Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is it love..? (28-A)

Dedicated to the girls of ACA ;***

and to all my readers.....

ENJOY ;)))



I got into my car....heartbroken. i tell him that i love him oo the answer that i get is this..?! ive been holding it inside of me all these years oo when i finally have the courage to tell him, thats what i get...? i thought that he loved me, shared some feelings towards me.....the past few weeks i admitt i had my ups and downs with 6alal but the only thing that he provided were feelings that led me to think that our feelings towards eachother might be mutual. The way he cares about me, talks to me, holds me......kisses me! god, he kissed me.....what is that supposed to mean. And the kiss .....well, it set forth some intense feelings and i truly thought that he was gonna say the word soon.

But after what i did i guess that the word wont ever be heard from his mouth ever. If he only knew that the reason i became involved with a7mad was to forget him....try altleast. And just my luck, the guy turns out to be a total jerk.

I turned the engine on and backed away, i passed 6alals car which was still parked, then sped away.

Why cant i just let go of him....?? forget him ?? i know that ive grown up with him being my perfect man...but how it would be helpful if i could just throw him away and to never think about him. ive tried ..believe me ..ive tried but i always end up fooling myself that i dont love him anymore cause i do...i do..and nothing seems to overcome that. i said that i needed a person to help me forget him and i found a7mad....but that was stupid of me, what im gonna do is find a man who will help me forget 6alal bsss in a legal husband and wife.



Akeed el7een ra7 tikrahni 3ala jawabi oo min 7agha bs shasawe y3ne...shlon atzawajha 3ugub elle sawita. tara mo sahla y3ne...mahma a7awil a8na3 nafsee mo gadir . oo a7ibha wallah inne a7ibha...bssss law kil hatha mo9ayir chan 3ala6ool gilt 7ag ilwalda ti56ible yaha oo nitzawaj mn'3air ta'6yee3 wagt.

bas el7een 3indi hal 7maar lazim a5alee yogaf 3ind 7adda, oo lazim afakir ibshay 3adil lena etha ma'6bi6at yimkin e3anid oo ysawee akthar mn chethee.

I sat in the car thinking 3an sheno agdar asawee 3ashan asa3id noora fee...oo ya 3ala balee rfeeje elle athi8 fee wayid.....Feras.

Dialing feras....

"Alooo...hala bo3abdulla...."

"hala hala wallah.....wainik enta ya5ee..."

"wallah mash'3ool...enta shlonik...shlon il3obod..."

"wallah sheno shai6aan....thabi7naaa.....kahoo 3ad ga3d jidami oo 7a6 li3bita ibeeda y7awil ekasirha....3ABOOD BABA LAISH TKASIR LI3BITIK.....tsk tsk bas fali7 yi'67ak..."

"hahah ya7laila...wallah yabeele ashofa welaht 3alai 9ara7attan...."

"7ayaak ib ay wagt....wala agoolik ta3al el7een..3indik sho'3ol..."

"uhhh la walla....."

"ee yalla 3ayal na6rik..."

"okay msafat il6ireeej....femala..."

Sakkart iltelephone oo i headed to feras's place. Di5alt da5il....

"hala wallah..." salamt 3ala feras oo dishaina il9ala. "oh meno hatha ilshai6aan...." i said to 3abood elle kan y7awil ekasir li3bita...shafne oo ibtisam oo yaleee. mit3awid 3alai killa asheela oo a7thifa bilhawa oo amsika. b3d mashilta 7a6aita 3al ar'6.."ya7laila kobar wallah..."

"ay kobar ella mitan...shayif wayha shlon ba6a...."said feras and held 3aboods karsha in demonstration.

"ee a7la yahil mteen...."

"eee bas mo chethee....lulu bas mihnat'ha twakla...oo nasyatne ana...."

"tara sima3tik....." said lulu as she walked in the 9ala with a tray of sweets in her hands.

"ee oo allah yister youm tawldeen shbe9eer feene.....maja3a alla ywakeelik..." joked feras.

I looked at him, "lulu 7amil...?"

He beamed back at me, "eee bilrabi3 ehya..."

I looked at lulu and she had a smile on her face and a tiny bump, "bilbaraka.....!!!"

"mashkoor....3ad halmarra etha mobnaya 3ady anti7ir..." giggled lulu.

"laa inshalla bnaya....oho ilno3ain 7ilo..."

"ee 3ala goltik....bas 7alata bnaya tishbah lulu..." said feras as he lovingly looked at lulu. lulu blushed and changed the subject,

"yalla 3abood...yalla mama 3ashan tnaam....."

"maby maby...babaaaaaaaaaaaa...." ran 3abood and hugged feras. Lulu tried carrying him but he clung to his father and wouldnt let go.

"5aleee 5o la madrisa waraa wala shay...lata3been nafsich lulu mozainlich"

"waaaai feras borooood....!!! enzain oo ana... warai jam3a bacher..." pouted lulu, feras smiled back at her.

"entay lail7een mati5arajtay.."

"hehe la2 wagaft cham course youm tizawajt feras....yalla 3abood....offff feras 3afya goolaa...."

Feras tried everything, esa7la, yo3ida 3ala li3ba, yigrala 8i9a.....bss mako mayabee oo shakla baree2 ma3 5dooda.

"enzain asheelik oo asaweelik 6ayara....?"

His green eyes widened, "eeeeeeeee"

"yalla....." i carried him and threw him up in the air a couple of times, then held him and made airplane sounds and moved him in the air ya3ne 6ayara. "yalla bas....el7een roo7 naam ...."

"anawma oo ayeelokom...." smiled lulu as she went with 3abood.

"ti9ala7taw ya3ne...." i grinned.

"eee...6ila3 dala3 il7amaaal....eha ham makanat tadry enha 7amil...."

"ahhh....sima3t enhom y9eeroon 7asaseen wagt il7amaal..."

"eeeeee......allah y3eeeny....6al3aaat no9 illail lena mishtahya shay, tabche 3ala a8al shay...bsss killa yhoon youm ashoof ilyahil....."

"yalla 7amdilaa.....agool feras abeek tsa3idny ib maw'6oo3, oo mabee yi6la3 7ag a7ad 7attan lulu..."


I told him the story to the point, enna fee wa7id y2athy noora biljam3a oo chethee.

"....oo abeek tsa3idny awagfa 3ind 7adda...."

"wala yhimik,,, 5alid 9a7by, o5oo '6abi6 oo nyeeba y5ari3 hathaak shwaya..."

"twa8a3 yinfa3 chethee..."

"offfff...mista3meleenha 7ag katha wa7id...latsheel ham..."

I felt relief wash over me.

"5ala9 3ayal....tkalma 7agii..."

"ee el7een affa 3alaik...."

Feras called his friend oo itaf8aw 3ala bacher.

"mashkoor wala matga9ir..."

"walaw e7na rabi3 3ala sheno...yalla ikil ilcake latithba7na lulu ..ehya msawyita...."

I ate a bite oo la3at chabdi, feras fi9al 3alai.

"offff sheno hatha wayid 7aleee...."

"adry...9adigny....oo kil youm twakilne minna wara il'3ada oo anchi3im oo aklaa...elmoshkila ehya mataklaaa matishtihee 7ilo lenha 7amil madry laish....oo ana mibtilish..."

"hahaha maskeen...."

"yalla shinsawee b3d...aham shay enha ga3da t7awil....."

Gi3adna sowalif oo chethee oo b3dain gimt 3ashan amshee.

"yalla femala...salimlee 3ala llulu...wainha lail7een 3nd 3abood..."

"ee hatha yabeela sina 3alama ynam....el7een aroo7lohom.....yalla femala..."

rikabt ilsayara oo 6arrasht 7ag a7madoo msg

bashoofik bacher ib ***** sa3a 7 mota2a5ar.
sent 11:23pm

I sent the message and headed home, thinking of noora.

P.S. i'll post part B as soon as im free..;*
Luv u ;***

Gudnight ;)))))

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Is it love..? (27)

mi2saa halpost 3alama 9aar....awal shay the internet 3allag oo mora'6ee y9eer save..b3dain i copied it to microsoft, onto a flash, onto another comp., pasted it, did the coloring all over again oo il7een im gonna post it phew !!A5eeran

ENJOY ;***


I shut the phone mn 6alal...oo i threw on my pink training and headed out to the mamsha. We decided to meet there lena honestly wain agdar ashoofa broo7na oo a7achee without people staring like crazy. bilyalaaa i8tina3 ....he has to...lena i have to see him, mabee efakir '3ala6 oo i have to know sheno galla a7mado bil'6ab6.

I got into the car and drove off to the mamsha..Its 4:30pm oo zain ilmamsha sa55a hal7azza lena 7ar oo cthee fa mara7 ekoon wayid nas. i parked my car and started walking. kint 5ayfa..madry shbagoola, madry shlon ba7i6 3ainy ib3aina b3d elle 9ar...7addy miftashla.....! i sped up and sat on a bench that was surrounded by trees...and saw the few people exercising.....

...waiting for 6alal.

After a while, i glanced around bs 6alal was still nowhere to be seen, i hope he comes....he told me he would. I took one more glance to the right and i saw a familiar figure walking from afar. The height, shoulders, walk has to be 6alal.

6ab3an youm sakkart iltelephone minha 3ady gi3adt no9 sa3a bs m9a6il o mom9adig enna noora dagat 3alai oo tabe tshoofne el7eeen oo enne wafa8t. gimt badalt ooo ri7t ilmamsha. ga3d amshee oo adawer noora, wala mnb3eed ashof wa7da labsa wardi ga3da 3al bench oo sha3arha aswad....akeed hathe noora. Youm garabt wala she stands and shifted from foot to foot nervously.

"h-hi......." she stammered.


"ee okay...." she said and we walked side by side under the blazzing sun."mashkoor ennik yait...."

"la 3ady......sheno elle bitgoleenle yaa....." bs abee a3rf oo amshee.

