Rikabt ilsayara oo ri7t marait feras.
"haaa...waina rfeejik...?" i looked around.
"haha i9bir shwy....shfeek mitwatir...."
"lat7atee....shwaya in5ar3a ib m7amad 3alaboo '6abi6 oo niftak minna...latsheel ham.."
"okay....waina m7amad....?"
"ana sheno tawa gitlik....latitwattar...."
"offff yuba momitwattir ......bsss abee kilshay ykoon 3adil oo mna'6am..."
"okay yallah 5anamshee...."
Signa oo bil6ireej gi3adna nsawlif 3an shno mitaf8een nsawee. Wi9alna ilmokan, oo zain mako wayid nas.
"kahoo il7aywaan...." i hissed. Ana oo feras ri7nala.
Shifnaa oo gam, "ohh yayib rfeejik weyak ashoof..." he had a smirk on his face.
ana shwaya oo a6ob 3alai bs feras gi'6abny.
We all sat down.
"esma3ny 3adil....." i started.
"offfff wallah dash ib8owa mn awalha wallah...."
Ana oo feras 3a6ainaa na'6ra oo inchi3am.
"abeek t5alee noora ib 7alha...oo matgarib minha wala 7atta tgool isimha 3ala lsanik ilwa9i5 ...fihamt..."
"ahaaaa.....oo yayib rfeejik sheno ya3ne 7imaya..."
"90on lsanik a7sanlik....!!!"
"yuba ana shaab 7ali 7al ay shaab thany, abee a'3azil oo a'6abi6ly...."
"bss mo 3ala 7saab libnaya...galatlik enha matabeek..."
"bss fta7atle il6ireej mn ilbidaya oo magalat la2..."
"ista7 3ala wayhik....rayal sh6oolik sh3ir'6ik 7aa6 doobik doub bnaya..." said feras.
"wallah ehya b3d kanat tabee mobas ana.....ahhhhhhh....." he breathed.
"thammin kalamik a7sanlik...!!!!!" i warned him.
"6afik wallah...."
"wayid 3a6aytik wayh" i went up and grabbed him from the collar, "KALB !!!" oo 3a6aitah box 3ala wayha.
"6ALAL...!! haddi....6alal..." said feras oo y7awil ywa5irne 3anna.
"5ALNI.....5AL A2ADBA ...7MAAR...." I turned and said to feras wala wayhi yinkofo5 7ail. yatni shwaya do5a oo feras gi'6abni, "wa5ir 3anni...hidnee 3alai" gilt 7ag feras. "TA3AL....!!! LAW RAYAL TA3AL....." I grabbed him again oo 3a6aita box thany. box 6ala3t fee kil 7aritti fee, kil ila39aab ..mari7amta. hnee gidar feras ywa5irne 3anna...
"6alal mayiswa tdish ma5afir 3ala hal ashkal....."
I was breathing heavely, and touched my jaw elle a7mado 6aga. kint na6ra ygooom mn ilar'6 3ashan astilmaa 3adil. 7aywan ....la 3ain yitkalam 3an noora jidami chethee. wallah la5alee yindam.
"6alal e7na matifa8na 3ala chetheee..."
"enta sima3ta shgaal....?!"
Just then a voice came from behind us, "shga3d y9eer hnee....?"
lafait wayhi wala ashoof '6abi6 ma3 ilbadla oo 3ala6ool 3araft inna hatha m7amad. He looked at feras, "ohh...feras hala walla....sh9ayir..."
"hatha ille 3al ar'6 mhaddid bnaya oo yayeen n2adba..."
"hatha...?" he pointed to a7mad who was getting up.
"eee hatha....fikna minna..."
"5ala9 agi6a ilna'6ara....latsheel ham hal ashkaal..."
"la7'6a la7'6a..sheno na'6ara...momsawee shay ana 3ashan tgo6ooni bilna'6ara..."
