Tuesday, August 25, 2009


okay emm wi9alne hal email its about deeratna liq8....elle katba 9ij fee 7arra madry laish bss wayd ashya2 r true i have to admitt.......soo read it through and send me ur comment..........

** شهالديرة اللي .. ما فيها أدباء ولا فلاسفة ولا فنانين ولا شعراء ولا فقهاء ولا علماء ولا رياضيين و لا اقتصاديين ولا أوبرا و لا
متاحف ولا آثار ولا معارض ....

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها طيران عمره ما طار بالوقت .... و المضيفين يحتقرون الركاب ...... وما تطير طياراتها إلا حق دكا و دكار بومبي وسيلان !!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. محد فيها يحترم قانون المرور ، و السيارة تنساق مثل ما تنساق سيارات التصادم ... كل من يحد كل من .... وكل من يخز كل من .... وكل من يكره كل من ...... وكل من يقط زبالته بالشارع .... هذا ينظف طفايته بالشارع وذاك يقط كيس الماكدونلد بالشارع وذاك ينخم بالشارع ..... وذاك يطشر قطف زجارته بويه إللي وراه هم بالشارع .... وذاك ياخذ شور بالشارع ..!!! وسلم لي عالأدب !! وتقوله يالحبيب عيب ما يصير !!!! قال لك : كيفي كويتي !!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. اللي فريقها يوصل كأس العالم سنة 1982 و يطلع الأخير بكأس الخليج سنة 2007 !!!! ويفوز بكأس آسيا سنة 1980 .... وما يقدر يوصل نفس الدورة سنة 2007 !!!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. إلي اللاعب فيها لما يسجل هدف .... ربعه اللاعبين يطبون على رئيس النادي و يبوسونه !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. إللي ينطق فيها الضابط بلبسه ... و الطبيب بعيادته ... والمدرس بمدرسته .....!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. كل شي فيها بالواسطة ..... سرير بمستشفى بواسطة ... تعيين بوظيفة بواسطة .... موعد طبيب بواسطة . و الليسن بواسطة ..... وأتدخل أعيالك مدرسة خاصة وتدفع فيها دم قلبك بواسطة .... تلعب بالمنتخب !!! هم بواسطة !!!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. أهم اهتمامات الشباب فيها إن يظبط بنات .... حتى لو غصب ... يفتح باب سيارتها غصب .... يرقمها غصب .... يتل حجابها غصب ....... شنو حرب !!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. البنات المتحجبات يحطون قوطي نيدو تحت حجاباتهم ويقولون .... ستايل !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. إللي الريال يطلع مع زوجته وكل الشباب يخزونها بلا حيا ولا مستحى ....!!! والريال فقير مو عارف شسوي !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. كل شبابها معضلين !!!!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها الخدامات عندهم موبايل .... !! والسايق موبايل ..... والصبي موبايل ....!!! والياهل إللي عمره 3 أيام .... موبايل !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها البنغالية أكثر من عدد الشعب !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. لما تسب واحد مو كويتي تقوله : يالمصري !!! يالسوري !!!! ياالزلما !!!!
وهم تقوله : شفت خشمك !! طاويهك ...... طا حاجبك ..... يالحافي يالمنتف ..... يامعوعو ...!!!! شالحجي الماسخ !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. الشعب صار له 20 سنة يتحلطم على نوعية أعضاء مجلس الأمة !!!! طيب منو انتخبهم ؟؟؟؟؟ سكان الأسكيمو !!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها مذيع الراديو يظغط المتصلين !!!! كله ظغاط ظغاط ظغاط !!! وبعدين .... لو تسأل المذيع وين آيسلندا قالت يم ..... تنزانيا !!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. أشهر مذيع فيها من نوعية : مشعل شايع !!! ما يذكركم بلاري كنغ !!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. التعليم الحكومي فيها تحت الصفر !! ومدرسة الابتدائي تكتب للتلميذات على اللوحة : أنتي فتات ..... يعني : إنت فتاة !!!!!!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها الأوادم السنعة ضايعة .... وبشار الشطي يستقبله بالمطار 20 ألف آدمي !!!!!!!!!!
** شهالديره اللي .. ماتعرف بناتها من شبابها كلهم لابسين polo او نظارة ريبان شنو كلكم نفس الستايل !!!