"6alal...a7mad kalamik...mo9a7..." she looked at me.

Ana wayhe jidam oo jawabt'ha, "eee...galich...."

"la2...! 6alal ana .....ana......madry shasawy......"

"ib sheno...."

"ib a7mad....."


"mora'6ee ywa5ir 3anni 6alal....mora'6ee....kalamta oo gitla ywa5ir bs mora'6ee oo madry shasawy wallah madry......" 9ot'ha kan fee rajfa.


She looked at me, "6alal...madry sheno galik bs hatha chathaab oo ga3d esawy kilshay 3ashan yint8im minni lenee gitla mabeek....."

"oo elmessegat...."

"ay messegat...."

"warani messegat noora....oo latinkireen...."

"6-6alal...he was my least i thought he was...oo kint akalma oo a6arishla messegat oo please latzifne lene adry enne '3abiya oo elle sawaita '3ala6 ...."

"oo e7na mn meta nkalim awlad noora....mat5afeen obooch aw ommich yadroon....? ana 3iraft oo la laily lail wala nahari nahar....shasawee feech noora...shasawe....kalamtich oo masima3teene....ni9a7tich oo 3a9abtay....shasawee feech...shay 6abee3y enna halshay be9eeer...."


"shfaydat hatha.....sheno ya'6minlich enna moga3d yitkalam 3anich bildiwaween el7een....HAA...?"

I was terrified of everything that's happening....with a7mad oo what he has in mind to do..oo min 6alal lena mabee yikrahni oo yfakir 3ani ib6aree8a mozaina....oo kalama el7een ga3d y5aleene a7is ib ta2neeb '6ameer tijaah my parents, family...him..!
When he told me to stop talking to a7mad i got irritated and ignored what he said. i thought that he was jealous and doesn't want to see me happy...or that he wants to control me....why didn't i think....even for once that he wanted to protect me...?

"6alal...please lat5ari3ne...."

"sheno maa5r3ich...etha la3ain ekalimni ana...weld 5altich..mastab3id ysawee akthar mn cthee...."

I felt vulnerable oo my eyes were tearing up, i really didnt know what to do.

"6alal..ma3indy a7ad ysa3idny....magdar agool 7ag oboy tadree laish...wala ommi....7ag meno agool 6alal......7ag meno ?! 7awalt enne agoolik bs kint 5aifa....."

"men sheno...."

"mn hatha...ennik tloomni..t'3ayir na'6ritik tijaahe....tikrahni..."

He remained quiet. We walked silently side by side.

"shlon matabeene an9idim....noora...." he said his voice calm.

I wiped a tear that pricked my cheek.

"t5aleena yirkab sayartch...?! min meta nsawee halsha'3lat noora....."

As soon as he mentioned the car incident my body tensed up. laykoon gayila about the kiss, omg etha he knows 3ayal...there is no hope with 6alal.....

i looked at him and his cold expression.....

i dont think there will be hope for us....he hates me ...

I tried holding back my tears, i bit my lip but i couldn't and a sob shook my body. 6alal looked at me; surprised at first...he looked around then held my arm and walked me to his car. i tried wiping my overflowing tears and a woman noticed and was staring.

"di5lay..." he said as i got in. i sat there crying, sob after sob shook my body....and not once did 6alal hold me, take me into his arms like he used to. the way he looked at me showed that he wanted to but something held him back and i know what it is, so i cried more. I finally calmed down and he said,

"5ala9 lat7ateen ana afikich minna.....5alay kilshay 3alai bs etha dag motrideen...."

I nodded my head as i wiped my wet face with tissue.

"6alal asfaa....wallah im sorry ...ana mo chethee 6alal wallah..." i managed to say.

He paused then said, "adry .....adry......entay bs lat7eteen....zain enich gilteele.."

"lena madry shasawy edig oo yhadidne.."


"enna ftak minnik oo enna el7een ra7 yif'6lee oo y5aleene andam...."

"kalb " hissed 6alal.

"7awalt awa5ir 3anna yil7agny kilmokan 7attan el7adith elle 9aar kan mn halshay...."

"ohwa elle di3atmich mo9a7..."

"eee ohwa....ohwa....abaai 6alal 5aifa ....."
i shivered uncontrollably. 6alal hesitated but finally took me into his arms. His strong arms rapped around my fragile body and it was soothing, that.
i cried and shivered, i soaked his shirt with tears but i didnt long as i was in his arms. His hands roamed over my body helping the shivers subside. "6alal...lat3a9ib minni...."

"entay bs hadai....latabcheen....."

"6alal...."i said as i pulled away.


I looked into his eyes, "a7ibik...."

He looked at me… deep into my eyes, his hands on my shoulders, and i looked back helplessly. I love him...I've always had. For a moment i thought that he was gonna say it back, but he looked away and cleared his throat. His face was a display of a myriad of feelings but each and everyone unreadable.

"e7m....5ala9 latsheleen ham a7mado ....."

i blinked once, twice trying to absorb what he just said. My heart sunk, i swallowed, "mashkoor ........m-ma3 esalama..."

i said as i got out of his car and into mine.

shiftha tirkab sayarat'ha.

oo ana b3d magdar ansa elle sawaitee ma3 a7mado....mora'6ee 3alli 9ar, oo mara7 agdar atzawajich 3ashan cthee....

Luv u ;*****


Is it love..? (26)

ENJOY ;))))


mn awal ma 6ila3t mn ilcafe 3ala6ool radait ilbait oo min hathak ilwagt oo ana ga3d bil9ala agalib ib hal 8anawat, ashoof e3adat li3bat mo mintibih lena mo5i b3eed. ya3ne mabe a9adga bs kilshay kan wa'6i7....elithbatat kilha wa'67a. kint akalma bistihzaa2 oo mom9adeg wala kilma ti6la3 mn 7alja bss youm warani ilmessegat in9idamt !! in9idamt lena hathee noora....oo mat5ayal noora tsawee cthee, 6ool 3omorha tisti7y oo 5osh wa7da bss enha tkalim..tkalim wa7id mat3arfa....?!

"Yumaaaaaaa.........YUMAAAA.....!!" ufff ana laish ga3d a9ari5...? i grabbed the phone and dialled her room. "Aloo....yuma 5al eyebonle panadol....7abitain....laaa bs m9adi3 shwy...."

Sakart iltelephone oo b3d shwy il5adma yabatle ilpanadol, 5athaita oo shirabt maaai oo insida7t 3al 8anafa. Madry akalim 5alti oo agolaha tkalim noora oo twa3eeha...lena halwalad momirta7la killish. mayhimni enna gal byetzawajha oo hal5arabee6...ana momirta7la killish oo law she9eer mara7 a5alee noora titzawaja. Bas ilmoshkila mabee asabib 7ag noora mashakil..oo mo7ilwa 5alti tgool 7ag rayelha oo allah yester she9eer. laaaa...laaaaa mara7 agolaha. makooo elle akalim.....

"ahlaaaaaaan...." smiled fara7 as she entered the 9ala, and sat on a couch nearby. "laish ga6 nafsik chetheee yalshayib....."

"far7oo siktay ....rasee y3awirne...."

"shda3wa.....la7'6a sheno gilt...rasik? laish shfeek..." she went up and put her hand on my head. "maree'6 ?"

I couldnt help but smile, "9ayratle dictora ma3 wayhich...."

"hatha yzaaay...." she grinned.

"hehe..laaa ma3ti8id maree'6 bs il9odaa3 mora'6ee efich 3anii...."

"5athait panadol....ayeeblik...?"

"laaa gabil shwy ma5ith....."

"enzain tabee anakitlik....?"

"hehe...yalla gooleele nikatich il9a5eefa...."

"isma3.....a9la3 yatla bint chan isameeha 8ithla laish.....??"


"3ashan esamona bogithlaaaaaaaaa.......hehehe...."


"t'6a7ik mo9a7...kaaa '6i7akt wala la2...." she pointed to my face.

"ga3d a'67ak 3ala '3aba2e enne 5alaitich tgoleenle....."

"inzain agoolik wa7da thanya......"

"laa ana agool 9eeray 5osh i5it oo yebeele shay atla7af fee...."

she pulled out a blanket from the table's drawer beside the TV and covered me with it, then sait beside me.

"awal marra tshofeene...."

"hehe malee8....labas ashoof shfeek..shaklik ta3baan...."

"laish ya3ne mista'3riba...."

"hmmm....madry..." she shrugged.

"wain kintay....."

"wallah 6ila3t mn iljam3a oo ri7t 3ind noora..."

bs sima3t isimha madry sh9aar feene, il3awar ille brasee zaad wala shay.


"mako...sowalif oo shifna filim...."

"entay wayid greeba mn noora...."

"laaaaaa i7lif bas...."

"y3ne kilshay tgoolich..."


"ughhh la sima3t enha btin5i6ib...."

"SHENO........?!? men gaaaaaaal.....oo meno....."

"sheno mat3arfeen...magalatlich...." i was confused now.

"LAA2...!! meno....shisma...."

"entay mo tawich kintay 3indaha..."

"waaaaaaai 6alal....ta7acha...meno..."

"a7mad ilflani........"

"SHENO..?! A7MAD ?! " she gasped then stared away lost in thought.

"laish entay t3arfeena...." i stared at her.

"ha....ughh la2 ma3arfa....min wain ba3arfa y3ne....."

"men noora yimkin...."

She looked at me with horror, "oo noora ham sh3arafha fee....."

"fara7 fee shay t3arfeena oo moga3da tgoleenle yaa....." i warned her.

"e-embala y3ne a7mad weyaha bljam3a hatha kil elle a3arfa...."

"akeed...." i raised an eyebrow.

She remained quiet then answered, "eee.......emm ana ba93ad abadil, tabee ayeeblik shay...."

"laaa ....mabe shay...."

