To 6alal elle ga3id jidamiii law bs yadri enna im writing about his life hehe ;p
I just stared at his car for god knows how long with my mind racing with thoughts. I cant tell my father, 'cause he'll kill me if he knows that i was in a car with a guy oo 7attan law bachathib oo agool ena yil7agny shiyi'6minly enna a7mad maygoola el9ij.....oo ham my dads old oo a5af e9erla shay lasama7 allah
Ooo mako fayda etha gilt 7ag ommi....what can she do y3ne...
If i tell fara7 she'll only be here to calm me down and help me immotionally, she cant do anything after all. I have no one to help one !!
or maybe.....6alal..?!
I squeezed my eyes shut 'cause 6alal is the last person i want to know.He'll hate me for what i did, oo ham ra7 e3a9ib enna i hanged out with a7mad despite his warnings, a5af egool 7ag hale....oo aham shay ohwa enna i cant ...galbi may6awi3ny enne agool 7ag 6alal 3an a7mad. cause he'll know the truth mn a7mad akeed oo a5af e9eer bainat'hom hwash oo maby e9eer 7ag 6alal shay....oo ba3ad maby a6ee7 mn 3aina. maby efakir enna ana mn halnou3.....
ambai la jad madry shasawe, ilmoshkila i cant avoid him lena weyay biljam3a oo ham edil mokan baitna. he'll follow me everywhere, i know it. hufffff....y3ne ati9il fee o agoola.....
I think a7mad saw me, cause he got down of the car and looked up at me. I quickly lowered the curtain back and went to the table to take my mobile.
calling a7mad....
"NOORA.....!!!7amdellah radaitay....."
"a7mad laimeta bit'6il wagif barra....5ala9 roo7..."
"shlon aroo7....noora mat9adgeen eshkithir ana...."
"a7mad please ....elle kan bainatna '3ala6 oo law kina '6aleen friends wayid a7san lee oo lik....."
"latgoleen chethe....ga3d agoolich asif noora laish matifhimeen...shasawe akthar mn chthe...."
"mo makint lazim etgool sorry law momsawe elle sawaita....." i said and a lump formed in my throught recalling what happened hours earlier. "please...bas roo7....please..." i said and shut the phone. I sat on my bed for a moment then decided to head downstairs. I wandered in the kitchen grabbing some cookies and a glass of milk and sat in the 9ala eating silently. I curled up in the couch sipping on the milk and munching onto the cookies.
"noora....??" i jumped from where i sat, and quickly brought my hair to one side to hide the mark on my neck.
"hala yuma..."
"shfeech ga3da broo7ich...."
"ha la bas ta3bana shway...." i said and grew silent again. I felt my mother sit beside me and put her hand on my lap,
"yuma shfeech....kalmeeny..." she said as she took the glass of milk from my hand and set it aside. The concerned tone of her voice melted right into my heart and i desperately tried to hold my tears back. I then burried my head in my hands which were settled on my knees. Her strokes were relieving but torturing at the same time. I hated what i did, how can i let a boy do this to me.....i've kept myself away from these stuff all my life, even as i was a teenager where these stuff are prone to happen. She started to stroke my hair and i immediately sat up straight and pulled my hair tightly to the side. I didnt want her to see the mark, cause i wont know how to explain myself. "shaklich killish mo3ajibny...tadreen shlon..." she said and i looked at her expectingly, "5anroo7 shopping, yalla goomay" she said as she got up and pulled me up with her. I managed a smile and hugged her, she is the best mom ever. She doesnt pressure me into anything but always knows how to please me and cheer me up.
I went to my room, picked out a pair of jeans and a cute ruffled black top with black heels. Ofcoarse i let my hair down and applied some concelor on the mark which somewhat did the trick.
"Yalla...." said my mom as she adjusted her shaila, and we headed to the car. When i went outside i looked around in fear that a7mad might still be here. But to my luck he wasnt. I sighned with relief and got into the car. "wain tabeen tro7een..."