"ogaf mokanik...oo latagarib gabil manadee ilwi7da eyoon ya5thoonik..." he pulled out his phone.
Feras looked at me and winked.
"ya5eee sheno na'6ara wain ga3deen....manee rayi7"
"mo enta ga3d t'hadid banat ilnas....?"
Sikat a7mado oo magaaal shay, "bas wa7da....bs makan mn9iji...."
"enta sheno ma3indik 5awat...? tir'6aa a7ad ysawee fehom chethee..."
"la2 6ab3an...!!"
"3ayal...shitsamee elle ga3d tsawee...hamman hathe 3indaha ahal..."
A7mad sikat and looked at me, i glared back. "ra7 a5alee libnaya ib 7alha...aw3idik..." he looked at me.
Wallah law ana b2eedi aro7la oo anatfa...lena mobas ba6 chabdi.
"bas lazim a5thik ilma5far 7ag shwayat ijra2at...."
"ee...yalla 3ashan nroo7 ilma5far..." he took a7mad and went outside.
"shbesawee fee el7een...?"
"y5ar3a shwaya b3dain yhidda....bss ra7 ykoon 5ayif fa agdar agoolik inna ftikaina mina..."
"ma38oola...t'haga chethee..."
"eee...i3timid..." he slapped my back. "shawaht ilwalad..alah yhadaak..." joked feras.
I smiled back at feras, "7arni....bs yistahal..."
"min na7yat yistahal ..yistahal....yallah mishaina..."
"mishaina..." i smiled back at feras, "mashkoor bo3abood...."
"wala yhimik...im up for anything...."
Di5alna ilsayara oo 7arrakna. "offf mowagta ....my jaw ga3d yiglib azrag...."
"7i6la thalj...."
"adry bs shifikni mn fara7 oo ilwalda..."
"haha allah y3eenik....golohom fakakna ithnain mn ilrabi3 kanaw yithawashon....5arrif ayshay...."
"ee shakle basawee chethee.." i said as i rubbed my jaw. "wallah oo 9irna in6ib ib hoshat....mako sho'3ol..."
"laish nisait youm tihawashna ana weyak....oo 3a6aitne thaak ilbox..."
I remembered a few years back when i knew that feras wanted my fionce' which was lulu aback then, ri7tla 3ind ildiwaniya oo 3a6aita box. "hehehe...at'thakar...oo enta b3d maga9art..."
"hehe....eee....walla mnziman 3ala halsalfa....ma9adig enna ana mitzawij lulu halkithir..."
"eee sh3abalik....ilayam tirki'6..."
"yalla yuba tizawaj enta ma9arat...."
I took in a deep breath, "3abalik maby atzawaj.....youm kint adawer malgaa elle ti3jibny...oo el7een youm badawer magdar lena 3ajbatny wa7da...."
"3ajbitik wa7da...? 3ashig wana madry...."
"haha..tigdar tgool chethee...bs magdar atzawajha...."
"salfa 6oweela..."
"offff minommaa"
"lat7anich 3alai mara7 agoolik..."
"enzain y3ne mara7 titzawajha....bss etha t7ibha yuba tiwakal..."
"madry .....afakir...." i said as i pulled infront of feras's house. Feras nizal,
"laa mashkoor....marra thnya...."
"okay 3ayal .......offf 7adi yo3an..."
"enta mita makint yo3an a9lan...."
"haha 9a7 kalamik....yalla femala..."
I drived away, thinking about what a7mado meant youm gaal, "6aafik...." sheno....ohwa sawa shay 7ag noora..?? la..laaaa layroo7 fikree b3eed...sta'3far allah....akeed kan yabe y6afirne.
Wi9alt ilbait oo di5alt, makan fee a7ad, ilwalda ma3zooma elyoum, elwalid diwaniya, 5alid nayim waraa madrisa, oo fahad weya rab3a akeed, oo fara7 ymkin b'3orfat'ha.
"christeeeneeeee.....!!!! "
"yes sir..."
