Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Mulish (16)
"safar...?!" i gasped. His secreatary looked at me, surprised by my reaction, i tried to contain myself and calmed myself down, "ahh..emm meta safar "
"ams bilail....6ila3la sho'3l '6aroory fee france..."
"ahaa...." i waited for her to continue bs skitat, "ooo meta ra7 yirja3 ?"
"emmmm maba3rif 3ala 7asab ilsho'3ol bss daiman mabi6awil aktar mn isboo3...."
1 week ?! ollaaaa....
"ahh emm ok mashkoora....bye..." i said as i exited the office.
1 week....he cant just leave faj2a marra wa7da, oo one week mo shwy. magdar at7ammal akoon blsharika oo ohwa mofeeha...
I headed to my office and started working when shoug came,
"zain....deraitay ena s3ood safar..."
"eee oo b3dain..."
"ahh y3ne tadreen...emm enzain tadreen ena youm yrid ra7 nrja3 7ag ba3a'6"
"alla yhaneekom..." i grimly replied. i know that shes jealous of me and s3ood and is trying to do everything within her will to keep me away from him but im smarter than that. i know that shes lieing and i'll just play along.
"ahhh ..." she was somewhat surprised with my response,"hehehehe mashkoora...yalla 5al amshee 3ndi sh'3l.."
ughhhh mo2thiya !!! madry shlon s3ood was once involved with her...hathee ma7ad yit7amalha ehya oo mala8at'ha. i finsihed my work for the day and headed home.
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
The following days followed a certain routine, with me heading to work, getting my job done and heading home. It was boring, i couldnt handle it...its just too much! abeee action abee zafff abeee 3naaad abeee hwaaash abeeee S3OOOD !!!! I just miss him, and after the fourth day i stopped asking his secretary 3an meta eyee lena athayt'ha oo mabeeha tshik feene (hatha etha moshakka feene). ehya galat 7adda sboo3 oo ena safrata 3adattan ma6awil akthar mn chethee soo i'll wait b3d youmain oo inshalla he comes...bss 5ala9 5al yirja3!
day 6
i went to the office and found out that there was no work sent to my computer...hope gradually started building up within me...ma38ooola s3ood ykon rija3 !!! i got up and headed to his office...my heart beating widely. i got in and the secretary looked up,
"ohhhh nseeeet i send ilpaper work...sorry el7een i send it..."
My heart fell, "ahhh...ok"
sooo s3ood still didnt come....i'll wait..its six days tomorrow will be the seventh day. i'll wait till tomorrow.
day 7
i received a message on my computer in my office and it was said that i proceed to s3oods office immediately.
s3ood ya !
happiness welled up inside of me and i smiled. i wouldve ran to his office but fashlaaa ;p i reached his office and the secretary saw me and motioned for me to enter. I gave her a smile, knocked on the door and entered.
and i paused....
"eee na3am..."
"ahh mar7aba tfa'6ilay gi3day...." the man motioned for me.
I sat down.
"stath s3ood wain...?"
"ahh stath s3ood m6awl oo ana ra7 akoon badeela hnee 3alama yrid...."
"m6awil..? shkithir...?" i asked , dreading the answer already.
The man looked up at me, " fatra..."
hatha jawab ya3ne....iffffffff
"filwagt il7aleee ana ra7 akoon hnee oo ra7 titab3ain ta3lematee mithil makntay tsaween ma3 stath s3ood..."
the man senced my discomfort, "lat5afeen inshalla ra7 tirta7ain weyay...tigdereen tro7een el7een..."
i mindlessly got up and headed to the door when he called out, "ahh zain..."
i turned,
"nisait agolich..ana isme a7mad..." he smiled. I nodded my head and got out.
ismik a7mad...but your nothing like s3ood....wainik ya s3oood ;((
2 weeks later.....
still no word from s3ood.....
luv u ;*
gudnight ;)
** شهالديرة اللي .. ما فيها أدباء ولا فلاسفة ولا فنانين ولا شعراء ولا فقهاء ولا علماء ولا رياضيين و لا اقتصاديين ولا أوبرا و لا متاحف ولا آثار ولا معارض ....
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها طيران عمره ما طار بالوقت .... و المضيفين يحتقرون الركاب ...... وما تطير طياراتها إلا حق دكا و دكار بومبي وسيلان !!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. محد فيها يحترم قانون المرور ، و السيارة تنساق مثل ما تنساق سيارات التصادم ... كل من يحد كل من .... وكل من يخز كل من .... وكل من يكره كل من ...... وكل من يقط زبالته بالشارع .... هذا ينظف طفايته بالشارع وذاك يقط كيس الماكدونلد بالشارع وذاك ينخم بالشارع ..... وذاك يطشر قطف زجارته بويه إللي وراه هم بالشارع .... وذاك ياخذ شور بالشارع ..!!! وسلم لي عالأدب !! وتقوله يالحبيب عيب ما يصير !!!! قال لك : كيفي كويتي !!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. اللي فريقها يوصل كأس العالم سنة 1982 و يطلع الأخير بكأس الخليج سنة 2007 !!!! ويفوز بكأس آسيا سنة 1980 .... وما يقدر يوصل نفس الدورة سنة 2007 !!!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. إلي اللاعب فيها لما يسجل هدف .... ربعه اللاعبين يطبون على رئيس النادي و يبوسونه !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. إللي ينطق فيها الضابط بلبسه ... و الطبيب بعيادته ... والمدرس بمدرسته .....!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. كل شي فيها بالواسطة ..... سرير بمستشفى بواسطة ... تعيين بوظيفة بواسطة .... موعد طبيب بواسطة . و الليسن بواسطة ..... وأتدخل أعيالك مدرسة خاصة وتدفع فيها دم قلبك بواسطة .... تلعب بالمنتخب !!! هم بواسطة !!!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. أهم اهتمامات الشباب فيها إن يظبط بنات .... حتى لو غصب ... يفتح باب سيارتها غصب .... يرقمها غصب .... يتل حجابها غصب ....... شنو حرب !!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. البنات المتحجبات يحطون قوطي نيدو تحت حجاباتهم ويقولون .... ستايل !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. إللي الريال يطلع مع زوجته وكل الشباب يخزونها بلا حيا ولا مستحى ....!!! والريال فقير مو عارف شسوي !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. كل شبابها معضلين !!!!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها الخدامات عندهم موبايل .... !! والسايق موبايل ..... والصبي موبايل ....!!! والياهل إللي عمره 3 أيام .... موبايل !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها البنغالية أكثر من عدد الشعب !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. لما تسب واحد مو كويتي تقوله : يالمصري !!! يالسوري !!!! ياالزلما !!!!
