."
"mmmm madry meno....."
"om fahad....."
Haa....??? meno om fahad....meno....meno......OM FERAS....!!!!
"eeeee....." i answered with a wide smile.
"wallah wayid 7laiwa et'6a7ik ya7lailha......"
ooookay oo b3dain.......
"ee embayin 3alaiha...."
"elmohim......ra7 ezooroona 3ugub bacher yi56iboonich......."
i sat up straight on my bed, "SHENOOOOO.........NA3AMMMM......!!!"
"haw shfeech...yanaitay.....byoon 3gub bacher shfeech......"
"yumaaaa.....sheno 3gub bacher....bsir3a....."
moo china feras galle b3d esboo3 chethe.....mn esboo3 la yomain....wallah feras mo 9a7e....hehe
oo ena7shne elyoum .....y3ne akeed 7anach 3ala omma 3adil.....tsk tsk wallah hal walad....hehe
"ana giltlaha....bs etgool enna waladha yannanha ...la3wazha maskeena...hehe....ya7laila..."
" ohwa mit5arij mn amreeka oo yishti'3l ib sharikat obo......oo wayid yimdi7oona....5osh walad...."
"ee ya7laila...."
abai 7adi madry shagool....y3ne i know all this stuff moo shay yideed.....
"3ad sam3a enna mazyoun elwalad bs mo chayfita ana......"
mazyoun oo bas...!!!! e3a8id........edawi5.......eyanin......!!!!!!!!!
"ee ....mazyoun elwalad....."
"ana chaifa omma oo mashalla 7ilwa ma3inha 3oda y3ne......"
"ee wayid 7ilwa oma mashala...."
"okay 3ayal...." she said as she stood up. "ana kalamt obooch oo inshalla beyoon 3gb bacher...."
"okay...mama...." i smiled back at her. I followed her 'till she got out oo b3dain i grabbed my phone oo dialed feras's number.
Bs makan erid....akeed lail7een 3nd omma wala ahala oo mayigdar erid.....
i sent him a msg
My One
Feraaaaaaas....3ugub bacher ?!?...r u nuts....;)))))
sent 11:04pm
My phone flashed,
1 msg received
My One
rec. 11:10pm
I sent him another msg
My One
feraaaaaaaaaas......1 week a7san....mayamdeene chethe....
sent 11:14pm
1 msg received
My One
rec. 11:28pm
waaaaaaaaaaaai 3ala halwalad.....hehe
My One
feras plz mn 9iji wallah.....;))
sent 11:30pm
1 msg rec.
My One
oo ana b3d....a7ibich....!!!
My One
feraaaaaaaaaas.....waaaaaaaaai....rid 3alai.....
sent 11:35pm
1 msg.rec.
rec. 11:40pm
hehe...mako fayda....i give up....
My One
i love u 2.....feras...i love u 2 ;**
sent 11:45pm
P.S. 3anooda if u read this goleele shlon a7i6 the 3addad thing ille egoolich the # of visitors elle ezooroon the blog....u hv it ib ur blog oo eshta6ait 3alai ;D
Thank you.....
Luv u ........;**
6 years ago
you posted!!!!;**
ReplyDeletelet me read nw!!;D
exquisite: hehe....yalla read ;))
ReplyDeleteokay so wow! laa laa wow shwaya! ambaaay 3ajeeeeeb el post!!! khayaaal! 7ada it was worth the wait!;D
ReplyDeleteso eeh 6alal 3ala ely sawah ya7laila ya3ne metfahem hmm i thnk i like him after all khalas ya7laila bs i like feras akthaaaar! way feras mu 9ij khayaaaal! hehe wayed mesta3yel allah ehadaa;p
i was smiling throughout the post 9ij eyaanin! ya36eech el 3afyaah;)
thaanks for the amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaziiing post;*****
exquisite: hehe glad inna u liked it hun ;*
ReplyDeletei7im i7im i think i hate lulu :P
la mara7 agoul wat im thinking :$
bas ;)
person: hate mara wa7da....la ana chethe az3l ya person....;p shesalfa fahmeene....;)
ReplyDelete5ou she aint u :P fa 3adi!!