I watched go up the stairs. laish sta'3ribat youm gitlaha 3an a7mad....?? feee shay ana ma3arfa....oo fara7 t5aaf t5ish 3anni shay.....ma3ti8id ga3da tgi9 kanat t3arif shay chan galatle.....



I screamed to myslef as i ran up the stairs and into my room. Shwaya oo a5ir 7ag 6alal elle ako wele'6rita t5ari3 yuma!!! ashwa magitla shay........bas a7mad ?! la laaaaaa moma38oola.....hatha mayishtihee noora....shlon yi56ibha.....?! 5al adig 3ala noora a7san...




"wai bismila shfeech...."



"9ij a7mad 5a6bich ?!"

"la7'6a ay a7m.....SHENO ?! men gal......"


"6ALAL...?! "

"eeeeee..........." there was no reply, "noora.....noora...?"

"hmm....." her voice wobbly.

"ga3da tabcheen...??"

"abaaai....shlon 6alal yadry.....*gasp* akeed ....akeed hal7mar galla.....*gasp* akeed kalama......"

"waaaai 7ayate latabcheen...kilshay yit9ala7 inshalla......oo ma3ti8id enna byi56ibich.....oo 7attan law...akeed jawabich la2....."

"laaa2 fara7.....*gasp* 6alal....*gasp* 6alal yadre.....akeed m7achee a7mado oo allah yister shno gayila...."

"laaaa ma3ti8id...entay haday shwy..3afya ga6a3tay galbi.....lat5afeen 6alal mara7 ygool 7ag a7ad 7atta law kan yadre...."

"BAS OHWA Y3ARF....oo ra7 yikrahne....yikrahne......"

"laaa t3arfeeen 6alal shkithir y3izich...bas 5ala9 motabcheen....yalla hadai..please for me...."

"lazim akalma lazim !!!"


But the phonecall ended.





"A7MAD WA5IR 3ANI...BAS 5ALA9...!!!"

"oh ya3ne wi9alich il7achee...masra3...."


"shsawait ana.....kil elle sawaita enne kalamt wild 5altich ...bas..."

"ya3ne kalamta......?" i felt my heart sink, "laish.......7aram 3alaik..."

"bas mazaaj....."



"ya3ne..." i shivered shwy.

"mali5lg a7san 3ashan yi9falina iljaw....."

"laish mora'6ee tifham...mabeeek....."

"bas ana abeech.....tabeene a5ibich...."

"laa2 wai3....." I said and shut the phone and dialled fara7's number.


Kint minsidi7 3al '3anafa wala yrin telephone.






"6alal....." oo 3iraft il9ot 3ala6ool.

"Noora...?" i sat up.

"6alal lazim ashoofik...."


"lazim ashoofik.....el7een....6alal plz....."



Luv u ;*****

gudnight ;)))))))

Friday, May 29, 2009

Random Agaaaaaain ;p

-ana mn ilnas elle 3ady tgoloonle "yalla bni6la3" oo ajhaz
Ib no9 sa3a makeup simple,hair 3almazaj,bs albis 3adil oo
I'm ready to go :) oookay gilna cthee bs 2day was
Mother was like "kaboot libsay bsir3a benroo7 elsal7iya el7een"
I was like enna okay...b3dain she said "okay ana oo baba na6reenich
Blsayara" oo I was like what ?!? Oo magi9 3alaikom 6ala3tly shay
Bsir3a oo I put it on..sha3re makeup oo ray7a ilsal7iya
On a thursday cthee ma3 wayhe :p it took me 7 minutes...kissart
My record :))

-habba hal ayaam 3ala a'3ani wa7id 8adeeeeeeem elle oho Frank Sinatra!
Madry 3ady amshe oo I'm like "L is for the way u look at me..."
Aw "someday when I'm awfuly low,when the world is cold, I will feel a glow
Just thinking ooooooooof you, and just the way u look 2night" aw " fly me
To the moon let play among the stars" aw "like a fellow once said aint that a kick in the head"
YES 7ifa'6t kil a'3aneee oo bas a'3aneehom madry shfeene ya nas loool (guess wut I'm
Listening to??? :p)

-3indy a book I'm reading oo 3ajbatny il8i9a oo bigale chapter
Oo a5ali9 bs mabyyyy e5ali9 :( fa kil youm amor 3ind il8i9a oo at7assaf
Agraha mabeeha t5ali9 :p 9ayerle 3 weeks 3ala hal 7al :p

-i hate waking up in the morning ...HATE IT!! Morning is 4 us to sleep
Not wake up...although 6al3at il9ub7 r enjoyable oo ahdaa oo wanasa hmmmmm
Bs male sh'3l...I hate waking up in the morning

-9ayra ma2a7lem madry shfeene ...anaaaaam oo anaaaam bs abad mako shay
Bas shasha soda....laaaaaish??? Abeee a7lim I like dreaming !!! Huffff 5anshoof
I dream 2day wala la2...**crossing fingers**

-7arrrrr ya 3alam 7arrrrrr....!!!! Bs yinfa3 7ag tan :p bas still 7arrrrrrr

-ee I'm not commenting back on ur cmnts lene mash'3oola wallah bs I am
Reading them doesn't that count o:)

-uffff shtahait cookies faj2a...!!! Loool 5al aboog ilchoowey goowey jar elle
B'3orfat o5oy muwahahahahhahahahahaha, maskeen kila ygool bsir3a y5ali9
Balaaa ma3araf meno elle '6aaarib no9a hehe

-laish youm asawee diet faj2a ashoof my dad yaay oo he's like yibtlokom
Barid taboon ??? 7abakat y3neee...shma3na mo ams aw elle gabla oo elle gabil gabla
Hmmmmm laish :(

-okay el mo t9eer month oo I'll min t9eer minutes when I type ib my bb
So etha shiftaw minute dashaa 3ar'6 bljomla hatha tafilsif ilbb tara :p

-okay hal'3niya 9ayirlaha fatra bl waaaaai3 malha da3ee killish
Oo kalimat'ha '6aim...elbeat yi3jibny s.h.w.y bs the song way3..its
"Kiss me through the phone"..madry laish bs killa at5ayal the girl
Ti6la3 mn ilsama3a to kiss him...ma3ina I knw that's not wut he means bs
Madry laish hehe

-shakle chinna '6abb ga3da 3alfrash bil'6alma aktib the post hehe bs a cute '6abb lol ;pthi8a

-mako post elyoum lene a7taaj anam chood a7lim wala shay :p 2mro I'll post

Luv u ...;***
Gudnight :))))

Posted using BlackBerry@device
Zain xx kuwait

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is it love..? (25)


Zain ashwa the awkwardness 5affat shwya....i really dont want us to be weird around eachother. kan yabe ygoole shay bs sikat....

oh i hoped it was " i love you" madry laish yimkin mo5ee ga3d e5arif 3ala rasi again...

9ij enna we talked oo he "kissed" me bs moma3nata enne he loves me...wala does he??

I looked at him as he talked on the phone and he tensed up, i felt the change on his posture. After closing the phone he turned to me, waiting for me to what....leave?

"shba'3ait tgool...?"bs shakla kan sar7an wala shay, "6alal...?"


"hehe...shba'3ait tgool...?"

please say it......just say it....

" walashay...?"

and my there went my hopes ...;(

"akeed...?" i forced a smile.

" akeed..." he answered hesitantly. I looked at him incase y'3ayir raya oo ygoole, bs nooo shakla makan ra7 ygoole.

"okay 3ayal..emmm mashkoor 3al lift ooo the icecream b3d ma3ina enta kalait no9a...."

He looked at me, "ee ee..." he looked distracted, madry shfee.

"okay bye..." i said as i stepped out and shut the door. He waited for me to get in and as soon as i got in he sped away.

Di5alt ilbait oo my mom and dad were in the 9ala.


"hala yuma...yaitay....shlon 9irtay a7san...."

"ee yuma wayid a7san....." i smiled.

"3afya 3ala bnayte...." said my father but he was focused on the stocks at the tv.

"meno yabich..rahul?"

"la2...emm 6alal wa9alni..." i blushed shwya madry laish.

"eee ya7laila..chan gilteela eyee edish..."

"mm shakla mirtibi6 ...."

"eee...tabeen tryigain...? om6alal yaybatlina 5osh mraba..."

"hehe....yabatlokom...eshkithir wakilatne tawamsa3...bil3afyaa...ana 9a3da foug daari.."

"okay yuma..."

I went upstairs and took a long ,steamy shower then called fara7 to come over after uni to watch a movie wala shay.



shyabee wain 6ila3le...ana broo7e mawa6na oo la 3ain edig 5anshoof sh3inda....allah yistir..

Ri7t starbucks elmokan elle itfa8na niltigi fee. sifa6t ilsayara oo di5alt da5il, kaan fee nas. elle yidrisoon, esawlfoon, ga3deen mako sh'3l, 3al laptop etc....

Gi3adt adawra bs maligaita. ri7t 7ag 6awla 3al zawya oo gi3adt. Ba6alt 8olat dishdashte 7as roo7i shwaya ma5noog. ga3d a6ali3 barra an6ira eyee, 9ara7attan ba36ee robo3 sa3a etha maya bil6agag elle y6iga.

Elyoum kint shwaya oo agolaha enne a7ibha...lail7een mani gadir a9adig enne a7ibha. 5osh wa7da noora mn we7na 9'3aar oo ana a3arifha oo twanis oo t'6a7ik...3alaiha fa9lat shwy. mithil elyoum 3an ilzhaiwy wallah '6a7ikatny, mat5ayalha tirki'6 oo t9ari5 mn zhaiwiya ish9i'3irha. bas eti9aal a7mado 5arrab 3alai..3ad bilyala yatle iljir2aa enne agolaha, y3ne fashla agolaha "wallah a7ibich..." y3ne mo7ilwa yinga9 wayhee oo ti6la3 tshofne kawild 5ala oo bas. uffffff....9ij mo7ilwa.

bas youm bist'ha mawagifatne....uff y3ne akeed mara7 twagifny 6a3 shlon kint ga'6ibha ana. wallah madry sheno yani halyoum bs 3iraft ene a7ibha....chan zain minziman bayis'ha hehe.

tba6al ilbab oo di5al a7mado. dawarne oo ana mata3abt roo7i a2ashirla bs ga3id mokani a5iza lain mayani.