وهم تقوله : شفت خشمك !! طاويهك ...... طا حاجبك ..... يالحافي يالمنتف ..... يامعوعو ...!!!! شالحجي الماسخ !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. الشعب صار له 20 سنة يتحلطم على نوعية أعضاء مجلس الأمة !!!! طيب منو انتخبهم ؟؟؟؟؟ سكان الأسكيمو !!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها مذيع الراديو يظغط المتصلين !!!! كله ظغاط ظغاط ظغاط !!! وبعدين .... لو تسأل المذيع وين آيسلندا قالت يم ..... تنزانيا !!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. أشهر مذيع فيها من نوعية : مشعل شايع !!! ما يذكركم بلاري كنغ !!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. التعليم الحكومي فيها تحت الصفر !! ومدرسة الابتدائي تكتب للتلميذات على اللوحة : أنتي فتات ..... يعني : إنت فتاة !!!!!!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها الأوادم السنعة ضايعة .... وبشار الشطي يستقبله بالمطار 20 ألف آدمي !!!!!!!!!!
** شهالديره اللي .. ماتعرف بناتها من شبابها كلهم لابسين polo او نظارة ريبان شنو كلكم نفس الستايل !!!
** شهالديره اللي .. بس تطلع شغله الكل يبي يشتريها حتى لو يتسلف واللحين هابين بتلفون بلاك بيري ويدلعونه يسمونه بيبي ... بالله شالمصاخه ! ايقولون تلفون قز حطه عالطاوله واهو يضبط صج مخوخهم كله بالبنات والمصخره ... جنه ماعندهم اهل مالت عليكم !!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. جرايدها تكتب بالبنط العريض : أحمد داوود صورة مشرفة للشاب الكويتي !!!!!
منو أحمد داوود ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
** شهالديرة اللي .. الكتاب ينباع فيها بربع دينار ..... ومحد يشتري !!!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. كل ما تكلم واحد قال لك : يبيله !!!!! شنو يبيله ؟؟؟؟
** شهالديرة اللي .. كلها صراخ و نجره ولويه وسب و قذف وبوق و حرمنه ورشاوي وشراء أصوات ....... وبعدين يقولون : ديمقراطية !!!!!!!
** شهالديره اللي .. الاهل قامو يحشون في بعض بالمدارس جدام الغرب ولا في مستحى ولا في ادب
** شهالديرة اللي .. حطمت الأرقام القياسية بعدد المرضيات و التزرق من الدوام وبعدين يقولون :
زيدوا معاشاتنا !!!!!
** شهالديرة اللي .. كل من يمر بشارع الحب يتلفت !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. بسنة وحده كل بناتها صارو مفصخات !! هذا الي يقول الي عمره ماتبخر تبخر وحترق) ويعيبون على الغرب !! الغرب صارو استر منكم !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. الكل فيها صارو منافقين يضحكون بالويه او يطعنون بالظهر !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. ريايلها قامو يحشون اكثر من حريمها !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. لمى يفوز واحد برنامج حفظ القرآن محد يستقبلة ولايدرون عنه . او لمى ايي واحد من ستار اكاديمي ولا 30 الف بنطرونه بالمطار !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. مايصلون الى شهر 12أو 6 علشان امتحانات اخر السنه .. وايد ناس قاعده تضحك اللحين
** شهالديرة اللي .. شبابها بالصيف كلهم يبون يسوون برونز !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. شبابها وبناتها كلهم قزيزه اوكل اسبوع بمطعم وكله يشكون ماعندنا فلوس !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. لازم الكل يوم السبت يروح الافنيوز او يقعدون ابلورنزينو يعني قزيزه !!
** شهالديرة اللي .. فيها كل هالبلاوي أو أكثر ويقولون .... الله لا تغير علينا ..!!!!!
و هاذي الكويت صل على النبي
Soooooo what do you think....???
its harsh... the way it was said bsss its true....and either way hathee ilq8 oo no matter what we r proud to be kuwaities!
Mulish (15)
I left the room sencing his eyes on my back. We were about to kiss...kiss ! Im just shocked and surprised with my behaviour...why would i want him to kiss me..? why did i want him to kiss me ?
Thankgod ena kan a5er ildawam...i grabbed my things and headed to my car. i still felt queasy during my ride home. a7s a7s enna im growing feelings towards him. And thats not good.....thats soooo not good. He looks like a womanizer, a man dedicated to his job.....hes soo not the man of my dreams...or is he ? ughhhh ma7ib chetheee im soo confused.
I reached home and got in and found my parents bl9ala. Salamt 3alaihom oo g3adt.
"haaa shlon ildawam baba...?" my dad asked.
"walla zain...ta3ab bs zain..." i smiled.
"3afya 3ala bnayte...yalla inshalla b3d cham shahar youm at2akad enich tmakantay aw gabil ymkn...a7awlich 3ala sharikatna mithil makntay tabeen..."