"bring ice for me..."
"okay sirrrr...."
gi3adt 3al 8anafa oo i started rubbing my cheek when i heard a gasp.
I was with fara7 the whole day, we spent the day shopping then we came to her place where we ate our food that we brought with us. It was around 9:00, fa 9ar feene ena lazim aroo7 lena ilwagt ti2a5ar shwy oo warai uni bacher. 6ab3an mala da3ee twa9ilne fara7 lena 6ay7a ilmiyana fa 6aaf, so i headed downstairs. wi9alt ta7at wala ashoof 6alal ga3id 3al l8anafa oo yifrik wayha...youm shaal eeda wala bog3a zarga 3ala 5adda.
Madry yimkin i gasped wala shay lena iltifat oo shafnee. I went over to him,
"abaai 6alal shfeeek...." i said worriedly. He looked at me,
"ha.....? oh hatha.....la wala shay 3ady..."
"shlon 3ady....6a3 lona !!! abaaai 5al ayeeblik thalj..." i turned around to go wala i see the maid with ice, i took it from her.
"noora...3ady wallah..."
"laaa....mo3ady..." i wrapped two icecubes with tissue and sat beside him. i placed the ice on the bruise and he winced from the coldness. i smiled and he smiled back too. i took the ice from his cheek a little, "shakla y3awir...." i said as i stared at it.
"laaa mowayid ..."
"min sheno hatha....?" i said as i reached to put the ice again.
"emm shift a7mado elyoum...."
I paused and looked into his eyes, "latgool ena ohwaa...." my voice trailed along. "abaaaai...."
i turned my face, i felt bad for what happened to him oo its worse knowing enna killa minni.
"noora...3ady...kalamta oo fakaitich minna..."
"shlon....?" i looked up at him.
"haddadta oo wa7id mn ilrabi3 sa3adny....5ala9 latsheleen hamma ba3ad..."
"mashkoor wala madry shkint basawee bedoonik..." i was truly grateful. "bss ...." i stared back at the bruise, "sorry...."
"shakilha wayid y5ari3...?"
"emmm...y3ne..." i nodded my head, shifting the ice from one hand to another because of the chilliness. "6alal....."
"ya3ne 5ala9....a7mad....y3nee..."
"eee ... latsheleen hamma b3d..."
I nodded my head as my eyes watered. He grabbed my hand and pulled it to his face again where the ice cube landed on the bruise.I helplessly stared back at him, savoring the warmth of his hand over mine. How can he not love me...i can see it in his eyes, the way they glisten and soften when he sees me. He gazed back into my eyes, and leaned closer....and closer.
God, hes gonna kiss me again !!! My heart thundered, i know that that i shouldnt let him but i love him so much....! His head was an inch away from mine when we heard the door of the 9ala open. We both seemed to snap back into reality and i scooted to the far end of the couch.
"oh noora 3indina...hala walla....."
"hala 5alti...." i got up and kissed her.
"wain fara7 3ayal....?"
"foug...emm ana nazla 3ashan bamshee..."
"laa gi3day..."
"marrah thanya inshala lazim aroo7....ma3isalama..." i clumsily said and headed outside. And breathed in, it was like i held my breath all that time wala shay. That was close.
Luv u ;*******
6 years ago
1ssssssst!! D13;**
ReplyDeleteD13: yaaaaaaaaay first !!! ;p
ReplyDeletewanasaaa i'm a silent reader !! ou its my 1st time!! [kel mara abi akteb bss gelt layman a9eer el 1st!!] yala i wanna read! thank yw;*** ou Luv the Story;**********
ReplyDeleteLUV Yw;**
wannasa i'm a silent reader [ knnt abii ateb mn zmaan bss gelt layman a9eer 1sst!! wanasa;*]
ReplyDeletethank Yw;*** ,, Luv yw ou el story;***
yala i wanna read!!
wannasa i'm a silent reader [ knnt abii akteb mn zmaan bss gelt layman a9eer 1sst!! wanasa;*]
ReplyDeletethank Yw;*** ,, Luv yw ou el story;***
yala i wanna read!!
umbaaii laish 9aar waayed:S:S !! sorry;$
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT!:D
ReplyDeleteand i think you got mixed up between feras and 6alal with the green and navy at some point :p
uff ya3ni tell her you love her!
love you x
(Y).mashalla mashalla ur simply (Y)!!