"salam..." he said still standing.

"w3alaykom ilsalam..." radait ibnafsiya, "ig3ad oo goole sh3indik...mash'3ool..."

He sat down, set his phone on the table and looked up, " 6alal..ana yay akalmik 3an shay mohim oo law halshay makan ehimnee chan mata3anait oo 6alla3t ra8mik oo kalamtik...."

I remained quiet.

"e7m...adry ennik matwa6ini..."

"thaky wallah..." i answered grimly. He ignored me and continued,

"bss ana 8a9di shareef...."

Rifa3t 7ayib, interested now. Sheno y3ne 8a9da shareef..shyabe bil'6ab6.

"ana oo noora...y3ne tigdar tgool in7ib ba3a'6.....basss fee shay wagif ib6ireejna....elle oho .....e7m ....enta...."

"ana...? laish sawait shay ana...." kint arid 3alai ib istihzaa2.

"6alal ana moga3d at'3ashmar.....ana a7ib noora oo noora t7ibne...."

"noora t7ibik.....mit2akid..."

He glared at me, "ee akeed mit2akid.....kil youm nitlaga biljam3a ma3ba3a'6 7attan mo7a'6aratna killa weya ba3a'6...."

Gi3adt at5ayal noora oo a7mado ib nafs elmo7a'6ara kil youm ma3ba3a'6, oo tnarfazt shwaya.

I looked at him bs shakla kan wathi8 mn elle ga3d ygoola, maybayin 3alai inna ga3d ychathib.

"abe atzawjha 6alal.....latfakir enne ga3d al3ab 3alaiha, oo ehya tadre ib halshay.....oo mwaf8a."

My mind raced with thoughts of noora belonging to someone besides me, 5o9oo9an hatha.

"oo shilma6loob meni el7een...."

"ennik twa5ir 3an noora...ehya kalimatni..."

"la7'6a ....kalmitik 3anni..."

"eee oo galatle ennik ga3d t2atheeha oo momirta7a 7ag ta9arifatik weyaha hal ayam...."

"meta hal7achee....?"

"kan kan gabil sboo3 ta8reeban ligait'ha 3ind iljam3a gabil matbalish ilmo7a'6ara oo kalamna ba3a'6 ib sayarat'ha..."

"di5alt sayarat'ha..?"

"eee...kilmara nsawee cthee bs lat5aaf ehya mojarid sowalif ensolif'ha gabil mandish ilmo7a'6ara....oo a7san 3ashan maykoon jidam ilnas..."

"y3ne tadre enna elle ga3d etsawee '3ala6...daaam enna 8a9dik shareef mithil matgool 3ayal laish itkalim libnaya ib sayarat'ha.."

" daam enha mwaf8a o ana b3d..shilmani3."

"enzain ana ba3arf..dam ennik t7ibha oo ehya t7ibik..3ala goltik 3ayal laish ga3d tkalimni el7een...."

"lena 9ara7attan youm shiftik bilmostashfa oo youm lamait'ha ....ma3ijabny ilwa'63 oo gilt lazim akalmik...."

"enta tadre enne wild 5alat'ha...oo a5af 3alaiha akthar minnik oo min ashkalik...faa ana agool twa5ir 3anha a7sanlik..."

"mara7 awa5ir....enta laish mora'6ee tifham...yuba libnaya matabeek oo tabeene ana...ifham ya5ee..."

Sikat lena la7a'6 inna 9outa kan 3alee.

"5ish chthbik 3ala '3airy ana adry noora sheno oo mosta7eel etsawee chthee..."

"wetha gitlik enna 3indi ra8amha...oo akalimha kil youm bilail ..."

"sheno ilithbaat....3ady tigdar t6ali3 ra8amha mn ay mokan mithil ma6ala3t ra8mi..."

"oo adil 3inwan bait'hom etha mint m9adigny..."

"titsha6ar ya3ne....ham hatha sahil ennik t6al3a etha kan 3indik ra8amha aw la7igha....."

He glared at me and he was getting angry...i could feel it.

"enzain...makint abeeha to9al etha tabee ithbaat...3indy ilithbaat...."

I looked up at his confident face and the grin that touched his lips....oo i felt uneasy all of a sudden.


He reached for his mobile, oo 7asait roo7i ga3d a9adi3 shwy shwy...sheno momkin ekoon biltelephone.....??

"msayiv cham message 3indik....oo hatha ithbaat enha t7ibne oo tabeene...oo ham enna elle ga3d agoolik yaa 9ij moo cithb...."

He checked his phone oo he handed it over to me.


I'll meet u blcafe bacher okay ;) gudnight


"shdarani etha hathe noora wala la2....yigdar ekoon ay wa7id...."

"wallah 3ad etha mat3arif ra8amha hathee moshkiltik...tabene adig 3alaiha oo tisma3 9ot'ha 3ashan t9adig...?"

Youm gal cthee 3araft enna moga3d echathib...ma38oola noora yi6la3 minha cthee..

"kaa hathawle b3d messegat...."


ee okay..bacher ni6la3 m3ba3a'6 and head to uni..;)



a7mad the proff. is watching....loool



give me time to think about it.....yalla banam gudnight ;*


Message wara message oo ana agraa ilsowalif oo shlon 6ay7a ilmiyana oo mn ilkitaba 3iraft enna hathee noora. shlon noora tsawe cthee...?? sh'hal jor2a elle feeha tkalim walad bltelephone, messegat, jam3a ma3ba3a'6, tig3ad bilsayara ma3aa......??! maby a9adig bs kilshay wa'6i7 jidami...oo hatha mithil maygool 8a9da shareef oo yabee yitzawajha oo noora ra'6ya..oo mn ilmessegat masta'3rib etha wafi8at...

"9adagtny el7een....."

I passed his phone back, "enzain oo il7adeth elle 9ar..."

"hatha kan fee wa7id yil7agha...oo ana wagt'ha kint asayirha...youm shift hathak yil7agha 3ala6ool yait oo hathak laf 3alaina oo ana oo noora di3amna ib ba3a'6...."

I nodded my head..."bss ra7 akalim noora...elle ga3d e9eer '3ala6 oo etha tabeeha fee shay esma tyee oo ti56ibha..." i said ib a39aab.

"mala da3e tkalimha ehya tadre enne el7een ga3d akalmik gabil madish kalamt'ha ..."

I felt my chest clench. Noora tawa m7achita....oo ana bil7asra asolif weyaha, oo gabil shwy kint weyaha...3ayal tfakir feene kawild 5ala oo bas....zain enne magitlaha enne a7ibha.

"wana ra7 a'6abi6 sho'3le 3ashan a5a6ibha ....faa mala da3y tkalimha lena kilshay ra7 e9eer rasme...makint abee yo9al lahaldaraja oo akeed m3a9ib oo mora'6ee 3an elle 9ar bs 5ala9 elle 9ar 9aar oo el7een batzawajha oo kilshay ra7 ekoon rasme...."

"5ala9t kalamik......"

"eee....hatha kilshay...ya3ne 5ala9 ...okay...mara7 tyee baini oo bainha..."


I said as i walked away. mosta7eel atzawaj noora b3d sowalif'ha oo mosta7eel a5aleeha om3yali etha msawya kil hatha....9ij enne a7ibha, bs matinfa3ne 5ala9 oo ham tabee hatha.



karraht 6alaloo feeha...wallah oo li3abt'ha 9a7...el7een mosta7eel yabeeha b3d el7achee elle gitla yaa....

sawait roo7e ana elle a7ibha oo abee a56ibhaa bs ha haaaaai mako sho'3l...noorooo ra7 tindam 3ali sawita .....6alal hatha elle mayit 3alaiha oo ehya b3d a3ti8id mara7 e9eer bainat'hom shay b3d mawaraita ilmessegat....zain enne mamisa7t'hom

law kan lail7een mom9adigne chan gitla enne bist'ha oo akeed etha kallam noora biti5tibi9 oo beshoof ilathar ille 3ala rgobat'ha hatha etha lail7een mawjood....

eftakait mn 6alalo......oo el7een 9ifalee iljaw 7ag noora....


Luv u ;****


Monday, May 25, 2009

Is it love..? (24)

ENJOY ;***


gi3adt mn ilnom oo i stretched my body, i was half expecting me to hit fara7 bs when i turned my face she wasnt there. I dont remember how i fell asleep yesterday, i was soo tired. i remember the bad dream, taking water for myself, sitting on the counter but other than that is blank. I looked at her bathrooms door but it was open.

"Fara7....." i called bs no answer. I looked at the clock and it read 11:12am. oh maaaaan, it2a5art 3ala my class, akeed fara7 ra7at uni wala shay....or maybe downstairs? I washed up and put my clothes on, ran my hands through my hair and went down stairs.

"9aba7 el5air....ta3alay ikleelich ilbai'6 gabil mayibrid..." said 5alti. I smiled and made my way over to her and sat beside her. It was me, rayil 5alti and 5alti.

"3ayal fara7 wainha..." i said as i grabbed a toast and slathered some cheese on it.

"fara7 ra7at iljam3a...gabil shwy mishat.."

"laish maga3idatny..."

"hehe 7awilat,,bs shaklich kintay wayid ta3bana fa5alitich......"

"ahh..." i said and smiled shyly.

"haa bo6alal wain rayi7...ig3ad b3d shwy.."

"laaa lazim aroo7 3indy ijtimaa3 mabe at2a5ar 3alai....yalla femala....7i6ay maraba 3al toast..." said rayil 5alti to me as he went out.