Do i want that now..? Can i work with no s3ood critisizing me all the way...can i work in a place without the person ..the person that i had this special communication with..? Can i simply walk away and leave him and the company and head after what i always wanted...working in my dads company ?
"zain 7beebty shaklich ta3baan....asaweelich chaai..?"
"la mashkoora yuma...ana ba93ad arayi7ly shwy..." i said and got up to my room. I slept for a couple of hours, woke up, went out with my cousin , then got back with my heart beating slightly as i got to bed...thinking about tomorrow and how it will turn out.
The next day........
"Mr7aba ya zain...nawwar ilmokan..." announced mid7at. I smiled to him and got into the company, grabbed my coffee and headed to my desk. I sipped my coffee and started working on what was left behind from yesterdays work since we were behind. I worked my way through, pausing every now and then to clear my mind from s3ood.
"ahlan zain....elyoum bro7ich..." said shoug. 'elma3arees mohnee..."
"adry oo kaifhom shako fehom entay...."
"ehee emm la walashay bss 7abait agolich y3ne..."
"tara 3ndy 3yoon oo ashoof 3ala fikra y3ne...."
"ahh hehe emmm ....shiftay s3ood elyoum..."
"shda5al stath s3ood faj2a....oo la2 mashifta.."
'ahhh ana hamman..welaht 3alai mn ams mashifta..."
i chose to ignore her and work,
"agolich shay zain...." ishta6at faj2a, she grabbed a chair and sat beside me....i looked at her y3ne shtabeeen. "emmm ana oo s3ood bnirja3 7ag ba3a'6..."
"eee adry enna y7ibne oo ra7 nirja3 ana mit2akda..."
"momkin a3rf shay....entaw laish u broke up...?"
"emm li2ana...li2ana 9ar fee mshkila 9'3eera bss in7alat oo akeed byirja3ly el7een...."
I didnt believe her....and i dont believe that s3ood would want anything to do with her. But i nodded my head anyways and told her to go to work. i sat there and completed my work. My computer beeped and today's work was sent ...i was somewhat surprised...3adattan ana a5tha minna. maybe maybe mn ams y3ne...emm well ok let me start working.
After an hour or so i was done and so i took a deep breath and headed to s3oods office.
I got in and saw the secretary,
"emm 5aleehom houn ya zain..."
"bss ana asalimhom 7aga..."
"ba3rif bss hala2 malada3y faaa tsalmeely ana..."
I grabbed my work and nodded, "ahh emm ok.." i gave her the paper work and stood there.
"fee shee ?"
"emmm la2 bss y3ne benadeene b3dain 3ashan ygole etha sawaita 3adl wala la2..?"
"6ab3an la2....."
"entee mabta3rfee...?"
"a3rf sheno..."
"s3ood safar...."
The breath was knocked right through me !
"safar ?!"
Luv u ;*
Happy fo6oor ;)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Mulish (14)
ra7 ykoon gi9eer bsss better than nothing ;)
After the small party everyone headed to their office and straight to work. I, on the other hand stayed with mariam, jassim, and s3ood chatting in the meeting room.
"faaaaa galleee jassim oo i encouraged him...." i admitted as i took a bite on a pastry.
"abaaaai 7ilfay !!! oo laish matgoleenleee...." cried mariam.
"makan yabeene agool...fa i didnt..."
"awwww y3ne you thought enne mawafi8, " said mariam to jassim, "akeed knt bawafi8"
Jassim smiled.
"emmm shraykom entaw ilma3arees ta5thoon the day off..." sujested s3ood.
Jassim and mariam looked at eachother, "emmm....bss 3ndina sho'3l..."
"3ady yit2ajal shwy...roo7aw stansaw..."
ana hnee 3yoone 6li3at...s3ood ygool chethe ?! sh9aar bl3alam...!?
Mariam and jassim got up and headed out after thanking me and s3ood again. i got up from my chair and started gathering the plates to throw in the bin.
"5alay el7een anadee ilfarasheen...."
"laaa shd3wa....3ady..." i said as i headed to the bin and threw the plates. i came back to gather more plates and i caught s3oods hesitant face. i felt like he wanted to help bsss yimkin he never did or 3nda ena halshay mo7agga yimkn ?! "emmm you can help you know...." i pushed.
"uhhh ee kani tawne knt bagoom...." he got up and folded the sleeves of his dishdasha and stood beside me, "shswy...." he shrugged.
"hehe ummm enta bss yami3 ilcups oo gi6hom..."
"ahhh sahla hathe..." he grinned, he started collecting the cups and i couldnt help but giggle enna s3ood...i mean S.3.o.o.d. is actually doing this. abaaaai shswait fee ana hehe ;p
We threw all the plates and cups away, so s3ood called for the farasheen to come and clean away the rest. He shut the phone and came towards me, "5aleehom 3anich...3a6eene yahom...' he said reaching for the pile of forks and knives that i had piled up in a plate to throw.
"laaa 3ady...." i said and threw them in the bin. The bin was full to this point so shwyat forks 6a7aw minha barra, me and s3ood reached for them the same time and our heads bumped.
"a777..." i giggled rubbing my head.
"offff sh'hal raaas..." said s3ood as he threw the forks in the bin.
"haaaai ...." said s3ood mimicking (spelling?) my voice, "shoofay shlon kilshwy ga3deen y6ee7oon..." motioned s3ood to the forks and knives falling on the floor.
"enzain pick them up ya3ne..."
"3ashan y6ee7oon mara thanya...laibacher man5al9..."
"waaaai shd3wa 3alaaaaaaaik..." i said as i picked them up. He watched with an amused expression as i put them in the bin and seconds later 6a7aw again.