** شهالديره اللي .. بس تطلع شغله الكل يبي يشتريها حتى لو يتسلف واللحين هابين بتلفون بلاك بيري ويدلعونه يسمونه بيبي ... بالله شالمصاخه ! ايقولون تلفون قز حطه عالطاوله واهو يضبط صج مخوخهم كله بالبنات والمصخره ... جنه ماعندهم اهل مالت عليكم !!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. جرايدها تكتب بالبنط العريض : أحمد داوود صورة مشرفة للشاب الكويتي !!!!!
منو أحمد داوود ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

** شهالديرة اللي .. الكتاب ينباع فيها بربع دينار ..... ومحد يشتري !!!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. كل ما تكلم واحد قال لك : يبيله !!!!! شنو يبيله ؟؟؟؟

** شهالديرة اللي .. كلها صراخ و نجره ولويه وسب و قذف وبوق و حرمنه ورشاوي وشراء أصوات ....... وبعدين يقولون : ديمقراطية !!!!!!!

** شهالديره اللي .. الاهل قامو يحشون في بعض بالمدارس جدام الغرب ولا في مستحى ولا في ادب

** شهالديرة اللي .. حطمت الأرقام القياسية بعدد المرضيات و التزرق من الدوام وبعدين يقولون :
زيدوا معاشاتنا !!!!!

** شهالديرة اللي .. كل من يمر بشارع الحب يتلفت !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. بسنة وحده كل بناتها صارو مفصخات !! هذا الي يقول الي عمره ماتبخر تبخر وحترق) ويعيبون على الغرب !! الغرب صارو استر منكم !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. الكل فيها صارو منافقين يضحكون بالويه او يطعنون بالظهر !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. ريايلها قامو يحشون اكثر من حريمها !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. لمى يفوز واحد برنامج حفظ القرآن محد يستقبلة ولايدرون عنه . او لمى ايي واحد من ستار اكاديمي ولا 30 الف بنطرونه بالمطار !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. مايصلون الى شهر 12أو 6 علشان امتحانات اخر السنه .. وايد ناس قاعده تضحك اللحين

** شهالديرة اللي .. شبابها بالصيف كلهم يبون يسوون برونز !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. شبابها وبناتها كلهم قزيزه اوكل اسبوع بمطعم وكله يشكون ماعندنا فلوس !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. لازم الكل يوم السبت يروح الافنيوز او يقعدون ابلورنزينو يعني قزيزه !!

** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها كل هالبلاوي أو أكثر ويقولون .... الله لا تغير علينا ..!!!!!

و هاذي الكويت صل على النبي

Soooooo what do you think....???

its harsh... the way it was said bsss its true....and either way hathee ilq8 oo no matter what we r proud to be kuwaities!


  1. awal mara akoon awal wa7da i post :D mm.. it's soo true ow it is sad :( bs i think ina they kinda exaggerated .. bs mostly its true

  2. I agree...
    Gabil el ghazo, Kuwait was something else, kilshay teghayar b3d el gahzo..
    Janesaw 3uwair ou zuwair, ya3ni gabil latjansoun, shufaw itha san3een aw la2!
    ou b3dain, el kil yabi iboug ou 7a6 ma9la7ta gabil el thany.. ou ma7ad ye7trm el thany..
    law ako 8anoun, ou el nas tetb3ah chan ma 9ar chethi.. bs lil 2asaf ma7ad yetb3 el 8anoun..

    And us kuwaities, bs nt7al6am ma insawy shay, we tried to but can't.. ou mashallah there are many talented kuwaities, bs il deera malha khilg, bs tabi flous!

    And if you realized, most of the talented kuwaitie's ra7aw yeshtaghloun bara, la2na liq8 ma g3d itsa3dhum! tekhaylay my cousin madri shnu sawat, it's like a man6a8a which is safe something like this, and no one here in Kuwait sa3adha, athouha.. ou mnu khathaha? America! Now she works there... 9ij 7araam!

    Hathy liq8 9alaw 3ala el nebi:P berou7oon ahalha khala9..