"ee wallah tara wayid latheetha elmaraba yaybenlina yaha mn libnan....thoogay..."

"laa momishtahya....." bs giltay 3as, 5alti put the strawberry jam on to my toast.

"yalla el7een thoogay oo golay mo 7ilo...."

i munched on the toast and the sweetness of the fresh strawberries was delicious. "MMMmmmm..hehe..."

"gitlich....." she winked at me. I finished the toast and she made another one for me but this time with blueberry jam and i took it from her with no complains and ate it all up. We sat here chatting about random stuff when i heard a deep masculine voice,

"9aba7 il5air......" said 6alal, with his messed up hair, dirty faced facial hair, his sweat pants and white shirt as he came over, he was sexy ;p i forced my eyes off of him. "oh noora lail7een 3indina..." his eyes lit up as he noticed me, and flashed me a smile.

"5athatne elnoma...." i answered.

"laish manimtay 3adil ams....?" he said as he pulled a chair and sat infront of 5alti.

"laa mbala...bss kint ta3bana...."

"shakilha fara7 killish ma5alitich tnameen ams...." he said and looked at me. i tried reading his expression like he was expecting me to know i was clueless.

"umm ee ya3ne, gimt shwy 5athitle maai oo 9i3adt oo radait nimt..."

His gaze was intense now, "9i3adtay..?"

"ughh ee....." i looked at him confusingly.

"y3ne 5athitay ilmaai oo 9i3adtay oo nimtay.....?" he said again. i just looked at him y3ne shilmohim ib hathaa.

"haw 6alal yuma shfeek.....ma3alaich mina tawa ga3id mn ilnom..." said 5alti as she passed the chai 7aleeb to 6alal. 6alal took it from her and shook his head slightly with a grin on his face. i wonder whats up with him. 6alal reached for the bread when 5alti interruppted him,

"7i6 maraba weyaaa yaybeenha mn libnan..." she said and i giggled to myself. 6alal raised an eyebrow at me then slathered some jam on his bread. I drank my orange juice and watching 6alal munch on his bread.

"wallah latheeth....noora jarbai lay6oofich..." he said to me as he passed me a bread.

"laa bas shiba3t...thigt ilstrawberry oo iltoot......"

"bs mathigtay ilmishmish...." he winked, "yalla gi'6bay..."

i took the bread from him and slathered the jam on my bread....waaw too much jam for one day.

"mintay ray7a iljam3a elyoum...." said 5alti.

"laa wala 6afawni ilmo7a'6arat fa yinfa3 aroo7 ba3ad..."

"a7san...." both me and 5alti looked up at 6alal. he was munching his bread and drinking his tea then looked up, "ughhhh 8a9di ya3ne...a7sanlich bidal matro7een 3alfa'6ee....5o9oo9an enich ta3bana y3ne...."

"ahhh..eeee 9a7 9a7....elyoum erta7ay oo bacher roo7ay..." said 5alti. "oo enta 6alal mint rayi7 ilsharika elyoum....?"

"la wallah ta3baaaan ams killish manimt...." he said and looked at me, "shakle ana b3d elyoum bartaa7...." he smiled, i smiled back.

"ummm yalla ana lazim aroo7...." i said as i got up, "elryoog kan latheeth tislam eedich 5alti..." i said as i gave her a kiss.

"wain ray7a gi3day shwy...." said 5alti and the look on 6alal's face showed that he agreed.

"laa wallah lazim amshee....aroo7 3ind ommi shwy milyon message im6arshatle...hehe"

"okay elle yray7ich.....bss entay ma3indich sayara agool 7ag rahul ma3 il5adma ewa9loonich...."

"ee okay...."

"laaa ana awa9lich.....nafs 6ireeje fa ana agi6ich "

"laish enta wain rayi7...." said 5alti.

"ugghhh bamor 9a7by oo nroo7 ilchalet....."

"ahhh okay 3yal....mashee m3ach noora..."

"ughh eee 5al ayeeb jan6ity..."



aham shay enha momit'thakra !!! kint abeeha tit'thakar enna ana wadait'ha foug oo da5alt'ha ilfrash bs yallah ma3alaai.......

ni6art'ha bilsayara b3dain d5alat oo mishaina. I looked at her and she smiled back,

"shlon rasich 9ar a7san....."

She touched the bandage on her head, "emm...may3awir bs youm ajeesa"

"yalla ashwa enna mo akbar mn chethee..."


"iltakeef 3alaich...."

"ee 3ady....bss wayid 7ar shda3wa chethee..."

"eee.....tadreeen shlon...." i said and took a u-turn.

"sheno wain ray7een...."

"il7een it3arfeen" i said and gave her a grin. We stopped outside of BaskinRobbins, "yalla imshay na5ithlina barid enbarid 3ala nafisna shwy...."

"allaaaaaaa....." she squeeled like a child and i laughed 3ala shakilha as we made our way inside.

We took our ice-cream and got back into the car.

"allaaa baaaarid !!! hehe....."she said as she ate her rainbow sherbet.

"mmmm...." i 6alal as i took another spoonful of chocolate mousse. "t9adgeen wala mara thayig elle ga3da takleena...." i said innocently.

"na8za y3ne tabee...hehe....."she said as she passed over her cup to me, i took a bite, "oo ana b3d..."she said. she took a bite of my icecream,"ambaai wayid chocolaty!!!"

"y3ne entay...wayid fruity.."i mimicked her as i backed my car back into the street. gi3adna bs nsawlif 3an ashyaa2 malha da3ee aw asma3ha ti7al6am etc....

"ya3ne laish..." i said sarcastically.

"lena shakla mo2rif...waaaaaai" she said.

"bs shbitsaweelich ya3ne taklich mathalan....a89aaha zhaiwiya ..."

"waaaai3 enta shayif lonha....."

"b3d allah 5ilagha cthee...makeeena y3ne ehya nagita"

"adry bs....enzain wala hathawl .." she motioned with her hand y3ne her antennas, " shlon yit7arikon....3ady amoot...."

"olllaaaaaaaa hahahhaa....yuba entaw ilbanat tidali3on...."

"la shako...."

"y3ne etha m5awfitich thib7eeha...."


I laughed, "5ala9 etha shifta zhawiya mara thanya digaay 3alai oo ayeech athba7lich yahaa...eshtabeen b3d.."

"bas ma3indy ra8mik..." as soon as she said that she bit her lip, "makan 8a9dy.."

"haaa la 3ady....shlon ma3ndich yaa tara nafsa mati'3ayar..."

"emm adry bs '3ayart telephone oo inmisa7..oo chethe..."

"tabeena..." i said as i shot her a flirtatious look.

"laaa2..." she blushed.

"akeed...meno byithba7 ilzhawyiyaa b3dain....?"

she giggled.

agolaha...?? agolaha enne a7ibha.....?? chenna ee.......

i looked at her and she looked back still giggling.


"hmmm..." she answered with a wide grin.

"noora ana..e7m..anaaa"

Oo telephone rann.

Wagtik.....?! uffff.....

"digeega...." i said as i picked up the phone.



"ee na3am meno weyay...."

"weyaak a7mad....a7mad ilflani...."

"5air shtabee....!" i answered back in a clipped tone.

"abee akalmik...fa'6ee el7een....?"

I looked at noora oo wayiha ilmibtisim, "eee wain alageek...??" i said as we entered fireej bait 5alti. 3iraft ilmokan oo sakkart iltelephone oo ana m3a9ib 3ala il7maar a7midoo...madry shbeegool bs lazim a3rf.

i stopped barra ilbait oo noora shafatne, "shba'3ait itgool..."

mo5i kan b3eeed oo masima3t'ha. "6alaaaal......"


"hehe...shba'3ait etgool...."

"uhhh laa....laaa walashay...."

she shot me a look, "akeeed.....?" she smiled.

" eee akeed.."


luv u ;*****

study well ;)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Is it love..? (23)

To all of u who hv exams

Take a break, have a post from me...;p



1:12 am

i tossed and turned on the bed, i took fara7s leg from over my thigh and pushed it away and pulled the blanked over me which fara7 took most of it to herself. i put my head back down bs my clothes were so uncomfortable. i got up opened fara7s closet and pulled out a red PJ and wore it then stumbled back to bed. i pulled my hair free of the ponytail and put my head back on the fluffy pillow and slept. fara7 pulled the blanket over her again leaving me with just enough to cover half of my body. i turned and looked at her and she was so cute so i wasn't going to wake her up oo azifha, i just cuddled closer to her to get myself under the warm blanket.


i heard a door shut and my eyes fluttered open, im a really light sleeper. I glanced at the clock and it read 2:03am and i wondered who might be up hal7azza. maybe why would he be up till know..?? hmmmm....i chose not to think about it and slept again.

* * * *

i sat there in my grandmas house like we do every thursday chatting and laughing. everyone was happy, beaming....perfect ! i received a phone call and got up to answer it outside. i stepped into the garden and started talking on the phone with someone, i dont who it is but i seemed to know him well. I talked and talked but then out of nowhere someone whirls me over and WHACK!! lands a masculine hand on my cheek! i stumbled back and felt dizzy all over, i opened my eyes but all i could see where white spots in front of me. i shook my head to look clearly when another slap lands on the same side....hard !!!!

* * * *

****gaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp**** i woke up with my heart racing, my face damp and my breathing difficult.

its just a dream....its just a dream

i said over and over again. But its like i felt it right there on my right cheek i touched it slightly just to make sure. i ran my hand over my face oo sammait...i turned and saw fara7 sleeping serenely. i put my head back but i couldn't stop thinking about the dream, i pulled the blanket away and stepped into the bathroom. I splashed water over my face and it burned where it touched the bandage. I stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the bed not knowing what to do, i was really sleepy but i couldnt sleep so i reached for my mobile and i had 3 messages.

1 message
نورة اذا حسيتاي اب عوار او شي دقاي اوكي

1 message
youm agoolich abe akalmich sim3eeny..shiftay shno 9ar feeech !