"ifffffffff...enta sheel...dorik...!"
"tadreen enna mo ella mo97..." he raised a sardonic brow at me.
"adry bss ga3deen y8ithoony..."
"5ala9 ana ada5ilhom entay mat3arfeen shay..." he mused. He grabbed them from the floor and threw them in the bin oofa8a9hom shwy. He looked at me with a grin but two forks fell on the floor.He picked them up again....and again....oo kilshwy y6ee7oon. 7asaita ga3d ytnarfaz shwy..."ufffffffff zaaaaaain....!!!!" he said and kicked the bin which caused all the plates and forks and knives to fall on the floor.
I looked at what he just did and giggled, "walla you solved the problem..."
He looked at me and grinned, "el7eeen kilhom 3alar'6 oo mafee blzbala fa a7san....yaboon yi6li3ooon ka 6ala3t'hom!"
"abaaaai s3ood theyre just plastic mawa3eeen....heheheh"
"3ashan may3andoon marra thanya.." he grinned and stood beside me as we leaned against the table and enjoyed the messy view.
"5osh kick by the way..." i took a look at him.
He looked back, "sh3abalich..." he winked.
walla eyanin halwalaaaad....
I smiled even more still looking at him. hes not that heartless after all....i dont get why hes theis way only with me....y3ne etha i told anyone else mara7 y9adgoony. He looked back at me with his mesmerizing brown eyes, he examined my whole face and his grin slowly faded away as he got closer and closer to me. He titled my face up to his slightly using his finger gently. i couldnt believe this...bs i wanted it i really did. He was really close now...i could feel his breath on my lips and i felt myself getting dizzy...more and more.
S3ood stood up abruptly and cursed under his breath and i stayed on the table still weak, trying to get myself together. The farasheen got in and s3ood instucted them to work. i slowly leaned away from the table, s3ood saw me and i could tell that he didnt believe what just was about to happen. He studied me as i walked slowly and exited the room.
Luv u ;***
Happy fo6oor !!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Mulish (13)
Our eyes locked as we smiled. the moment was interrupted by mariam, "heloooooo....im here mohnaaak ;p"
"ha...emmm hehe...."
"walashay...bss isnt he sweet y3ne ena sawalikm kilhathaaa...."
"eeee abaaai 7adi mom9adga y3ne the laaaast person i expected..."
"haaai hes not that mean tara once you know him..."
"ahhhh..." she raised an eyebrow playfully, " y3ne you know him 3adl...."
Jassim called mariam from afar to come to him. "ta3alay 5anroo7..." so we headed over to jassim who was standing beside.......s3ood ;) "mashkooor stath s3ood 9ara7attan mofaja3a 7ilwa...." she told him and stole a glance at me as she smiled. i looked back and giggled. s3oood noticed the exchange but chose to ignore it and replied,
"eee entaw jiz2 mn ilsharika shlon manifra7 feekom...tistahlon akthar...."
"t9adgeen mariam 3ad ana elyoum el9ub7 gitlaa y3ne madry shlon midaa..." said jassim.
"ahh 9ij..." looked mariam at s3ood surprised.
"Ee na3am bs 3ady mt3awd ana 3al sho'3l....sh'3lee 7aar ib 7aar...oo ham maninsaa inna zain" he looked at me, "sa3idatny wayd b3d..."
I blushed like crazy..awal marra he compliments me !!!! awal marra !!!! i was called to check on the cake gabl maygi9oonha soo i scurried away.
Hala (an employee blsharika), "mayabeela shmoo3 mo9a7..."
"laaa shako...bs ygi9oona..." i said as i adjusted the cake in the center of the table. "wain ilsacheena...?"
"emmm madry..5al aroo7 ashof wainha..." and she went away. I watched her go away and i scanned the crowd in the room. Everyone was shocked....mogadreen y9adgoon ena s3ood (the strict-mean-heartless s3ood) actually organized this for mariam and jassim. okay i get enna he gets kindof mean sometimes...no actually alot..bs still sheno 7asbalhom ena hes a robot mn'3air feelings ya3ne...! i looked up at s3ood and he was laughing with an employee blsharika oo mskeena shakilha kan mobas m9a6il bss she nodds at whatever hes saying...mom9adga ena he's awalan talking to her...thanyan hes smiling to her and not critisizing her . i giggled, s3oods eyes caught me giggling as i looked at him, he raised a sardonic brow at me and headed towards me.
"momkin a3arif laish kilmatshofeene t'6i7keen..?" he grinned.
I shook my head, "walashay.." as i smiled.
"t3ta38dain enhom stanisaw...?"
I looked up at him oo staw3abt ena he was talking about mariam oo jassim...i nodded my head vigorously at him.
"enzain shwy shwy 3ala rasich...."
"hehe sorry..."
"laish tit2asifain..."
"madry..." i smiled up to him.
"walla law mo entay elyoum chan ma3rft shswy...." he admitted looking at mariam and jasssim then at me.
I stared into his sincere face, "mashkoor....oo stanast enik gtlee oo sa3dtk.."
"kahi ilsacheena....hala stath s3ood...." said hala, "zain...?"
knt sar7ana oo momintabha 3alli ga3d y9eer.
"ha...e7m na3am..."
"ay sacheena...? ahh ee emm 7i6eeha hnak..." i noticed s3ood adjusting his '3itra trying to hide his grinning face from me. i gave him a look....and walked away smiling.
"zain...?" i turned my face and saw shoug smiling to me...iffff shtabe hathe. "bss 7abait agool ena waw elle sawaitee wayid 7ilo..."
"mo ana elle sawaita stath s3ood oho elle sawaa..."
"yalla 3ad zain...we both know s3ood..oo nadry ena momsawee hatha..."
"esma stath s3ood..." i glared at her.