  3. well sorry 2 say, bess tara most of it is true lil2asaf :S ughh bes hathi il q8 oo when it comes down 2 it, im not gonna change my country 4 nything in the world :P bess inshalla it'll change

  4. 63: u said it all :***

    i mu bas agree illa i agree o0 nu9!!!

    o0 something bothered me and i actually had a convo with my cousins about...

    shloon ilshabab e5zoon someone else's wife without the least respect to her husband...
    YA3NI FAJ2A BANATNA ARE NAKED *exaggerated bas common it's true...wain ga3deen*

    walla i don't mind if she wants to walk around in her underwear aslong as you don't do it infront of others...


    awalan intay kuwaitya ya3ni makantich wa'67a o0 3indich ma3za...

    o0 second u r a beautiful,stylish, well raised lady.

    wayed ishta6ait bas it hit a nerve with what the writer said.

    WAAAAAY I LUV ILQ8 O0 suprizingly AHALHA!!!
    alla ya7fi'6 deeratna

    o0 hopefully we have a brighter future;*

    thanks Kaboot dala3t 7arety ib ur blog ;****

  5. I AGREE WITH THE WRITER ABOVE AND WITH the comments above me.

    63: wooow u said it all hun....so basically *go back to 63's comment and read it*

    and the anon above me too...

    walla mata3abt roo7y....

    mahma 9ar i luv my country and if it changes inshala for the better i will still love it if not more.

    LUV YA KABOOT (loved this!!!!)

  6. I wish I said it all;\ wallah ma gilt 7tan rub3!!! Bs I can't offend people..

    and I have this thing.. el kel yet7al6am, why dont we start a thing? ya3ni moo ma38oula hundreds of people lay3een chboud.hum! ou moo gadreen insawy shay!!!

    Men 9iji kel ma ana ou rab3i inyeeb hal topic a7taaar:P!!

  7. u no what??! we should make a group or sumthing that stands up against whats happening!! ya3ni ma9araat this is going over the limits!! seriously ya3ni a lot of ppl think that way so y dont we just do something about it instead of complaining in the shadows 9a7!? walla ana ba3ad a7tar lamma this subject is brought up!

  8. I'm with you!
    wallah amoout lamen ashuf hal hailag bil dawla!!! chethi wedi a76 magnet foug ou isheelhum kilhum LOL

  9. tatooma: yaa lil2asaf it is kindof true ;l

    anon: 7adaaaa ana b3d tnrfzt shwy ...i agree

    licious: yaa we love the country no matter what !!

    chocoloco: yaa true bs shlon manigdar nsawee shay;p

    63: loool 9a7 lsanich ;p

  10. its so true! bess still we are proud to be kuwaities
    63 oo choco loco a7ess feekon 7ara! oo you want to do something about it!! bess i7na shinoo negdar insawii ma7ad ra7 ya36eena wayh!
    oo 63 everything u said was true in ur comment!

  11. ee i know it's true bs t3rfeen ilsh3oor ily ma tr'6ain 3la deertch ow it3eechen in some kind of denial.. chthy 9ar feny .. :s fa 3shan chthy awhamt nfsy ina it's exagerrated m3ny i do agree with ilkatb :s

  12. oops nsait aktb ina ana ily ktabt ilpost ily gbl hatha.. ily glt im in some kind of denial < tatooma

  13. well we can make an anonymous website?? chithi oo kil marra more members joiiin!! hehehee chinni ga3da a7lim wayid bess u never no!? ppl in big numbers can make a huuuuge difference!

  14. lelasaf its true
    bs a7es wagt il 9ejeya KIL il kuwaityeen you8foon weya ba3a'6 7MDELLA oo y9eron eeed wa7da
    7adhom hal halag e7eroon ya3ny ga3deen t5arboon som3at il q8 bara ily yshofkom 3ala balhom kil il kuwatyeen chithy :@

    BS 7ady a7eb il q8 wala law shno ma a3ayer dertay ;***

    love u kaboot ;**


  15. choco loco;p ana agoul isteree7ay;p fe8adt el amal.. derait ina me7na imsaween shay:P mithel maygouloon bo6bai3 mayouz 3an 6ab3a;p shloun benwagef el alaf? etha uhma moo mtrabeen i7na binyey inrabeehum wala shloun? sheftay karethat jahra w/e it's called mara 6oulha 6oul el n5ala ou 3agelha 3agel 9khala! madri cham 3umerha, 20 madri 21 chethi itsawi? inzain g6aay feeran, zhaiwy ay shay moo 7areeja! wala 7tan el yahel yefham