1 message
ee nesait agool....hatha 6alal wild 5altich mo chethe, bas as2al

I read the last message again, sheno 8a9da y3ne, oo shdaraa inna 6alal wild5alty..shyabe mn 6alal?! waaaai laish mora'6ee ehidne oo 5ala9...laish ga3d esawy kil hatha ??? My throat went dry as different scenarios popped into my head of what a7mad has in mind to do. If he talked to 6alal....oh my god...if he talked to 6alal amoot a7sanly, ayshay wala 6alal...ayshay !!
I swallowed convulsively and set my mobile back on the table and stared at it for a while. I shivered slightly and i couldn't stop myself even when i covered my body with the blanket. My teeth were slightly clattering and i pulled the blanket even closer.
After a while i decided to get up and bring me some water, milk....ayshay to ease my throat. I opened the door slowly, stuck my head out into the corridor but there was no one, and stepped out. I turned around and closed the door as quietly as i can bs the CLICK was loud, i cursed under my breath then tiptoed my way to the kitchen.

I reached the kitchen and it was dark, i didn't want to open the lights so i opened the refrigerator and looked in for something to drink. I picked out the milk bs i don't like it cold so i put it back in, i scanned the refrigerator and saw juice, laban etc.....

but it wasn't what i wanted so i just pulled a bottle of water and closed the refrigerator door. I pulled out a stool and sat on the kitchen's counter with only the moon's light casted through the window to help me see slightly. i just sat there in the dark drinking my water enjoying its cold , silky sensation. I was growing sleepy by the second and i mindlessly laid my head on the counter and closed my eyes.



9arly arba3 sa3at oo ana ga3id 3alfrash a7awil anam bs mako fayda. ay 9ot asma3a 3ala6ool aba6il 3ainy oo afakir etha kanat noora aw la2. 7attan 3al thintain 6ila3t barra oo wigaft 3ind bab fara7 bs mako 9ot fa akeed naymeen, ri7t ilma6ba5 sawaitle popcorn blmicrowave oo di5alt il'3orfa ashoof filim. 5alla9 ilfilim oo ilnofaish, oo madry shasawy.....ilsa3a 3 el7een !! farrasht throosy oo di5alt ilfrash a7awil anam, tawa kint ba'3faa wala asma3 9ot oo halmarra knt mit2akid enna 9ij oo moga3d at5ayal. I stepped out of my bed and opened the door bs makan fee a7ad, bs ana mit2akid enne sima3t 9ot fa mishait foug, wi9alt 3ind ma6ba5 ilta7'6eer foug wala ashoof wa7da nayma 3al counter. mn sha3arha 3araft enna noora, i would never mistake her black hair. Bas laish nayma hnee ??

Mishait shwy shwy 5ayif laga3idha, youm wigaft 3indaha wala ehya nayma. 7a6a eedha ta7at ras'ha oo nayma chenha yahil. shakilha baree2 oo t7asaft laish zafait'ha elyoum bs mosta7eel at7asaf enne bist'ha 7atta law kint abee...

i reached for her shoulder and shook her lightly as i whispered, "noora....noora.."

bs shakilha ib sabi3 noma oo mosam3atne. i moved the hair mn wayiha lai wara oo garabt minha, "noora...goomay..." ta7arikat shwy bs mafta7at 3yoonha. i smiled, shasawy el7een.

gi'6abt'ha mn eedha, lafait ilkorsi oo i pulled her off from the table, her head landed on my chest, then with my arms securely around her i pulled her off of the chair. Her whole weight was on me, i put one arm around her waist oo mishait. bilawal mamishat bs her legs slowly moved along.

Galat shay bs mowa'6i7 el'6ahir ga3da ti7lim wala shay, "shhhh...el7een tnameen 3alfrash arya7lich..."

wi9alna oo fita7t ilbab oo di5alna il'3orfa, ri7na 9oub ilfrash oo with my hands wround her i lowered her to the bed. shilt eedi mn wara '6aharha oo i was so close, oo bas kint abee abos'ha bs fara7 stirred oo i backed away. i held the end of the blanket oo '3a6ait noora, i tucked it under her head. she mumbled something else, ibtisamt, "shhh namay 7beebty...."

'3a6ait fara7 b3d oo 6ila3t.

el7een agdar anam.....



bacher ra7 ebalish elsho'3l...oo awareech ya noora!!! la5aleech tit7asifain 3alsa3a elle gilteele feeha mabeek......

oo awal shay ra7 abalish ma3 6alal.....


back 2 studying ;p

luv u ;****


Random AGAIN ;p

- so we were at the movies this weekend with my family which is mainly me and my youngest bro since enna the rest ma3 rabi3hom....elmohim, ana i dont usually sit beside my father lena mo2thee wayid e7ib yit7arash i sat beside him this time....kan '6alma oo im eating popcorn half/half...mishta6a abe a3arf the next one caramelized wala salted wala i touch something...hard....i stuck my head da5il and pulled out a chocolate bar tmagalt fee wala (aero) 9ar feeene,,,huh ?? lafait 3ala my father which was on my side and he was like "hatha shyaba hnee?" with his lips twitching....typical....i knew right then that it was my father....thats why i dont sit beside him bilcinema ;p

-okay so 7jaab botankar/taf5a/goo6y rob etc.....mawjood ana 6i7t 3ala shay yideed...;)) na3am alaa wala howa...7jaab bo 6arboosh..!!!! im not kidding wallah, marrat wa7da oo 7a6a 6arboosh oo fouga her shaila, ras'ha moraba3 ya3alam...mako a7ad mastalamha...;p gal3at'ha y3ne 7ilo weya halwayh...

-Coldstone fita7..;))) for those who dont know it its an icecream place wayid mash'hoor fee amreeka oo tawa fati7 blq8...i luv it !! its blavenues phase 2 foug 9oub ilma6a3im...
i recommed sweet cream vanilla with brownie chunks and cookie dough....idmaaaaaaaan ;p

-okay what i dont get ohwa ilawlad elle wear short shorts 4 malls..okay gilna 7alal bs 9adigny manaby enshoof maba3d rikbitik...tisatar etha m'6ayi3 tara ilchalet 7ada moo hnee

-laish il3alam wayid e5izoon...?!? okay ana a5iz bs moo, women, girls, boys efa9fo9oon elwa7id oo ohwa maar....laish...laaaaaaaaish

-ana youm adris for exams a9eer mafjoo3a ibshakil abla3 ya3ne 3ashan i focus 6al ib3ainy...fa 3ala6ool a7oos bil9ala ,ma6ba5 grabbing snacks along...;) ilakil akthar mn ilawrag ille im studying ;p

-madry laish bs youm adris 7ag imti7aan it has to be on the bed...its comfier oo etha kint abee a5ithle '3afwa bil6ireej bas agi6 rasi wara ;p

-e9eer feene "ollaa dirast wayid 5 sa3at shda3wa...." bs in reality ana my breaks kil robo3 sa3a for god knows when...fa 5al agi9 3ala '3airy ;p

-ambai shakle youm adris imti7aan e'6a7ik....sha3re lamita ib kobba , libsee moreeee7, wayhe min9ifig, shakle focused, 8alam ib eedi, calculator ib 7i' kil elle yi6la3 weyay inne i draw flowers with bees and trees on the paper....

wayid giragt 5al adris loooool

luv u ;**

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Kabooot is sad...:(((

Tierd :((

Sleepy :((

Exhausted :(((

But I cnt do anything cuz I have studying to do....bss meta e9eer monday
Oo aftak :(((

my eyes r watering, lips trembling,my back is cramped, hair messed up in a bun, coffee on
my side and stacks of papers and books on my bed...kil robo3 sa3a a5ithlee break minute ilmalal

Gabil shwy my eldest brother ya7laila kisart 5a6ra oo yablee choowy goowey cookies bs momishtahya
ta5ayilaw kabat momishtahya meta ?! Oo my baby bro dash 3alai oo 2athani shwy
Which is fun oo 6ila3......y3ne a7i6 eedi 3ala 5adi oo an6ir meno b3d bedish 3alai :p

Abchee ...?

P.S. I can soooo use a hug right now o:)

P.P.S. I should be sleeping by now its 11!!! Minmeta agoom mbacher ana
Luv u :*

Posted using BlackBerry@device
Zain xx kuwait

Friday, May 22, 2009

Is it love..? (22)

To all my lovely "sih'heeera" readers.....;p

oo 4 those with exams....gudluck !!!


enta 7maar...!?!! yanaaaait....?! sheno tboos'ha.......shlon aboos'ha...?!

Madry wain ra7 3agle, a9lan kint m3a9ib 3alaiha ....wayid kint m3a9ib. Kint wagif jidamha oo a2atheeha enna akrah'ha b3d ibnafs elwagt kint m3a9b oo mitnarfiz minha. garabt minha oo youm gitlaha "akrahich" wayiha e3tifas. shfatne oo 3yoonha kan feeha dmoo3 oo rmoosh'ha imyama3a mn ilbache, wayiha a7mar.....oo she was just.....kissable! mn'3air tafkeer bist'ha! bist'ha oo makint 7aas enne ga3d aboos'ha lena makint ga3d afaker bila9il. oo makint abee ahidha youm bist'ha....
7asait'ha kanat tabe twa5irne bs misakt eedha oo i continued on with the kiss.....until she showed no resistance what so ever and it perfect !!! 9ara7attan 6ala3t kill 7ariti ....kil halmoda oo ana wedi...eee wedi agarib minha bs mat5ayalt enne abeeha halkithir.....oo abeeha....offffff abeeeha !!
I kissed her more and more...b3dain she moved her lips to catch a breath when she said "6alal..." ehya galat chethe oo mithil il96aar ya3ala wayhe. i snapped back to reality... i backed away, hissed under my breath oo shift'ha. she had this dazed look on her face with her face flushed, oo '6ameere much as i enjoyed it bs makan lee 7ag enne aboos'ha.
ehya bs kanat wagfa ib mokanha ooo tshofne oo magidart ashoof'ha fa lafait wayhe oo 3a6ait'ha '6ahry.

offf shasawe el7een....shagool.....??? sharagi3....