"emmm madry...sa3a 7 el7een fa a3ti8id avenues a7san choice since inna egi3doon oo ham fee cafaihat oo ma6a3im fee 7al yi3na wala shay...." and with that we headed to the avenues. We started shopping in phase 2 then headed over to phase 1 to resume our shopping. I got into zara to get me some casual stuff for uni and stuff. I was standing infront of the table that seperated the mens section from the womens section chan 3araftooha trying to find my size of this colorful cardigan i found. I bent down, trying to find my size, when i finally found it i smiled and did the victory dance inside my head. I looked up wala my smile dissapears and i freeze......6alal!!!
Kint bilavenues ma3 9a7be tawna 6al3een minfilim dasheena oo mobas 5yaas ilfilim ya3ne fi3lan sa5eef. 8ararna endish zara 3ashan ba5ithle cham bloza 7ag ilchalet...ille 3indi ga6inaw 9ara7attan. Ma3 ene ma7ib atsawag wayid oo youm asafir a5ithle mn hnaak 3adattan bs majboor, fa di5alt zara ana oo 3azoozo 9a7be enagelina mayohat oo balayiz. 3azoozo kan ga3id egayis oo ana kint ga3d a7oos as7able kil alwan balayiz elgi6in elmlawana elsada ille ashoof'ha y3ne killish momta3ib nafse hehe. Wigaft 3ind 6awla 3alaiha shortat oo 9ar feene wallah hathole yinfi3oon hnaak 7ag ilba7ar oo chethe....gi3adt anagee bs maligait sizee. Rifa3t rasee wala ashoof bnaya ib section il 7areem oo ga3da tnagee shay oo rfa3at ras'ha wala efiz galbi. 6la3at noora.....ibtisamt a'3ba ibtisama bil3alam 7agha, oo a3ti8id e5tar3at lena i5tab9at oo lafat wayiha hehe.
"6alalo shoof hatha shlona....." said 3azooz, iltifat 3alai oo madry 3ala sheno ashart bs kint abe a5ali9 minnaa 3ashan arid ashoof noora. bs youm iltifat wala noora was no where to be seen. 7awalt adawerha bs maligait'ha, sabait 3azoozo ib rasee. "yalla in7asib..lena la3at chabdi..."
"ee yallah..." i said looking back at where i saw noora. wigafna in7asib bs 3yoone kanat im3alga 3ala section il7areem yimkin ashoof noora wala shay. wilaht 3alaiha, oo 9ij 9udfa 7ilwa enne shift'ha lena minziman moshayif'ha oo fashla kilshway as2al fara7 3anha. 5athaina ilchyaas oo 6ila3na barra.
"6alalo shfeek tamshee 3ala bai'6....sarri3 shwy...."
" ee yalla ...kani" i said as i sped up. oo ana amshe ay a7ad ashoofa labis aswad ada8i8 ibwayha yimkin noora wala shay. a7taaj enne akalimha.
"ana sayarte hnee...yallah ashoofik bildiwaniya haa...."
"ee bs arkab sayarte oo ayeelokom....5al al7ig gabil mayballish el li3ib...3ad li3ba 8awiya elyoum..."
"eee....yalla femala..." said 3azooz oo nizal. Ana sayarte safi6ha bil mar7ala ilyideeda fa balasht amshee 7ag phase 2.
ma9adig enne shift 6alal...ya3ne bain kil ilnas mashoof ella 6alal...laish yarabi laish....!! youm shifta i5tiba9t oo en7isht !! waaaai shlon ibtisamle youm shafne zain maamitt. magdar ashoofa, a7is magdar a7i6 3aini ib 3aina b3d elle 9ar although i need him sooo much oo bas lammita tikfeene...bas ham i cant oo its my fault that i trusted a7mad oo i dont want to drag 6alal into my problems.
3ala6ool bas shift ommi wala agoolaha ni6la3....6ila3na oo ana amshee bas ashoof wa7id imdashdish oo m'3atir galbi yirga3 oo a5af enna 6alal.
"yuma...5anig3ad ib dean and deluca nishrablina gahwa shay...."