"oh...asfaaa..." she said in her annoying voice, "staaath s3ood wala tz3ileen..."
"dam enich 3iraftay tgoleen isma 5al aroo7 ana a7sanly..." i said and walked away...7mara! i went to mariam and jassim and called them to the table to cut the cake. They headed to the table and stood beside eachother and s3ood behind them and the other employees surrounding the table. i stood beside the food on the table trying to make sure that everything is ok and trying to cool my temper too mn shoug. i didnt notice ena s3ood said a small speech and i caught my name in it, i looked up and the whole room was looking at me, i smiled.
"zain ta3alay ogfay yamna..." said mariam. i went over to her and stood beside her..infront of s3ood...his scent was all around me and i felt like i wana stay here forever ! they cut the cake and we all clapped oo chethee b3dain people headed to the food and i went over to check if they need anything wala shay. i wasnt hungry at all so i just chitchatted with people.
"e7m zain...?"
"hmm..." i turned around and saw s3ood with two plates of cake.
"laa maby ana..."
"mako la2...i5thay adry enich tabeen..."
"hmm okaaay...." i reached for a plate, he pulled back.
"haai hatha 9a7ny...hatha 7agich.." he motioned with the plate in his other hand.
"ooookaay..."i took the plate.
"lena hathee ilgi63aa akbar oo ana abeha..."
"ahaaa...hehe...." i said and took a bite. i've never seen s3ood laugh or smile this much in one day...the employees in the sharika were shocked with his behaviour today, i mean not only did he organize a great party for two of the employees, he was conversing with them about casual stuff and i soon learned that what surprised them the most was that they never....never....wasted working hours like that...never ! and one of the employees smiled at me...and i could feel her message without her speaking...i knew that what she wanted to add was.. that they never wasted working hours like that not until i arrived.
Luv u ;***
P.S. La7a'6taw shlon wayd tkalamt 3n akil...ahhh im hungry ;p
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mbarak 3alaikom ilshahar ;**
-il lgaimaat oo 9ab iljafsha oo iltashreeba oo ilyireesh oo ilhareees oo waaaaw kilshay 7attan ilmagaleee y9eer 6a3amhom '3air brmi'6an ;p (ashkara ga3da ashahee ro7ee ;p) a7ib gabl ilfo6oor bshwy a7oos blma6ba5 ashaheee 3mreee..a7i6 malyon alf shay bakla bss youm atfa6ar ashb3 bsir3a (7asafa ;p)
oo madry etha other countries do it bss bl q8 oo 8all halshay bss e7na we still do it ena gabl ilfo6oor bshwy n6arish food 7ag our neighbours oo they do too...shay wayd 7ilo ;) oo ham family y6arshoon 7ag ba3a'6 akil oo chethee....(lool inshalla matkalam 3n ilakil wayid ;p)
-'3air ilakil feee el overall atmosphere...y3neee b3d elfo6oor elnas tbalish ti6la3 laaai wagt mt2a55er...3ady 1 am oo lail7en fee awadm blmalls aw blma6a3m 7ag si7oor ;)
-hathaa '3air ilzwaraat oo il'3abgaat oo nilbis dararee3na nitkasha5 feehom ;p
ooo emmmm...
-ilmosalsalalt 9ayreen shwy mala8a oo mokarareen wayid..bss in6ali3lina wa7id aw athnain 7ilween oo ntabo3hom oo chetheee...
-BAS....feee moshkilaaa alaaa wahiya....ena we gain weight !!! fee nas they loose bs ana i
gain ;( lena aakil 7ilo oo wayd ashyaa2...oo ham lena ilso7oor mt2a5er i think 3shan chethee..hmmm...bsss la2 this rmi'6an ra7 a'63af mabe amtan...7aram tawne radda mn ilsifar oo 9ayra sh'6i3fy sha7lailee...7aram aridhom 9ara7attan ;p
-I know i said enna ilpostat bit'hill 3alaikm bsss theyre not o:) hmmm ok im gonna start posting again mn bacher gabl ilfo6oor for you guys...;))) ra7 ykonoon shwy short lena 9ayma oo mali5lg oo chethee bss i'll post 7atta law shwy inshalla ...
Ooo bas...;))
luv u ;**
3asakom mn 3awadaa ;**
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mulish (12)
I rolled over and picked up my phone, "aloo..."
I pulled the phone away from my ear shwy, "meno....?"
"ahhh hii..shfeech mshta6a mn 9iba7 alla 5air..?"
"mara7 t9adgeen shno 9ar ams...."
"shno 9ar..." even though i guess i know what happened.
"jassim 5i6abni..."
"waaaw jassim..jassim ma'3aira...?"
"eeeee..!!!! ya7laila yshawg...3mre mat5ayalt ena halshay be9eer...."
"hehe...enzain oo entay shrayich..."
"emmm y3ne jassim 5osh walad oo wayd 6ayib oo mnziman a3rfa oo...."
"y3ne ee...."
"ummm ee...."
"alaaaa wanasaaaaaaaaaa..!!!!! meta il3rs ??"
"bsmilaaa 5animlich blawal...hehe"
"enzain y3ne el7een en5i6abtaw ..."
"eee klshay tam bs biga y7adidoon maw3d elmilcha oo klshay y9eer rasmeee...abaaai hehe mom9adga..."
"yalla mabrook 3ayal....waaw cant wait oo ashofkom elyoum blsharika hehehe..."
"ee abai ast7yyyyy...."
"hahaha shakooooo.....act normal...abai cute ...love story blsharika..."
"hehe okay yalla gomaay tara maboga shay 3aldawam..."
"laa bs shaklich killish monayma ams.."
"7adda la2....!!! akbar daleel ene 6a3 sa3a cham dagga 3alaich hehe.."