I massaged my head, i really didnt know what to do...!! a5af altifit oo ashoof wayiha oo e2anibne '6ameere akthar...y3ne elbnaya tawa 6al3a mn 7adeth, oo ta3bana oo nafsiyat'ha mo halkithir oo ana tawne zafha....b3dain faj2a aboos'ha....?!

athwal athwal......



laf wayha oo mora'6ee eshoofne...!!! ambai fe fashla akthar mn chethe......being kissed from the one person you love oo b3dain he regrets it....regrets it !!!! wigaft mokani, na6rita elif....yitkallam ....ayshay !!!! i know it shouldnt have happened bs HE kissed me oo i couldnt help it ...i really couldnt. oo mogadra afham y3ne laish eboosne..?? oo how come he kissed me chethe....chena hes been wanting to do it for a long time..?! lena it wasnt a sweet, gentle kiss.....7ada la2. God, why isnt he doing anything, laimeta nawee yogaf oo ya36eene '6ahra chethe. huffffff shsawait......!!!

i take a step forward then ten back when it comes to my relationship with 6alal. laish chethe..abe a3rf..?! i took another look at his back and i wished i could see his face...atleast a peek....ra' i wanna know how he's feeling, what he's thinking.

Bs i guess i wont be seeing any of that any time soon....

**** ****** ***** *****

"NOORA....yumaa 7beebte...feech shay.....??" cried my mom as soon as i entered, hugging me and showering me with kisses.

"mafeene shay yuma....wallah...."

"shlon mafeech shay...sheno hatha 3ala rasich....waaaaai wa3alaya....bnayte 7beebte..... " she said as she held me into a fa8i9ing embrace.

"el7een be9eer feeha shay 6a3 shlon 5angat'ha...muneera shway shway 3alaiha...." said 5alti.
b3dain she took me into her arms oo ham lamatne.....i felt like a kid.

"5alte bas...mafeene shay..." i said. hadatne oo rayil 5alte yaale,

"5osh mo'6aa msawya 3ala yibhitich..." pointing to my bandage, "sho'3ol gangsters ya3ne...."

"hehe shda3wa ...." i smiled back at him, i've always loved fara7s father ever since i was a child...7ada eshawig. i turned and saw my father, he was talking to 6alal quietly.

If you're wondering what happened, well be honest nothing.....n.o.t.h.i.n.g !! He just said "yalla" motioning to the stairs oo nizalna oo rikabna ilsayara. 6ool il6ireej oo ohwa sakit wala kilma. he would look at the side mirror oo ana altifit 3alai 7asbale ga3d yi6la3 ga3d eshoof elman'6ara iljanibeya. Not a look, word, walashay...walashay. I looked at him from far hoping to god that he wouldnt tell my father the truth lena etha oboy 3iraf walla aroo7 feeha. I couldnt see my fathers face lena ma36eene '6ahra oo ekalim 6alal. bs kint ga3da ashoof 6alal oo shlon he was absorbed with whatever he was saying to my father. 6alal's eyes caught up with mine for a breif second and he looked back at my father but his eyes lingered during those seconds...they did. fara7 hooked her arm in mine and whispered to me,

"yalla lets go up....yalla...." i smiled to her and as soon as we moved wala ommi tyee.

"la2...wain ma5that'ha....?"

"haw shfeech 5alti..hehe...foug '3orfiti..."

"laaa la laaa....noora btig3ad jidami, 3mreee ..ta3alay ta3alay..."

i shot fara7 a pleading look lena adry enne etha gi3adt m3 ommi oo 5alti basti5if minhom lena ra7 esa2loon feene oo kilshwy biyet6aminon 3alai.....oo mali5lg ..lene ta3bana.

"haw shfeekom....noora ta3bana akeed, " she looked at me and i mindlessly nodded back, " oo bni93ad 3ashan tirta7 shwy...."

Both mothers seemed reluctant but they finally agreed....hehe. youm garabna 3ind elsillam wala 5alti calls out, "enzain wil'3ada.....??"


"la taboon.....ta'3adaw oo 9i3daw..."

We had no choice but to head to the table where the food was being set. I sat with my mom on my right and fara7 on my left. i really didnt feel like eating bs i did anyways. 6alal oo oboy soon joined us. 6alal sat across me....awkward much ?
He talked, laughed, kindof joked but not once...once..did he look at me. After a while of hoping i gave up and fixed my eyes on my plate.

After lunch, me and fara7 were about to head upstairs wala 6alal calls fara7....fara7 alone.

"5al ashoof shyabe....ayeelich foug b3dain.."

"uhh okay...." i said and watched fara7 go to 6alal ,then went upstairs.

Fara7 came in after minutes, "waaai sim3ay bser3a gabil ma2ansa...." she rushed in and sat on the bed. i looked up at her,


"okay....6alal tawa kalamni oo galee agoolich enna......."

shda3wa maykalimni oo egool 7ag fara7 tgoole.....?!

"helooooo....latsa6leen..focus......elmohim galee agoolich enna il7adeth kan ta9adom ma3 sayi8 hindi oo enna ma9aar shay oo enna 7adith ba9ee6 oo bas.....phew...okay...."

"el7een hatha 5aifa tinsaina...." i mocked her.

"ee...tara wayid 7ache bs ana e5ti9artlich t3rfeen shlon 6alal e7ib yitfalsaf ib7achya ille no9 ilwagt mafham shegool....."

I smiled and traced flowers on the bed with my fingers.

"tabeene awa8i3lich 3ala your bandage....."

"hahaha.....aham shay...ta5ayilay....!"

"hehe...." she said and looked at me. "noora...?"


"sh9aar bil'6ab6...?? the 7adeth i mean...."


"y3ne 6alal ashkara galee agolich hal7ache 3ashan he wants 7acheekom ekoon nafs i know inna its not what sh9ar...?"

"a7mad..kan yil7agny..."


"eeee..oo di3amna b3a'6....oo 6alal shafa bilmostashfa...."

"what....la7'6a oo 3araf enna u guys....u know..."

"laa2...a9lan a7mad is not my boyfriend and he'll never be...."


"lena 6ila3 akbar chathab..." i recalled to her everything about waht happened between me and a7mad and she was shocked.

"Ma9adig.....kilhatha yi6la3 mina...."

"ee adry..oo madry shasawy...."

"chan gitlay 7ag 6alal e2adba....."

"magdar fara7...magdar....shbegool 3ani b3dain....."

"ee 9a7....uffff...wallah bilsha....enzain shbetsaween ...."

"madry....ad3y enna efich 3anni i guess...." i shrugged. I threw my head on the pillow and fara7 did too.

"tadreen shensawe...."

i looked at her.... "sheno...."

"enam....." she grinned. i smiled at her ....and sleep we did.

kalamt obooha oo 6ala3tla salfa madry min wain 6ala3t'ha oo ana bilsayara bs ga3d afakir ib 8i9a tinfa3 agoolha oo tit9adag oo ashwa enna mashak feene rayil 5alti. maskeen halhindi elle e5tira3ta ib rasi lena insab mn ilkil ...hehe. 3al'3ada magidart ashoof noora oo 3ala6ool ib balee fa kint asolif oo chethe 3shan mafakir feeha bs shlon etha ehya ga3da jidami. b3dain kanat sakta oo bs et5iz 9a7anha oo hnee bs kint a5izha since inna makanat etshoofne.

a7ibha....oo abeeha t3arf bs maby agoolaha el7een ...lazim a3rf shsalfat'ha m3 a7mado hatha. inshalla maykoon fee shay. ana law kint imsha'3il mo5i oo mistaw3ib minziman chan el7een ana weyaha ...lee ana oo ana 7agha.
s3idat foug ma3 fara7 bs kalamt fara7 enna tgool 7ag noora lena magdar akalim noora...miftishil minha 9ara7attan..magdar a7i6 3aini ib 3ainha.

Ana kint ga3d bil9ala 6ool halmoda oo 5alti oo rayilha kanaw yaboon il5adma galatlohom enna naymeen ilbanat. elwalda lazimat inna noora tnam 3indina oo enna 7ram ega3doonha fa 5aloha 3indina elyoum. bs ra7aw wala a93ad foug 3ashan anam lena mitlayish...marait 3ind '3orfat fara7 oo wigaft bs makan fee 9out...

dashait il'3rfa, badalt oo di5alt wain eyeene noum oo noora is one door away.


ya3ne nooro magamat ta36eene wayh 3ashan hathaaak.....el7een estaw3abt. shlon lamha oo ehya tlimma oo yimsa7 3ala ras'ha oo msaweenle mosalsal hal 7ob oo hal'3aram.....hahaaaaaaaai
embayin inna yikrahni, el'6ahir yadri 3ani oo noora.....

bss hayin ya noora....hayin ana elle til3ibeen 3alai.., oo 5anshoof shlon ellle ma3ach byinfa3ich...wallah la5alee yikrahich !!!

P.S. no post these next two days lena im busy....

luv u ;****


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Clearing it up :)

Whoa shga3id e9eer....?!?

To clear things up....

Awalan my stories 6ab3an il7ache feehom 3araby bs I write some
stuff in english well lena....madry :p y3ne ilconversations mo3'6amhom
In arabic bs ana aktib n9hom english madry laish ...


ashoof fee shad 9ayer between two of my readers abee agolokom
chill oo mala da3ee ila39aab plz ....I luv u both mala da3e
I say it...:))) so latishrihoon 3ala ba3a'6 plz lena at'6ayag
Okaaaaaay :)))

To the ppl who r still asking..."Yes" this is a true story !;p

Ooo sheno b3d....eee elyoum yimkin I post...wallah monasyatkom
Oo 7atta oo ana 6al3a e9eer feene 7aram I didn't post for
Soon as I'm free I'll post for sure

Ooo bass....