  16. loool i guess ur right :S bess its still embarrasing u know?? ya3ni sta8firalla il halaga i7talaw il avenues, marina, fanar, mohalab, oo they're getting close 2 possesing alraya ! ugh ma boga mokan ma7talo *Cry* hahaha i think we really should use that magnet ;P

  17. SOOOOOO TRUE !!!!.. bss ham wayid countries nafsna i guess ? bs maybe e7naa beZyadaa !! o I 100% AGREE ..

  18. yes i agree many things said are true, bs la7tha tara 9ij ina we're no angels, bas 3a6oni dawla wa7da around us 5alejiya or not is perfect.. mako... so its ok, bs mo ma3nata ina naskit, bs thats wuts happening, we had our days of glory now its other countries turn, bs trust me this will turn around and we will get back on track
    Tara 9adgoni wala ina mako dawla 5alejiya feha hal kither democracy, bas fechaw il jarayed o igraw, il7mdila ilkil ygdar yt7al6am o o ybadi raya, o hathe tara ni3ma ina at least min hal na7ya i7na mo makboteen
    bas then again who wudnt want their country to aim for nothing but the best ..

  19. 63 i second you hun;*
    true walla ana most of my family's companies and investments are mainly outside kuwait why?? laish inrou7 nabni hotels barra likuwait?? min kithir ilhotels ili bilkuwait?? la2 6ab3an!!bs la2ina 3indina majlis il5ama ili kilshayy egoulunla la w lazim ezamoun kilshay!!!
    public schools? laish lazim our parents eg6oun 2500kd kil sina 3ala every child wil sibaba ina ilta3leem bil madaris il7okoma izbala!!
    hospitals? ham laish lazim ingi6 alaf imalifa 3ala hospitals lazim ma il7okoma itwafra?? laish itha by any chance ri7tay ilmo9taw9if w ildoctor ib ya36eech dowa egoulich rou7ay eshtiri mn il9aydiliya hatha moo mitwafir 3indina
    hatha kila min ilmajlis ilmo2azim!!

  20. I just read all the comments above...


    63 and choco loco: babes no matter what one voice can be louder than a crowd..

    and aslong as their are people who are willing to do what they can for their country then their is hope! (so far there are none but soon inshala ;P)

    u can call me naive i don't care but i dream of a future much brighter than this bas like i said no matter what happens i luv q8...

    63...where can i get that magnet?? i'm so pissed off right now!

    oo another thing....WHY THE HELL ARE PEOPLE CUTTING WORK??! BAFHAM!!

    kaboot i'm blowing off steam :P

    luv ya ;* yalla post so my tensed muscles can relax ;***

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. ma agool ela eklaw 5rakum!

    deratna el kwt 3ayshen feha eb 3ez oo n3ma!!

    t7mdaw rabkum oo ncha3maw!

    kl hal 5ayr oo ham el nass t7l6m.. tlgana hatha el katba mo kuwaity oo mayet qaher..

  23. my mother had to have an operation.. everything was for free! oo el dr did an AMAZING JOB!

    entaw shayfen shga3ed y9er bl dwal el thanya?! el tax w m9areef el health oo klshay maklhum akal.. w e7na naymen bl bait mrta7en oo mstanseen..

    my mom is 50 yrs old bas mashalh 3laha she looks 30 l2na mafe stress oo mrta7a 7aaalll..

    wayn bl dnya feeh chthy?

    3ayshen eb 5ayr oo n3ma.. ga3den tsogen a7sen oo akshe5 el syayer oo talbson a'3la el markat.. wayn tlgon 18 yr olds ysogon porsche oo yshelon 500 kd bags??

    so what, we have a few bad things.. el good ya6'3 3al bad..oo mafe society perfect.. tshofon amreka enha perfect?? t5ylan 3omrch 13 yrs old tsht'3lan eb mcdonalds? wela omch w oboch m6lgen oo kla hwash?!

    e7na 3ayshen eb n3ma baskum t7l6m ..