"la7a'6t...;p ok yalla c u blsharika....oo tikashi5ay mawa9eech.."
"hahah ok..."
I shut the phone and headed to the bathroom ... what a nice way to start a day ! i put on a navy pencil skirt and a ruffled purple top and tied my hair into a sleek pony tail and headed to work.
"ezayik yaa zain...ilibtisama mn il9ob7.." smiled the 7aris.
"eee hehe..."
"alla ydeemha..."
"mashkoor ya mid7at..." i said and entered the sharika. i grabbed me coffee and headed to the elevator. i started sipping my coffee but failing to take the smile off of my face. And i felt like it was contagious cuz the people in the elevator would see me and smile to me too. The elevator kept stopping at different floors and the elevator was getting less crowded 'till i only remained. i turned and faced the mirror and laughed at the stupid grin that was plastered on my face. ahhh im just so happy for mariam....other than the fact that im in a perfect mood today. i stopped laughing and felt like i was crazy just laughing alone in an elevator. But i couldnt help it and everytime the elevator door would open it would take all my energy not to explode infront of the busy employees outside.
floor 15....16....
yalla i better get my act together maboga shay oo no9al floor19..
i cleared my throat and ran my hand over my head and adjusted my skirt. t3arfoon ilsho3oor elle youm youre in a laughing mood oo u just cant shut up !! hatha elle ana fee el7een...ooo youm abe asakit roo7e ma a9mid akthar mn cham thanya ella oo i smile again. i took a deep breath. the elevator door opened and s3ood stepped in, he looked at me facing the mirror with a smile on my face and i felt like he wanted to throw some sarcastic comment at me but he just said "hala zain" and faced the door. i turned around and looked at his back, soo i guess were back to the boring-serious s3ood.
Floor 17....18....
I smiled and shook my head, but the smile welled up within me and a giggle escaped my lips. s3ood turned his head slightly to the side then faced the elevator door again. I giggled again, y3ne killish mowagt ilgiggles el7eeen, and kilmarra asakit 3mre i giggle again 7asait roo7ee yahil. S3ood turned and saw me with a questioning look in his eyes and shakla kan mitnarfiz shwy,
"fee shay y'6a7ik ..??"
"umm la2..." i said and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I lowered my eyes, i looked back up at him again and saw his lips twich slightly as he shook his head.
TING ! Floor 20...
"matabeen e6el3een...?"
"uhhh la2 ana floor 19 baroo7...."
"3ayal laish manizaltay tawamsa3.."
"emmm madry...." i smiled. This time he chuckled shwy, pressed 19 and stepped out of the elevator. I reached my floor and went straight to my desk and as usual it was stacked with paper work for s3ood ! i started working right away...i stopped shwy every now and then to catch a glimpse of the love birds (jasssim and mariam) shlon yshsawgoon...i would smile and get back to work. When i finally finished i got up and headed to s3oods office on the top floor. i walked into his secretary office and she told me that s3ood was expecting me.
"emm hala stath s3ood...." as weird as it may sound.
he looked up from his desk and motioned for me to sit down. i sat down and handed him the paper work, he took a glance at it and set it down. I looked at him confused.
"zain bakalmich ibmaw'6oo3..."
"uhh...9ij..." i said still looking at the paper work.
"eee...y3ne agi9 3alaich..."
i looked up at him and smiled, "uhh ok..." then i looked back at the paper work.
"ensay ilawrag el7een..."
"umm ok...gool..." i said and stared right into his chocolate warm eyes.
"ana a7taj mosa3adtich...ibshay"
"na3am...?! ana ?!"
He nodded.
"emm ok...uhh ib sheno..."
And he told me everything for A to Z.
"agdar a3timid 3alaich...."
"akeeeeed !!" i grinned.
"ok yalla 3ayal...ma3ndina wagt..."
"ok...." i smiled and headed out of his office. The secretary saw my smile and the confused look on her face was hilarious. I headed to my desk to grab my bag and head out when mariam saw me,
"zain wain ray7a ?"
"umm 3ndy cham sha'3la lazm asaweeha oo ard.."
"ok bss stath s3ood called for a meeting b3d sa3a..."
"umm laa mara7 a6wl inshalla...bye.." i said and scurried out. i got into my car and got to work straight away with what s3ood told me fast considering the short amount of time he set for me.
When i finished i headed to the sharika and mid7at came to me,
"haa ya zain..5ala9tee...?" i nodded.
"kaa ila'3ra'6 blsayara..." i told him and headed up to the office. i checked my watch...10 minutes left !!!! i headed to the meeting room and found s3ood there with some employees helping him around...everything was set and mid7at brought the stuff i bought and set them into place and everything was perfect. i clapped mn kithir maknt mshta6a and s3ood saw me and grinned. faisal and ahmad gathered the employees in the meeting room. i was looking around for a lighter to light the candles, i saw s3ood, "wala3a bsir3a..."
"shlon ma3ndk..."
"shno y3ne lazm ada5in..." he gave me a lopsided grin.
"ahhh good...bss a7taj wala3a.." one of the men gave me one and we lit the candles.
"kahom kahom yaw....!!" cried mona and we all turned silent.
They stepped in and, "MABROOOOOOOOK!!!!" we all cried. The look on mariam and jassim's faces were priceless. Mariam teared up and jassim's smile was amazing. We all rushed to them and hugged and congratulated them 3ala 5i6bat'hom.
I found mariam and i went to her, "ahhhhhh mabroooook..." i said and i hugged her.
"latgoleenle hathe fikritich...."
i shook my head, "fikrat s3ood..." i smiled.
"walla...." my smile grew and i looked up at s3ood who heard me and we smiled at eachother and i realized at that moment how proud i am of him !