"ee yalla ana ryoole t3abaw mn ilmashee...."
ri7na oo gi3adna oo 6ilabna gahwatna. i felt shwy a7san thanks to my mom, bas shofat 6alal hathe la5bi6atne.....
i poured sugar into my latte' and my mind was thinking laish 7a'6ee chethe, ya3ne when i find somone to let me forget 6alal yi6la3 chetheee...madry shbasawee
"ohh hatha 6alal....." said my mom faj2a. i looked up and my mom was smiling, i followed her eyes and saw 6alal comming from far. he was easy to spot since enna 6oweel oo shakla eyanin bildishdasha oo asmarani oo malam7a rojooliya oo gofla elle emayza oo aham shay '6a7kita.....ambai shafna! lafait wayhi oo bas ga3da a5iz gahwiti.....mabe ashoofa..MAGDAR ashoofa ! "hala ..hala yuma...." said my mom, and 6alal kissed her head.
"hala 5alte...shlonkom...." said 6alal bs his eyes were on me.
6ab3an ana 6ool halmoda mashilt 3aini from my cup. but it was univeitable.
"noora shlonich...." said 6alal's voice. i looked up at his dazzling smile, "7amdilaa..." i said and looked back at my cup. i felt his eyes on me for a long time,
"haaa shyaybik hnee...."
"wallah kint dash filim ma3 wa7id mn ilrabi3....."
"chathab....gool emsawe shopping nafisna..." mused my mother. i smiled to myself, hehe my mom et'6a7ik wallah.
"haha...laaaa bas cham sha'3ala nag9atne.... oo hatha walashay bilnisba 7ag ilchyaas elle 3indikom..."
"eeee gool 7ag bin5altik...min awal mayeene oo e7na en7oos hnee oo hnak..."
"5ammaaa elsoog allah ehadach noora....5alee shwy 7ag ilnas masakeen..." he joked and looked at me. i looked at him, smiled softly and looked at the people elle rayi7 oo elle rad. when i glanced at 6alal shwy wala he had this confused look on his face, i ignored it and looked back at the people again.
"uhhh...yalla mashee ana 3ayal...salmaw..."
"laa wain rayi7...ta3al ig3ad wiyana..." lazzimat ommi. i rolled my eyes ya3ne jad i dont think i could bear sitting on the same table with 6alal without crying. i guess he saw me roll my eyes, oo makan 8a9di ufff, fa sallam oo mishaaa. e7na ma6awalna ba3ad, 5athina ilcheck oo mishaina.
eshda3wa noora 9ayra chethe ...ya3ne youm 7achatne a5ir marra bil7adee8a galat ashya2 bas matwa8a3t enna min9ijha ya3ne. bas elyoum kanat 7adha '3air, ya3ne na'6ra bilyalaaaa 3a6atne oo youm akalimha etrid 3alai ib kilma kilmitain. madry shbasawee, lazim akalimha bas shlooon...!?!? oo wain..?!!?
mako ella a8na3 elwalda tsawe '3ada bacher oo ta3zim 5alte oo noora akeed etyee 3ashan fara7. akalimha bil7adee8a aw ib ay mokan a7a9ilha fee broo7ha. eee mako ella chethe..
6alla3t telephone oo dagait 3al walda...
"hala 6alal..."
"hala yuma..."
"5air yuma shba'3ait...."
"salamtich bas agool laish mati3zimoon 5alti muneera oo rayilha minziman 3anhom...tawne shift 5alti oo gilt laish mani3zomhom bacher 3indina...."
"ee wallah 5osh fikra laish la2.....5ala9 ana el7een ati9il 3ala 5altik oo agolaha oo ham tyeeb 3yalha ma3aha..."
"ee 9ar....okay mashkoora..yalla ana badish eldiwaniya ba'3aitay shay.."
"la 7abeebe deer balik 3ala nafsik....ma3isalama."