    same anonny as above

  24. Yes, I am extremely proud to be Kuwaiti. However, the real question here is whether you're proud of what's become of Kuwait nowadays. Whether you're proud of this country's youth. Whether you're satisfied from Kuwait's progress and development. Whether or not you're witnessing amendment. Now, my answer to that would definately be a 'no' hands down! Us Kuwaities are very delighted to see that Kuwait is assisting and aiding foreign countries, but my question here is; why doesn't Kuwait try and help its 'own self' first. Why doesn't Kuwait try and solve its own problems and issues first before reaching out to resolve matters of remote and nearby counties. Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic about the fact that Kuwait's offering its support to other countries, yet at the same time I wonder why it doesn't start repairing itself first.
    This subject has been concerning me for a while now, and I am very glad that someone has finally brought it up. If only the government would see what numerous Kuwaiti citezins post on the web.. if only! I personally assume/believe matters would start enhancing and improving if any governmental official reads what is being written on the internet for the public to see.

  25. I totally agree with the writer!!! 9ij al7een il kuwaitiyeen 9araw nafs il '3arab, ma3ana killa they critizie them bas hem e8aldoonhom oo to me its very wrong la2ana i7na muslims oo basically thats not the way we're supposed to roll!!

    btw, I LOVED il part 3an il blackberry eventhough im a bb person :D

  26. Nevertheless, I worship Kuwait now, had worshiped it in the past, and will worship it in the future. Be grateful for what you have, you never know when it might be taken away from you. Show gratitude towards God for keeping our country away from harm and jeopardy. Sooner or later Kuwait will rise against anything and everything that stands between its way and advancement/growth. And when that time comes, we would have certainly shown anyone that has ever doubted us what Kuwaitis are genuinely made of.

  27. kan i add a point of view as an outsider "la6egooni plz"

    my kuwaiti friends are not what is mentioned in the article..maybe at the start they do give you the wrong first impression..bes you guys when someone gets to know you..mashallah you all are amazing, galbukoum 6ayeb, 7aboben, ahel faz3a and kareemen ib shakil mu 6abe3i..

    but all the above said is affecting your image infront of other nationalities, ya3nee when we get kuwaiti tourists in dubai they still act the same..khaz, flirting, the guys stare and the girls stare, they ask around for the haba ma6a3em..etc..im not criticizing anyone..fe il zein wl shein fe kil balad..bes wala 7aram you get judged by people bcz of the outside image..i have experience the true kuwaiti identity and trust me I love it!

    if one person can commit to showing the world who the real Kuwaitis are..Then 10,000 will manage to change their minds..so don’t think that 1 voice cant change a thing..1 voice will be come 2,10,100,10000..etc

    im not encouraging a muthahara :P bes ya3nee a7is its 7aram you get judged the superficial way without people getting to know the real kuwaitis :)

  28. magarait kil alcomments, ta3abt nafsiyan;p bs bagol 2 things..
    1. elli tgool enna alhailag elli m5arbeen alkuwait, yalait bs alhailag YALAIT!
    2. elli galat democracy.. seriously? wallah ga9en 3alaikom:( chenna parents yegolonloch you'll have full freedom oo privacy oo we trust you bs awal mati6l3en mn albait yenabshon bdarich oo go through your stuff.. ana 3indi ysawon hal7araka jidami waid ashraf mn enna ysawona waray.

  29. to the anon who said we should be thankful:


    i love every grain of sand in this country and ur comment shook me to the core.

    u are without a doubt right bas we're not whinning...we want what's best for this land and for the people ;*

    walla ilq8 7a6atna fi 3yoonha o0 ga3d itra3eena bas the problem mu ilq8...IT'S US!!

    we take it for granted and we sit in our high horses (i do it and so do u!!) expecting everything to go so smoothly.

    look we know u all love q8 otherwise u guys wouldn't have commented



    true we are facing problems but these are just bumbs on the road to what i hope to be a better q8.

    i luv q8 today and my love for it won't go anywhere any time soon.

    alla ya7f'6 ilq8 o0 ahalha.

    luv u guys ;**********

  30. NMJZ: u took the words right out of my mouth... (couldn't have said it better) :***

    zain:we won't hit u ;P u have a point...basically no one (country) is perfect.