ReplyDeleteba3dain afahmich tawni rada min uni oo 7adi imsa6la :P
person: oh geratit'ha closi madry shlon ;p ilmohim laish il'3eera ya person ;p oo ttl ray7ay .....
ReplyDeleteshino asawee fi a green monster living inside of me and as hard as i try to maintain full control of his actions he can take over me sometimes :( plus plus KILA MINICH :@ u make feras too damn i cant control my inner jealousy =/
alaaah eetamim 3alaaihum inshalaaaaaaah :* :P hehehehe feraaaaaaaaaas fa9il.. :P gaathii :P !!!! '6aaa7knii...
ReplyDeleteoo misa3a galbit ma9rii le2nnii fa9laa.. :P !! hehehe
Person: ya entay oo eljelousy....ma3abir ;p
ReplyDeleteR: thnx hun oo 2mro i'll post ;)
7aleeb kakaw: haha 7asait innich kntay fa9la....;D oo feras 7ada gaaathi...!!
LOOOOOOL FERAS! 9ej 9ej maynoun o eyanen!
ReplyDeleteThanks 3ala el post;* Love it!
wonderland: hehe 7ada maynoon ilwalad..;p oo thnx hun...;**
ReplyDeletelaa moo ay fa9laa.. :P hathii il fa9laa ily itkooneen im5ansaa oo tabeen itnameeen.. :P im9a6laa.. :P !! hehehehe...
ReplyDeleteaderii inii 6ama3aa bss fee post thanii ilyoum (A) !!?
7aleeb kakaw: awalan ee adry ib halfa9la bs ana aglib 3rby fo97a y3ne "ya elahe.." oo rab3a loool;p thanyan laa ya galbi i'll post 2mro ;*
ReplyDeletehehehe.. LooooooooooL.. ana 3arbyy fo97a it9eeer bil madrissa.. :P wella asta3bi6 oo aklim il teachers libananii.. hehehe :P !!
ReplyDeletehehe okaaay.. cant waaait :** !! thnx anyways.. ilyoum was agr8 one.. mwaaah !
7aleeb kakaw: ;D
ReplyDelete7adich 7adich @@
ReplyDeleteclosi kabray 3aglich suwalif yahal ma nabi yallllllla rou7ay minak ashouf
m2bi ashouf wayhich
LOOOOOL dont freak out i always say these 3 sentences wara ba3ath oo in the most malhum shighil places :P
agolich feras ma 3inda a younger bro??
i really really reaaally loved the post!!
ReplyDeleteand most of all it's long which is great!
and I wanna a guy like Feraas he's ravishing!!:*
person: l2 lil2asaf....bs tadreen enna feras reads the story...;)))
ReplyDeleteFinicky: ya entay oo "ravishing"....hehe...inshalla itlageen mina ;*
ReplyDeleteferas exists in REALITY @@
i7im i7im person turns down the fa9laness a notch
person plays ithgila :P
tara lulu has a funny nose ;)
* feras gives person a look ina aha?*
*person yinga9 wayiha and walks away thinking WTV*
*person thinking she needs to find fiona asap*
*person calls nina and tells her shes coming with her :P bas tara 9adgeni it was the x5*
*person knows ma7ad mu fahim bas thats wat makes it more funny :d *
person: yes he exists ...;))) oo ya u shld find fiona asap....loool ;D
ReplyDeletela la feras doesnt exist @@
ReplyDeleter u sure he exists??
i dont think he exists
l2na china no way =/
ps- its harder then u think HAHAHAHAHAHAHA law fiona knows that they're fiona chan mu thi7ik :P
person: kaaaafich ....ana im tlling u he does..;)))) oo ashkara i mean 7aram "fiona" mako isim thany hehe....;p
ReplyDeleteinzain ishdarach hes reading u know him?? @@
ReplyDeleteoo shino ashkara i mean??
la fiona is sticking ;) it has a history and a very long complicated story behind the name
fiona should be proud to be called fiona i could start
p2bf :P
person: laaa akeed i knw him oo "close" b3d...oo ashkara inna bekoon thi7ik if he knw enna fiona....oo hmmmmm history u say...5ala9 be proud and leave it i support u 100%
ReplyDeletehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha la irouu7 fikrich ib3eed wayid ma3a history :P
ReplyDeletethe name has the history not the person ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA i explained to u the whole fiona story ams :P
oo fiona is to be proud to be called fiona mu ana :P ana shaku LOOOOL!!