5ala9 kilshay 9ar tammam...bas inshalla agdar akalim noora bacher.
wi9alna ilbait oo 9i3adt '3orfiti. '3isalt wayhi oo '3ayart malabsi oo ba6alt il tv trying to distract myself from thinking about 6alal oo a7mad.
asma3ak kammil kalamik..ba3d a7ibik aish gilt.....
i went to my phone oo it was a7mad again....ufff mayifham hatha...!!!
"a7mad...ana gitlik bas latdig laish mora'6ee tifham...5ala9 5alne ib7alee mabeek....!!!"
"sheno ya3ne matabeene...."
"a7mad...ana tsara3t oo elle 9ar '3ala6 oo elmafroo'6 mn bidayta may9eer..."
there was silence.......................
"ana barra...." he said. i went to the window and there he was parked.
"a7mad eshga3d etsawee hnee...waaai laish mogadir tistaw3ib...."
"linna lazim a7acheech may9eer chethe noora...3a6eene fir9a akalmich......entay yaya iljam3a bacher..."
" yimkin laish..."
"lena bakalmich ya3ne laish..."
"a7mad..raja2an latgarrib minni bacher...."
"A7MAD...min9iji....!! wallah en garabt minni baz3al..."
"zi3lay...bas bakalmich..."
"a7mad mala da3ee ada5il hale bilmaw'6oo3....5alni b7alee oo roo7.."
"hahaaaai tahdeed ya3ne....'6a7akteene....e9eer 5air lai bacher...." he said and shut the phone then i saw his car move and speed up out of the fireej.
Luv u ;****
6 years ago
ReplyDeletei like ur story but why do i have this feeling that enty Nora !?
ReplyDeletea7maaaad 7aqeeeeer , kaboot 3endii khosh fekra..eshrayech a7mad esawii accedent wemout;p
ReplyDeletethank you 4 posting;*
First of all, WOOOOW il post 7ada i6weeel!!!
ReplyDelete9a7 ya nas? :D
second of all, i wanna see what ahmed has to say
yallah we want 6alal and nora action!
A7med enshallah yefham ya3ne! bs khalaas mu elaa! i think nora should tell 6alal about him.. way 7abeeby 6alal eyanin i loved the lunch idea, i hope it works!
ReplyDeleteow salmay 3ala the real 6alal loool, goleela 3enda mo3jabeen waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayed hnyy;p ahahah
loved the post thanks babe;***
7MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!! ifff 9ij 9ij 9ij bidait akraha min galb! :@ 6alal <3<3<3<3 ;p
ReplyDeletenice post ;)
Exactly i second LDS's idea....Ahmed should go die in a hole!!!
ReplyDeletebut other than that the post was AMAZING... I feel bad for 6alal, he's soo sweet :D
Team 6alal all the way baaaby:* ..Ou naaby Noura breaks down, ou etgoul 7ag 6allal kelshay 9arr.. and by that tekbaar eb 3youna.. 9a7 kalamy wla ghalaa6;$?
ReplyDeleteAmbiiiiii 7aywaaaan 7aaaqeeeeeeeeeeer !!!!!!;Pp < Hadaaai tra el dinya ma teswaah ;PpP
ReplyDeletebaas el post 3aaaajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb oo 6eweeeeeeel oo eyaaneeen thnx kabooooot teslm eydiich ;***
WOW I want 6alal to beat him up now :/
ReplyDeleteGg6e3a shal lazga.. mo '39b! efff way thakrni eb my ex.. g6e3a i hate el clingy guys o ela '39ben 3laich t7achene.. wai3 wai3.. i'm gna puke lol
ReplyDeleteLDS shinu hal 7egd??
ReplyDeleteLove the Post:**
in jam3a .... a7mad ykllmha b3deyn she says wa55ir ohwa ymsk eedha oo ygoollaha: BTSM3EENI!! titwahhag li2inna ohma bl parking lot alone BS b3deyn eyey 6alal mn wara o ya5eth a7mad o ygi66a 3ala his freakin car o waraha ykaf5a tikiffi5 moo 6bee3y b3deyn a7mad y5af o he yrkb sayyarta el skrab o yroo7 , noora tabchy mn el 5of o 6alal ylmha o ygoollaha ill always be here
ReplyDeletea3dain egoulaha ta3alay oo goulely shno 9ar ba3dain terkab sayarta oo itgoula shno 9ar then egoollaha MARRY ME tgool EE oo they drive to paris and live happily ever after!!