ReplyDeleteOo about the feras and lulu's story eeee we want another part:D
Wallah I love u WAYIIIID! I'm really so addicted to your blog!
Oo ur personality mashalla tyanin ur funny, sweet,
kind damich 5afeef ur positive oo law akamil
laii bachr I don't think ra7 a5ali9 :P
Awwww Noura and 6alal are soo cute together;*
ReplyDeleteThe post kan 3ajieeb .. enshalla another one soon hehee;p
abaiii wallah 6ala3 7ariti ib hal a7mad !! hya 6aga wansa abai 7adi mistansa yistahil akthar min chithi !!!
ReplyDeleteabai shakla 6alal will forgive noora wa5eeran plz let him forgive her ;D
abaii hal post is as usual 3ajeeb ;p
luv ya ;p
-J ;*
P.S : chini wayid gilt abai ;p
CUUTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE !! AMBAAAAAAY 7asafaaa they were reaallyy close;@
ReplyDeleteplease please next post make 6alal tell nooura that he love her?!?!?;( i'm so waiting for that moment!!!;D
D13: hehe ee...yalla 3ady loooool ;p
ReplyDeletehope: glad inna u did :D
Wonderland: eee i soo did...tawa giraitaa o 9ar feene huh ? ;p bs i changed it ;)) luv u 2
D: awwww mashkoora wallah matga9reen hehe ;)
N: hehe inshallah soon ;p
J: ee la7a'6t hehe...cute ;*
S: yaa they were..;p ull find out soon ;)
Next post plz!! I'd like to read 6alal's point of view 3ala a5er part ;p
ReplyDeleteAAAAH GALBE !! LOL .. galbe y3werni when i read this !!!
ReplyDeleteuuuuffttt PLZ POST AGAIN TONIGHT !! PLZZZZZZ ... aaah abr a3rf wsh b9eeer
waiiii 6ALAL EYAAANIIIN ow inaarfiiiz !!!
ReplyDeleteya3nii 4get it ow tell her that u loved her ow 5allaaa9 !!!!
egh....feras ia AWSOME
i looove these 2 guys !
i looved this post ow pooostayy b3d post elyoum plz plz plzzz
(L) U
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! hiya!! NO MORE A7MAD!!!! when are they gettin married?:P
allaaaa hal post 3ajeeeb oo 6alool 7ada 6ala3 7arety ib hal a7medooooo ily wa a5eeren ib neftak mina oo mn lazgeta ;p
ReplyDelete6alal 7asata 7ada rayal inshalla i think 2ana besame7 noura oo bil post il yay begoulaha 2ana e7ebha
i love ur story ;***
oo love u inty ba3ad
ReplyDeletethe thought of guys fighting just turns me on hahahaha
anyways its time for my nap, i'm so tired and the hottness makes me dizzy-ER and sleepy-ER!!
lootss and lootsss of yooy love for you CLOSSIIII <33
I can't stop reading the Noora's side ,, uufffff !! they almost kissed again !!! aaaah ..
ReplyDeletepost post post !!!
Allaaah Khooush Paart Kathray minnah;D..!! YALLAA WE R WAITING 4 THE NEXT POOOST!!=)..et'hagooun ya3ni a7mad bewakhir wila byntqim:O? waaYyie 9ij Zaiin Sawwaw FeeeH!! (H) LOL!!;p, ee yalla 6alal khlytzawaj Noura:D!! 7addaa e9eer wanaaasaa!