la la closi 7adich imthay3a :P
green eyes?
hehehehehehehehehehe :P
person: adry hehe ast3bi6 weyach.....;))) oo eeeee green eyes @@tht close ;p
ReplyDeletehot car? :P
ReplyDeletecuz rite now i know two :P
Wanaasaaaaaaa Aywaaaaa akeeed 6ayreeeen mn el far7aaaaaaaah Aywaaaaaaaaaa walaaaa chinhum 6yoour el 7ub << hehehe... laish madreee ;PpP
ReplyDeletewaaaaaaaaaay eyanenooooooooooooooooouuuuuun ;**** bas mo kethreeich ;******
person: too much info. I can't say more ;p
ReplyDeletezainey: hehe ee cgnhom lv birds ;p oo luv u 2 ;**
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehehe ok ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm free for 6alal:*
ReplyDeleteI love this post, it was worth it:*
Waiting till the 5e6ouba <3
Person: ;D
ReplyDeleteQueen bee: hehe cute ..!!! Hmmm as2l 6alal oo arid 3alaich ;p
ReplyDelete6alal exists too @@
ReplyDeletewait i thot this was made up :S
china u said it was amde up @@
person: hmmm did I ....Lena I dnt think so :)))))
ReplyDeletewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai i love love love feras o 7abait 6alal mooo0o0o0ore lana he is 7ada sweeeeeet o qalba 6ayeeeeeeeeeeen wayed wayed ebser3a esame7 o ynsa ,,,,, love it wayed wayd ,,:****
ReplyDeletehmmmmm ana agoul 5alini sakta wayid a7san ;)
ReplyDeletecoco grace: hehe glad inna 3jabich....!!!
ReplyDeleteperson: hahahahaha ee 5alich sakta a7san ...loool :))
ReplyDeletetadreen shino ili tha7akni akthar shay? :P 6alal and Feras LOL! Hehehe it was like one second fighting the next they are understanding each other 7ada 7ada funny il scene walla lol hehehehe
ReplyDeleteakhaaaaaih ahbal feras o she'll need that stressball for the rest of her life bs ehabel :P a7eba :P Can i have him?
i'm in love.. *sigh*... thanks babe :*
ReplyDeleteawwwwwwww... 7abaita reda 3al msgs:P tara i'm jelous:(
ReplyDeleteferas if u'r reading this deerbalik 3ala closatna oo 7i6ha ib 3ainik:P
oo these stories are addictive bes a7is rayli ilmusta8bal ba8arna feehum.. anyways waiting for ur next post:P
ReplyDeleteI love you...THANK YOU, a9lan abehum bacher they get married mo 5u6ba lol ;**
Mashallah 3alech....maaarrraaa el post 7elo... Keep it up ; )
Abyyy 6alaaaaaaaal !?? ;pPp
ReplyDeletehe is so sweet
abeeeih ;Pp
I'm a huuuuuge fan of your story!!!
ReplyDelete7adhaa 3ajeeeeba!!!
I think your writing style is amazing..
This is one of the most captivaing blogs I read so far..
Keep UP the AMAZING work mashallah!!!...
w plz... ana 7ajza Feras 7agy :P:P;)
jacqui: hehe 7ada 6alal galba 6ayib ....;))
ReplyDeleteAnon: hehe kilina are...;))
khayzarana: hehe looool et8arneen raylich feehom 3yal maskeen raylich he will hv 2 try hard to please you...lool ;p oo ya ana 9rt "closatkom" hehe...thnx babe..;*
love;*: looool ....zawaj marra wa7da..hehe ;p bs feras yistahal wallah ...!!
Mushu: thnx 7beebte oo ana marra a7ibich ;*
Zainey: akhaaai ee 7ada sweet...hehe ;))
Anon: thnk u 7ayate wallah wanasteene.....;**
wait y3ny entay lulu?????
ReplyDeleteAnon: emmmmmm...mabey ;p
ReplyDelete7abeebty im sorry i just saw ur message to me on your post - aaawwww im so touched. i was away and now im back. email me on moody_1@hotmail.com and i will send u the directions
ReplyDeleteomg so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
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