Luv u ;***
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mulish (11)
short i know bss walla tawne radda mn ilsifar oo ive been meeting with alot of friends welaht 3alaihom
SHNO..?!?! T7IBNY ?!
Wigaft ib mokane
LAAA LAA akeed masima3t'ha 3adil
iltifat wala ashoofha wagfa ibmokanha oo eedha 3ala 7aljha e6ali3ne. wigaft a6ali3ha oo ehya e6ali3ne ma7ad feena ra'6ee yitkalam. y3ne ana msta'3rib 9ara7attan...et7ibny marra wa7da ?! mnwain 6la3at hathee...?? y3ne ehya 9arlaha cham sboo3 weyay blsharika oo bhal wagt ana maga9art kilyoum zafha oo ba'3ait a6ridha oo el7een tgole a7ibik ?! offff a7is wayhe 7ada msa6il ! 5al titkalam...ayshay....shsawy aroo7 ? asawee ro7e masima3t ?
9ij ene balasht arta7laha shwy y3ne 5osh bnt ma3ina m3athyatne wayd bss 5osh wa7da....bsss magdar a7ibha. e7na ma3ba3a'6 blsharika oo wayd ra7 y9eer ilwa'63 9a3ab 5o9oo9an ene mara7 agdar a7ibha . ana 7ilaft enne ma7b b3d ...b3d elle 9ar feene gabl cham sina we3adt roo7i enne ma7i6 nafse blmaw8if nafsa marra thanya.
meta nawya tnazil eedha mn7aljha oo titkalam...???? akeed mn7arja....5al amshee....
Abai sima3ne .....?!!! abaaaai shno ana 7mara wala 7mara !!!! Mn wain 6la3at a7ibik.....?! shsawy el7eeen,....sharagi3.....abaaai ga3d e6ali3ne ohwa akeed in9idam mskeeen....
bsss laaaa2 abai 7ada la2 ma7iba shno mako sho'3l....yzifne kl youm oo walashay asawee y3jiba ..hatha '3air '3oroora elle ynarfizne...a9lan ohwa mnkobra ynarfizne...6a3 shlon ga3d e6ali3ne el7een...waaaaay shfeeneeee.....?!!?!??!? 9ij ena sa3dny shwy ma3 5alid tawa...actually wayid oo iktishaft ena fee shwyat 6eeba tawamsa3 blmaktab youm shaal ilpeice of glass from my hand bssss hatha moya3ny enne a7iba....i repeat,,,, moya3ne inne a7iba !!!!
emmm zain el7een shbasawee...agolaaa mo7agk...aw ma8i9adtk ??? laaa laaa shako,,,,, emmm agola agolaaaaaa....mako ella a36ee na'6ra oo amshee....bs laa shako masawa shay ilrayal.....
He's moving...?!shno beroo7..??laa2 he cant go lazm asawee shay fashlaa etha raa7....uhh uhhhh think THINK !!!
Waw...malegait ella hatheee....
"emmm 8a9de....8a9de enne ana .....ana..."
Is his lips twitching....abai yawaila etha they are...ana wagfa hnee mayta mn ilfashla oo 7a'6rita yabe yi'67ak ?! He motioned with his hand for me to go on....
"laa2....i mean ee...la2 la2..." i looked at him and i could see his face full of humor.....charming verrrrryyyy charming humor...la2 stop it !!!! shako yi'67ak shakooo.... "eeeee ma7ibik...."
He put on a lazy smile, "y3ne mat7ibene..."
I shot him an irritated look.
"ok ok lat7ibeene..."
"matabene a7ibik...?"
"laish hammich t3arfeen..."
"uhh la2 mohamne...." i retorted.
He grinned, "3yal laish etsi2leen..."
"mbala tawch si2altay...."
"walla etha athoonk feeha shay hathee mshkiltik lene mas2lt....a9lan shako as2al..."
"ha ! y3ne si2altay..."
"la2 g3d agolik laish as2al...hatha moya3ny ene si2alt..." he kept grinning, " lati'67ak...!!"
"mo ga3d a'67ak..."
"laaa 3ayal hatha shno..."
"laish hammich..motgoleen enich mat7ibeene..."
Touche' !
I gave him a look "ana bamshe...."
"alla weyach..."
"enzain la6ali3...."
"mngal ga3d a6al3ich..."
I shook my head...this is getting redicolous....shiftaw akeed ma7iba..shlon a7iba oo digeega magdar ag3ad weyaa...
I started walking...
"zain..!!" he called.
"sayartich mohnee..warra..."
oo 9a7....
"adry mo ella tgolee..."
"tabe t3arf laish..lene mabee amor yammik yalmalee8...." i said and looked at him. He looked at me with an amused look in his eyes. And i just looked back furiously, and i realized something for the first time. Ive never seen this side of him ! ive always known s3ood as the serious, ma'3roor, workaholic guy...but never like this. I felt happy shwy...i did after all cross the barrier he has set..and i think that im the only one who has ever done it ;) i smiled despite myself as realization hit me. s3ood looked at me..now, confused with my change in mood....he stared at me for a while then he suddenly straightened up, cleared his throat, and put on that im-s3ood-you-should-fear-me look and walked away. I guess im not the only one who realized something....
and i couldnt help it....my smile grew even wider as i headed to my car.
luv u ;***
Gudnight ;))
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Mulish (10)
i didnt plan to post elyoum bss i did bs il post 9'3eer ;p anyhow...
"5alid ?!" i looked at him surprised.
"zain ahhh zain...a5eeran legaitich..."said 5alid as he walked towards me. i froze, watching 5alid advance towards me. i turned and saw s3ood standing beside me looking at 5alid too. He then turned and faced me, his face....confused!
ana bs msa6la...ashoof 5alid b3dain altifit oo ashoof s3ood...manigadra astaw3b elle ga3d y9eer. oo kilshay kan in slow motion walla..y3ne it took 5alid like forever to reach me. oo the more he got closer the more my heart started 5arifing..3ady malyon beat bldigeega.