One more thing...elle 3inda exams,projects wutever gudluck oo
Best of wishes :*****

Luv u ;***

Posted from BlackBerry@device
Zain xx kuwait

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Is it love..? (21)

ENJOY ;****


9ara7attan in9idamt youm shift a7madoo jidame.....oo 6la3aw da3meen ba3a'6 !! wallah 9idfa ya3ne mn bain KIL ilnas yid3imoon ba3a'6. ana gitlaha etwa5ir 3anna bs 6anishat kalami oo sawat ille bras'ha. 3a9abt oo tnarfazt..ana broo7e akraha oo mawa6na oo ohwa sibab inna noora inda3mat oo kil hal5ar3a ille 9arat 3ashan noora. ya3ne jad in9idamt.....hadait noora oo gitlaha oo ana 3aini 3ala a7mado,

"hatha shesawe hnee....?" bs a7mado jawab oo gal,

"di3amna ba3a'6.." ib kil wa8a7a erid. ana 7igarta oo shift noora bs hazzat ras'ha ya3ne "ee". ana bas sa6alt feeha ya3ne laish etsawe kilhatha, laish mawa5irat 3anna...ashkara kan yil7agha. oo shakilhom graab mn ba3a'6 fa akeed kanaw esayroon ba3a'6 bil6ireej..! matwa8a3t minha chethee killish....

"yalla imshay.." gitlaha oo mishat jidami, 3a6ait na'6ra 7a8eera 7ag a7mado oo li7agt noora. mabee akalma lene adri enne ra7 akasra akthar minma oho emkassar. Me and noora were walking side by side quietly, each obviously lost in his own thoughts. sawait hal 3afsa oo hal '3ada killa 3ashan ashoofha o akalimha oo yaraitne masawait kil hatha. noora yalla tla7ig 3ala a7madoo hatha.....wain laha 5ilgi ana. bas ana gitlaha etwa5ir 3anna....laish matisma3 kalami...???
anger was building up within me initiated from jealousy. lafait 3alaiha oo kanat etshoof jidam bs 3ainha kanat b3eeda.

"laish mawa5artai 3anna....??" i said to her.

awal makalamni mishait lena na'6rita kanat et5ari3 oo makint abee e3a9ib akthar, plus, makint abee yig3ad ma3 a7mad. mishait oo b3d shwy 7assaita yamshe warai b3dain yammi. kint 5aifa mn elle tawa 9ar ya3ne youm 9ar el7adeth 7asait roo7i bamoot oo youm wi9alna ilmistashfa kint emsabaha oo i was still inshock about what happened. Iljar7 ille ibyibheti 7a6ola bandage bs lail7een e3awirni....i ran my fingers gently ontop of the bandage and leaped as the pain shot throuugh me. everynow and then i would steal a look at 6alal and his face was daunting, cold, with his jaw clenched. i would guiltly turn my face back straight and force my legs to keep walking 'cause i felt them giving up on me. He would release an exasperated breath everynow and then. We neared the elevator...god it took like forever to reach it.

"laish mawa5artay 3anna...?" suprised me 6alal with his question.

"meno a7mad...?? uhh....." i said as we stopped infront of the elevator. i didnt know what to say. "m-madry....."

"ana mogitlich wa5ray 3anna....gitlich halshay wala la2...." he talked to me like i was some kid or something. i looked at him...ya3ne shtabe he yells at me elle feeni kafeene ana monag9ita ba3ad.

"mbala gitlee......!!!"i answered back, "o ba3dain..."

"noora tikalimay 3adil.....," he said in a warning tone. i turned my face and stared at the elevators door. i tried to shut up bs i couldnt lena its not fair shlon he's scolding me oo all i need is for him to stand by me.

"hatha bidal matogaf weyay..ga3id etzifne...." i said still staring at the elevators door.

"awgaf weyach !!! awgaf weyaach !?" he hissed. Right then the elevator's door opened and me and 6alal stepped in. As soon as the door closed he turned to me, "entay shayfa elle ga3da etsaweena 3adil ya3ne..?! ana minawal mashiftich weyaa shgitlich.....SHGITLICH....?!"

"enzain lat9ari5...!!!"

"shlon ma9ari5...elwalad la7gich oo tabeene askit...!!!!"

"sheno..ya3ne ana elle gaylatla yil7agny....!!! ana kint abee ewa5ir kithrik......"

"moo law makintay ma36ita wayh min ilbidaya oo sima3tay il7ache chan matimaada oo li7agich....."

My head was pounding like dare he shouts at me like that. i massaged my head, breathing hard...

"basik....kilshway oo thanya tgoole ena masima3t kalamik.....BAS laimeta ya3ne...adry enna masima3t..adry enna sawait elle brasi...bas hatha killa momihim el7een lena 9ar oo 5alla9....elmohim enna awa5r...."

but before i could continue, he held me by my arm and stared into my eyes as he said, "oo sheno elnateeja....?! shiftay sheno 9ar....," he said as he looked at my bandage then back into my eyes, " oo latgoleenle momihim lena mohim oo no9...."

I shrugged myself away from him and pressed on number 7...i just wanted to get out !!!

"shga3da tsaween....??"

"malik sho'3il....." i said as i kept pressing on the number seven for the elevator to stop. the screen in the elevator read...8.....7...
then the elevator door opened, 6alal grabbed my arm "wain ray7a.....?"

"WAAAI MALIK SHO'3OL IFFFFFFF....!" i said as i yanked my hand and stepped out of the elevator. I walked fast my chest heavy, ignoring the people who were looking at me. I turned my face wala 6alal was behind me walking in big strides, with his '3itra flowing behind him and this furious look in his eyes. I sped up and turned to the left and entered a long corridor with a dead end. SHIT..... i looked around and saw a "emergency exit" door. i looked back wala 6alal just intered the corridor. I opened it and stepped in closing the door behind me. OMG...he's mad...utterly mad !!

There were flights of stairs and so i began stepping down, the place wasnt really bright and it was empty...i could even hear my breath from the hushed staircase. I heard the door swing open then shut and,

"NOORA...." 6alal's echo sounded and then his footsteps comming down the stairs. He kept calling for me but i just focused on going down and not missing a step. And then i dont know how, bs my arm was grabbed and my body flew and crashed with the wall. For a minute i didnt say a word, i was just breathing hard and so did.....he. Then his arms came up and steadied my swaying body. "entay maynoona....fe a7ad chethe kintay 6ay7a....?"

But i chose not to answer, i was too tierd to answer. "noora...."

"wai 6alal..bas bas....3awart rasi bas..." i said with my voice shaky....ashkara ra7 abche, "ana ba3arf enta laish yait.....?"

"ya3ne meno tbeen eyee ...." he looked at me confused.

"oboy..ommi...fara7....ay a7ad...." i sagged against the wall.

"oo laish mo ana...." he said as his hand gripped my arms harder.

"lena mala da3ee its not like you care....besides kil ille ga3d etsawee ohwa tzifne oo et3awir raasii...."

"ana ga3d an9i7ich...entay mo 9'3eera lazim tifhimeen...."

"5al na9ay7ik 7ag roo7ik.......wa5ir 5al aroo7...."

"sh8a9dich ibhal 7ache...." he said ignoring my attempts to break free of his grip.

"madry....fassir 3ala kaifik...." i said as i squirmed to free myself. "waaaaai....hidney ....!!!"

"wetha gitlich enne mani hadich..." he said in a daring tone. I was so mad that i might explode in any second.

First i get followed by a7mad then get into a car crash....get my head bandaged, then 6alal shows up all caring and loving until he sees a7mad....b3dain he turns into this crazy man thats really pissing me off and WONT LET ME GO....

"etha mahadaitne wallah.....wallah...." i said trying to find something to say.

"shbitsaween....??" he murmured, "et6igeeny....?? etsibeene....??.."

I looked at him and all i could feel towards him was hatred...yes, hatred.

"i hate you...." i said and looked into his eyes, "sima3t...i hate you.....oo etha mawa5art 3anni wallah ra7 a9ari5 oo ayami3 ilkil 3alaina......" i said ignoring the shocked look in his eyes. He practically covered me with his large body infront of me and his large hands holding my arms into place. His hands slowly loosened up and slid across my arms sending shivers all over my body.

"oo t7ibeen hathak...." he said with his deep brown eyes fixed on mine.

"shda5al hathak...?!? 6alal balasht tisti5if enta.....an9a7ik twa5ir 3ani..."

"majawabteene..." he said again.

"akrah hathak ba3ad....estanast....? yalla wa5ir........" when he didnt move, "wa5ir !!"

"tadreen sheno.....oo ana akrahich ba3d....akrihich...." he whispered to me. I looked up into his eyes as they gazed strongly into mine. i held back a sob.

"m-mshkoor....el7een momkin twa5ir...." i said as the words barely managed to get out. I turned my face, waiting for him to move....he stepped closer to me and whispered again,


then before i could react his lips came down on mine, so fast and so hard that i didnt get a chance to breath. i put my hand on his chest to push him away but his hand soon found mine, caressed it so gently ...not like the man who was just screaming at me moments earlier.Then his hand held my hand securely against his chest and our fingers entwined. I gave up....and let him kiss me without resistance. He kissed me with all the hunger and possession a kiss could bring. All the hatred, yelling, screaming, bad thoughts, worries seemed to slip away from me. He kissed me 'till i was breathless, i moved my lips away to catch a breath and moaned, "6alal....." and he froze instantly. He pulled his face away, the haze of passion had been pricked and now....oh god, now....he regretted it, i could see it.

"Oh my god....," he whispered."Oh My God..."

P.S. no post tmro lena i'm busy ;*

Luv u ...;****

Gudnight ;))))