  31. post pleeeeeeasee

  32. poooooooooooooost pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaase!!


    kalam mn wa7da 3aysha bara:

    e7na al7yn ga3den n3ane mn shay esma "enhyar eqtsade"..

    do u know wht that means?

    no, u dnt


    well, enhyar eqtsade 7ag el ajaneb translates into = nass MN6ARDEN mn byot'hum naymen BLSHAR3!! ma 3ndhum akel yaklona wala lbs yalbsona..

    entaw t'3yart 7yatkum??

    no it did not

    lal7yna el7mdlah, my spending is exactly the same .. oo 3ndy bait shkubra anam feeh oo kl 5ayr akel mna.. 59o9an brmuthan

    ma7ed 3aysh bl 3z ely e7na 3ayshe feeh

    mthel ma gal estathye back in high school, "kuwaitys r a small group of extremely priveliged people" oo 9a7 klama!!

    la tg3don t2fefon cuz that shows that ur spoiled little kids who dnt know wht they are talking abt..

    entaw mo gad el n3ma ely entaw feeha..

    wele t7cha 3an el democracy, agool ro7ay el s3odeya oo shofay el 7areem shlon 3ayshen.. 7mday rabch ench kuwaitya .. aqel shay, u can drive, u can VOTE!

    oo b3dyn tara deeratna lal7ynha zqeera.. yabelha wakt 3la ma tan'9j 3adel

    fa ely mo 3ajba, 5at9er gad klmat'ha w tslm jnseyat'ha..

    ana 3aysha bara oo shayfa el farg ely entaw mo 7asen feeh!

    mnak mayten mn el yoo3 el 3ayla kla tsht'3l 3shan twafer m9areefhum .. w e7na 3ayshen eb 3z.. tg3den mn el nom, aklch zzaheb, hdomch nthefa, syartch ma'3sola.. shtbon akther mn chthy?!

  34. I laughed so hard on the point were we only pray during exams, its kinda the truth. even though am emarati but we share some of the points mentioned above. And yes i think its sad yet funny, but its just how life goes on and nothing stays as it is or happens according to your will. But we can make a change by starting with ourselves.

  35. YALAA! sh-salfatich your not posting!!??? tedreen awal i used to tell my friends ina intay a7san wa7da men kil il blogs!? bas lil 2asaf hatha ayam 6alal o noura kentay each night u post il7iin madre shfeech 9yra malee8a no offense low ma 7abeit ur story chan ma giltlech chithe bes plzzz post yala ana ga3da 3ala 39abi 20 mara bil youm adesh ashouf itha u made new posts! wala 9rty nafs bagy il bolgs malyon yom 3ala new posts 7asafa 3alaich.. o btw im a silent reader i dont comment kilish bas sawait an account BAS 3ASHAN athakrech 3an shloun awal kintay 7adech 3ajeeba

  36. hiiii im a slient reader;*! ..
    hehehe 3asa stanstay bil ghabga today?;*
    enshalah itnazleeeeeeen im waiting

  37. abah 5alow el bnya 3la ra7t'ha!! be nicer! waay wai3 shal esloob?!

  38. yimken mash'3oola il bent! ee walah ishal isloob

  39. aham shay imsawya account 3shan ithakreenha shlon kanat 3ajeeba gabel? 7amdela wesheker..

  40. bismilaaaah kalaitaw il bint! :p o tara maskeena ma galat shay kila bel 3adal tabi tgoolaha 3an gabel big deal khalas



  43. To all who agree with the post... "HERE HERE" this is a wakeup call to all ... its time to change back to the way things were ...one day at a time .... starting with you... people will follow.

  44. min il7een bagool baktib essay bs wallah yeswaaa
    awal shay A39AAAAB ily katbeta, thaaany shay may9eer ilsha59 bs igool negatives moo positive
    ok ana sha59eyan 3ala salfat lebronze kaaify abe a9eer tan aby a9eer 7elwa:p o ba3daaain sh7aaarha lema kilmin yalbis polo ya3ny moo BNAAAT? ana saa2la 3an hal maw'6ou3 o 3adey itha lebasna polo!
    o ba3daaain fee mena ilzain o fee mena ilshaaain... many 5el akamil la2ana adree wayhy ibya8leb 6emaaa6a
    wallah itha kanat jedaamy ily katbita ma tathlef min eedy ila 3ogob 5 hours min 7aacheee o atthbetlaha ina ihya '3alaaa6!