"meno hatha...?" asked me s3ood.
I looked at him, "hatha..? umm hatha...hathaa...." by that time 5alid reached us.
"zain..!!! lazim akalmich lazim...!"
"5alid enta shg3d tsawee hneee...????" i asked.
"abe akalmich ..lazim nlagee 7al..."
"ay 7al ....ay 7al 5alid...mako 7al...fa please roo7..." i said and turned my head. 5alid grabbed my arm,
"la2 zain...lazim nlagee 7al e7na n7ib ba3a'6..."
3yoon s3ood zain ma6li3aw youm sima3 5alid.
"5alid please bs roo7..."
"waaai 5alid enta matifham gtlik roo7..." i said and tried to shrug my hand from his.
s3ood finally stepped in, "sheel edik 3anha..."
5alid looked up at s3ood china tawa ystaw3b ena wagif, "sheno..?"
"gtlk....sheel eedik 3anha.." repeated s3ood his voice soo calm that it sent shivers up and down my spine.
5alid dropped my hand, "meno enta...?? mno hatha zain....masra3 malegaiteelich wa7d thany...."
"na3am..?!" i gasped.
"isma3ny..." motioned s3ood with his arm, with his facial muscles working, "thammin kalamik a7sanlik.... "
"oo enta meno...?"
"malik sho'3ol oo latsa2il wayd as2ila....iglib wayhik oo imsh yalla..."
"oo enta meno 3ashan agolee amshee.....la7'6a enta laish mda5il roo7ik blmaw'6oo3.....? hatha ilshay bainee oo bainha..."
"zain..." called s3ood.
i jumped, "n-na3am..."
"tabeen tkalmeena...?"
"tabeen titfahimain weyaa..."
i shook my head.
"5ala9 3ayal....5athait jawabik...yalla tigdar troo7 il7een oo eyaane weyak t3atib ilsharika marra thanya..."
5alid stared at him for a while, he was angry...fumming. He then looked at me..hard, i looked away m5tar3a minna til finally he stepped back ,"mashee zain...mashee.." and walked away.
Me and s3ood stood there watching him until he got into his car and was out of sight. I took in a deep breath...realizing inne knt ga'6ba nafasi 6ool ilmoda. s3ood turned and saw me, his eyes still peircing. he studied my face for a while then finally said, "yalla rikbay sayartich..." in a cold tone.
What must he think of me now...?? abaiii laish chethee laish ???
My eyes teared up, i started to move but my legs gave out on me and i collapsed on the floor. Within seconds s3ood held me up with his strong arms and walked me to a nearby car where i leaned against it for support. he let go of me and opened the first two buttons of his dishdasha.
I started crying, my whole body raked with sobs. s3ood stood there without a word just staring at me then he turned away and gave me his back. i stared at his back and noticed how stiff it was, his posture was tense and its all because of me. Moments ago he was kidding around with me and was kind enough to walk with me to my car and now....now he...he surely despises me.
"s-s3ood..." i managed to say. i have to explain to him elle tawa 9ar...mabe yfakir enna bainee oo bain 5alid fee shay lena mako its over ! 5alid chose to cheat on me oo lazm yt7amal elle sawwaa. madry laish im justifying myself 7agga bss mabe y'3ayir na'6rita feene. i know ena he cares about me..9ij ena maybayn bs a3rf. ana bilyallaaa i broke the barrier between us oo gidart i talk shwya freely with him oo mabee halshay y5tirib. i have to make him understand lena ra7 ajabla kilyoum oo mabee ykoon bainatna ayshay mowa'6i7. oo ham lazim ashkira 3alli sawaaa lena law makan weyay chan alla yister shno kanat 7alte ma3 5alid.
"na3am..." he replied and turned his face to the side with his back still to me.
"e-elle 9ar tawa...emm..."
"mabe a3rf..." he faced me.
"bs lazim t3rf ene..."
"mayhimne....ana elle 3alai sawaita...." he stared at me with his cold eyes, "yalla rikbay sayartich...elle 9ar 9ar..." he said and turned around.
"s3ood...." i called out. he hesitated in his steps but continued walking. "s3oood..." i called out again, my voice weak and it quavered a bit, "s3ood..." i called out with my eyes tearing up. He stopped. I pushed myself away from the car and walked over to him. "s3ood latz3al minni..."
"zain..entay ta3bana lazim tro7een ilbait trta7ain.." he replied in an irritated voice.
I shook my head, "maby,,"
"zain roo7ay ilbait oo rta7ay...oo i5thay bacher off ba3ad"
"b3dain zain..." he said and i saw ilta3ab b3yoona oo 3awarni galbi. i nodded. He turned again and walked and the more he walked the more i felt alone....lost.
The more he walked the more i felt this amounting pressure within me building up, i didnt know what it was, i dont understand why im feeling this way. Its weird and new and....
I clamped my hand shut over my mouth as soon as i blurted it out. I hoped that he didnt hear me...i froze in my place, hoping...praying that he didnt hear me but too late.....he already stopped !!!!
Luv u ;***
Gudnight ;))))
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Guess who's back ;D
I missed u guys soooooooo much....;***
welaht 3ala my blog oo my story ...latshofoon wayhe shlon mshta6 oo ana aktib this post;p
LONDON was great as usual though i must confess ena malait a5er cham youm bs it was wanasa none the less.
emmmm ya so radait o ashkara ur gona expect posts from kaboot oo ur gona get them akeeeeed bs give me cham youm i settle in 3adl oo ba3dain ra7 et'hil 3alaikom ilpostat ;)))
luv u ;****