3ASHAAAAAAAAAAAAW 3ASHAAAAAAAAAAAAAW chak chak chak chak chak..wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yestahil ahmadooo..kan we pull a wa96a to keep him in the nathara for a month??!?!?!
ReplyDeletemerciiiiiiiiiiii kabooot ;*
Gr8 poooooooooooooooooosssttt ;D!!
ReplyDelete3indy e7sas ena a7mad wont stop w he'll tell 6alal about the kiss ;\
plzzzz 6al3ay a7mad men elqissa khalas e7iirrrr!!!
w when is the nxt post?;$ hehe adry 6arareen w nitshara6 bss i cant help abee a3aref;$;$
thankyou agaaainnn:*
INSHALLAH next next post im going to be ready..
with my sunglasses, gahwa on the side and your blog =.=
now let me read :)
ReplyDeletei had gossbumps when i was reading el almost kissing part;p
Love u;**
ReplyDelete6alal 3ajeeb i love him! ow he has to love nora and he has to marry her yallah 3ad!
pls naby post thany, i was reading your post sloooooooooowly maby ekhalis;p hehe
yeah love it !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletelol walla action ;)
i love when guys fight over a girl !!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWannaaaaaaassaaa, Zaain Ysawii Eb Hal Kalb A7maad;'@ .. Umm I Love Noura & 6alaal!!
Please Lat6awlen Eb Your Posts Waayyed;$
P.S: I Love You && Your Story;* ..
3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb! I looove 6alal! He deserves noora
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!! iyannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiinnn ;P yalla... next !!!! ;P;P can't wait!
ReplyDelete3ashat 3ashat Kabooooot ;P
a9lan you should publish ur own book!!!
Tawni Astaw3ib ina 6alal was the one ili kan 5a6ib lulu ib the other story:p hehe it's all coming back to me now;P
ReplyDeleteZain ysawi feee, wallla kobar ib 3aini 6alal, fakha mn a7medo! Bs lail7een shde3wa may9eer yitzawajha, ye3ni 7ittan lema 7a6atla the ice kan ibayin ina he really wants her to be his, w since she loves him 5ala9 3ayal laish le2!! Ufffff sry bs tra yqith!
HAHAHAHAHA Teenager At Sea tawwiiich you istaw3iib?! wallah chinach my friend exactly, i tell her something and then after a while she'd be like, ohhh this is what you meant the other daaayy!
ReplyDeletehahaha cuutte! <3
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy ESHAWGOUN!!!
ReplyDeleteloooool they can't control their feelings 7adhoom cuuute;** loool aham shay ena bil 9ala;p
thnx 3al post;*
zai yswwy feeeh! waaay 6alal o noora yshwgoon together!!!!!!!!!!!! (l)
ReplyDeleteFeras 3jeeb , i like him so much o i miss his story ma3a lulu.....
ONCE AGAIN CLOSY lovely post !!!!;***
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laish dashat el5alaaaaaaa i want them to kiss agaaaaaaaaain 7adha their first kiss was hot hahahah yala let him let her in already 7aram 3aliaaaaaaaaaaah he wants her fa laish i3aqid ilomooooor...waiting for ur next post
ReplyDeleteyooy: Hehe yea ana 7adi isteee3abless! walla ask anyone that knows me awal shay bigoolouna 3enni ina stee3abi mako 3elaih!;P
ReplyDeletekaboot fee ba3ad post today?
ReplyDeleteplz plz plzzzz poooost :'(
ReplyDeletei neeed you to post !!!!
ReplyDelete30!!! nxt post yalla !!! :@! :p awesome story mashalla 3alaych ;p oo ee kamlay Feras oo Lulu :P o love them itha7kouni :p
ReplyDeleteway yala let them kiss w 5al eygooolaha iy7bha ! That will be sooooooo HOT
ReplyDeleteway yala let them kiss w 5al eygooolaha iy7bha ! That will be sooooooo HOT