LOOOL @emnilia w rab3ha :p
I LOVE YOU ! 7ADA A7LA POST ! plz post soon ma nigdar n3eesh without this story :* A7MAAD MALEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8 IBIII6 IL CHABD G6EE3A MAL 6RAGAT 3ALA WAYHA !
please never close your blog nafs love oo you complete me !!!:( :(
ReplyDeletelaish ma she tells 6alal !!
a7s he'll help her.
waay 7aram ily 9ar feeha :(
6alal ily jidamich is just the inspiration to the story wila il story gi9a 9ijeeya o 3anna ohwa?
ReplyDeleteconfused :s
oh, and wonderful post as usual ;P great job!!!
madry laish a7es 2anech ya noura or fara7
ReplyDelete9a7 ??
ReplyDeleteOOOO 6alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 7ada cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee abeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!
shloon 6alal jidamich :O
ReplyDeleteis this a real story?
entay noora?
entay lulu?
shismich kaboot :p
a5af ismich 9ej kabta :O
lovely long long post<3
inshala doom <3 :p
BASTARD!!! Excuse Me 0=]
ReplyDelete7abeebi 6alal kasir 5a6ri!! Uffff A7mad inarfiz! mo qa9ib tra!!! waii3 walla iyeeb il a39ab!!!
Intay shno dorich bil story? Noora? Wila her cousin? ;P
Can't wait till the next post! =]
Aaaaaaaaah , next poooost plz !!! Ish b9eerbl'3ada aaah I can't wait !!! Pooost pooost !!
ReplyDeleteMwaaaauh :* I love this stooory hahaha :p and a7mad I hate (6alal to the rescue)
LDS: yaaaaaaaaay first !!! haha b3dain may9eer fee action chethe ;p
ReplyDeleteAnon: hehe wayid hv the same feeling...i wonder why ;p
yooy: haha good choice ...;)
chanel: eee 6oweel mo9a7..;)) u'll get the action chanel soooon
exquisite: loool mayadry enna im writing about him...3ashan agoola ;p
g.butterflies: hehe wa'6i7 inna u hate him ;p
mimil: loool aham shay hole ;p
dreamer: hehe we'll c...;p
zainey:7abeeebte mashkoora ;*
jacqui: aggressive much ;p
Anon:thnk god enna hes ur ex 3ayal ;)
SD: thnx hun :)
Emnilia & Laymoon: allllaaaaah wanasa yam3a !!! hehe...ummm 5osh story wallah bs the paris part '6a7akne wallah lool ;p luv u guys
munera: thank uuuuuuuuu...oo eee hehe ilyadda isimha munera ;p
anon: tamreen amir ;*
nada: yaaaa he's sooo trouble...oo noora is scared that 6alal will hate her..
A: la2 6alal ille blstory nafsa elle jidame...he's real ;p
laymoun: hmmm wa7da mihom ;p
sunset: hehe major kalb he is...;p
wonderland: hahaha..ta5ayilay isme kabta...loooool ;p oo ee its a real story..oo 6alal i wont tell u who i am ;p
teenageratsea: haha funny...:) oo you'll hv to guess the answer to that one ;p
pearla: ambaaaai i sooooo love ur accent ;D "ish" cuuuute
Love the post! as usual ;)
ReplyDeleteoooo.. yah thats it ;p
LOOOOOL ur too cute ;* Mwauh
ReplyDeleteambaih sheno hal lazga !
ReplyDeleteplzzzz tell me is it a true story?! ;s
ReplyDelete9ij fe waa7id isma 6alal u're writing about him???
i'm dying to know :p
this a7mad is starting to creep me out !!!